Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

That’s because Japan still favors physical media over digital. Unlike North America where the acceptance of digital media is at a point where physical is a niche. Console hasn’t gotten there yet but it might by the next generation.

Ehhhh I think something has to be up with GTAV, man. This damn game is nearly 5 years old at this point…and somehow it’s ALWAYS at the top of the charts? Why does it not ever slow down at all? Everything else reaches a point where everyone that would’ve been interested (including the “late” people that waited for whatever reason) has bought it. It will be interesting if someone unravels that mystery and finds out there’s some kind of “shenanigans” afoot there. It just seems questionable to me that the shit is still selling so much like it was just released yesterday.

On another note, I am still recovering from the Jump Force trailer revealing that Bleach characters, including our Lord and Savior AIZEN are indeed playable, holy shit that is a day 1 for me. :open_mouth:

VR edition of Hellblade. 360 degree rotation view video. if you arent on touchscreen use the little d pad on the upper left side of the vid to rotate the camera.



Just for the record Okami’s Japanese version can be played in English if anyone is interested in having it physical…

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You know whats really fucking stupid about the PS4 and Xbox One versions of the Spyro Trilogy
Discs are hella cheaper than cartridges. For the sake of argument lets say as they are similar technology and materials a Nintendo Switch cart is about the same price to make as a similar sized SD card, so with the carts capacity we say it cost Nintendo what like $5 to make the physical game, and another at the most 25 cents for the case (bulk rates).

You know how much it cost to make a CD, DVD or Bluray, especially how Sony and Microsoft goes about, a few cents. It cost us maybe 15 cents to burn a disc if you get that 100 disc pack, it cost Sony and Microsoft not even 5 cents to print out their discs (commercial discs are printed not “burned”). It would cost Activision an extra 5 cents to make a 2nd disc, an extra 5 cents and they are selling a decades old game at what $40 retail?

Fucking cheap asses.


Yea can’t get behind you on the Switch thing either, I have x1-6 on my Vita (Hacked) and they barely break like 2 gigs in size. It’s even worse for the OG Megaman games, Got 1-8 alo on the Vita and it wasnt until i put the PS1 MM8 game on the machine that i broke the gig and half mark and I’d bet dollars to donuts that size bloat came from audio files.


Tell that to today’s crop of idiots.

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Audio Files as well as Dummy Files. Audio files take alot of space, especially if they are CD-A format which can’t be down-sampled. CD-A used as standard audio CD tracks on Audio CDs, The PS1 and Dreamcast love using CD Audio (aka Red book audio) as the music track
If the game don’t use Red book audio, the files can be down-sampled to a lower bit rate, perhaps taken from stereo to mono to reduce the file size. Dummy Files are garbage, just huge completely blank files designed to take up all the free space design to get the CD drive to read the file more efficiently. For PSP Isos, I usually delete the Dummy file to get the ISO smaller. Talk about a 1GB game going down to 700MB or less with a deletion of a single file that holds nothing but Zeroes in Binary information.

Or perhaps the games weren’t finished when the game went gold and the discs were printed. You all love to jump to conclusions.

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In the case of megaman collections, thats capcom dumb shit. I don’t understand how all thos games can’t fit on single cartridge. They didnt do anything to those games afaik that would take up that much space for it them not to be on the disc. I don’t understand that.

In terms of cartridges in general im a bit more lenient because they don’t have as much space on them so when 2K is already trying to squeeze and compress their ps4/xbone game down onto the cartridge and they say ’ hey uh…we can’t fit all this in here…you are going to have to DL a chunk of this’ I get that, I understand that. I don’t like it but I get it. I don’t have anything to say regarding the Bayo issue between japan and US in regards to phys and dig. I would have liked to have both phys in the case but Im sure NoA decided they could cut costs on cartridges and made that decision.

Capcom is thinking of doing other remakes

Fucking bullshit excuse.
Don’t be an apologist to Activation’s shitty practices. Everyone and their mother knew that shit should of been on disc. All 3 games used the same assets, game engine, and the level design was done long ago.

There no reason for the collection to have all 3 games as physical copies. If they had to make a 2nd disc, make a 2nd Disc.

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Yeah Capcom is usually on some bullshit when it comes to their ‘collections’ recently. Specially with Switch carts, since they take smallest carts and ask the players to download the rest to save money. Still surprised on them doing this to a blu ray title but the industry wants to kill physical and most don’t try to hide it.


is street fighter anniversary on steam rollback or input delay netcode?

So me not jumping to conclusions makes me an apologist.

Makes sense with your logic.

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Tekken 7, BlazBlue CrossTagBattle and SFV have a free Weekend Period for the next 3 days on Steam/PC


All I know is there are several reasons why I’ve abstained from getting a Switch [as yet].

Nintendo doubling down on the shittiness of ports via piecemeal delivery of games is… at the very least a rather substantial chunk of one of them. :wink: