Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Breaking News! MK Creator Ed Boon Jumps Out Window! :wink:


Looks like the real Terry Bogard is joining Fighting Layer Ex’s roster instead of SNK’s own waifu fighter.

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Was just about to post that FEXL trailer. Is that Vice at the end or Sharon? The game’s getting an arcade release so I hope that means there will be a physical release at some point too.

FEXL grand finals @ EVO, AKA the fighting game of the generation.


just discovered that yoko taro uses the “Celestial Alphabet”
created by a guy from the renaissance by the name of heinrich agrippa

and you can see it all throughout Automata.

i was wondering what that weird written language is doing in the game
yoko taro…you mindfucking me bruh


I’ve been replaying Saints Row 3 recently and it’s still fun as hell. Shit I also replayed Saints Row 2 again and it’s still a blast.


sheeeeeit, SR 2 still has one of the funniest moments I’ve ever seen in a game… that mission where you can steal a septic tank truck and proceed to spray shit all over the city, while some other dude with you is laughing and cracking jokes the whole way… the cops try to stop you and of course you can just spray them down with the brown too…even killing them with the power of that shit-juice. Seriously, I’ve never laughed so hard at a game as I laughed that day. Later on there’s a special demolition derby of all septic tank trucks called a DOOKIE DERBY. It has been several years since this game and nothing has topped that for me… I laughed 'til I cried.

I still need to beat part 4 though… I’ve had it since day 1 and still haven’t finished it.

Death’s Gambit really looks like something I’d get into… I would just prefer it be on Switch though…I’m hoping for a port.

I liked SRIV a lot. I finished it back on PS3 followed shortly by finishing Gat out of Hell both on PS3 and PS4.

I have Agents of Mayhem and I plan to play that soonish. I’m pretty burnt out on open world games from last-gen and especially this one, but the Saints Row series manages to be fun in an open world setting by giving you so much shit to mess around with. Everything is exaggerated to hell and back and the series is a 100X more fun because of it. The game can be fun just collecting collectibles in 4/GOH because of the awesome mobility moves you have. Most games have collectibles shoehorned in for trophies/cheevs and they’re not fun to go for, but Saints Row makes it fun and on top of this they give you skill points to boost your stats/learn new moves when you collect them.

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sheeeeit, I really wish some company would revive the legendary Vampire: The Masquerade IP for some modern games… it seems like such a stupid thing to have this IP just sitting around NOT making money right now in the video game industry…

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I personally find the Saint’s Row series to be vulgar, but 4 had enough cool sci-fi, video game parody sequences, and super hero themes to make it enjoyable. I only wish there was a way to improve its audio as the sound levels are all over the place with no way to properly adjust them and there is a constant annoying background hum during the simulation.





That reveal was so out of left field its gonna take a while to get over. He better do the Negan dip.


The Negan pimp lean has to be in!!

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He is probably gonna do it in his rage art before hitting them with the final hit with Lucille. Either that or his rage art is the ‘taking it like a champ’ lucille beat down

Jeremy Dean Morgan has to do voice!!!
I’ll except no substitutes.

We now have Akuma vs. Geese vs. Negan in a Tekken game


Somewhere Ed Boon is upset he didn’t think of this first.


Unfortunately, Ed Boon jumped out of a window after someone asked him about MK11


He shouldn’t have called out Sega about Virtua Fighter 6