Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

The irony is that you cared enough to reply…

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Oh, I know that.

I absolutely loved the whole “Scooby Doo” aspect of the P4 gang, too

But a lot of that was the writing.

I heard that P5 does more of a literal translation, rather than a translation of intent.

P4 was the latter, and so much better for it.

Give my games the Ted Woolsey treatment over the fan trans of FF6, errydey.

I absolutely care tell you I don’t care about your opinion, but I don’t care about that opinion itself.

This is the dumbest back and forth I’ve seen on SRK in quite a while. Please, both of you, stop.


Honestly, if Persona 4 did not have so many similarities to Scooby Doo my opinion of it would have likely been less positive as I watched tons of the show back in the day. At the end I half expected the villain to say, “… and I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for these meddling kids!”

There have been approximately 4 different translations of Final Fantasy VI, so I am rather curious which version is the Ted Woosley one?

Woolsey did 'Murikan 3/Nippon 4: Spoony Bard Edition

The fanslation of 6 painstakingly translated it word for word.

Yes, painstakingly.

Like a stake through the verbal centers of your brain.

Or at the very least, needles.

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Visit the American Government thread some day.

Pick a day at random… pretty much any day will do.

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I just read up on him. Apparently the line, “Son of a submariner!” was his. This slightly confused me at first as I played some fan translation with that dialogue. Still, such lines are fantastic in the way they add humor to a situation and totally remind me of Cave Story. :rofl:

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It’s like reading the subs for Cowboy Bebop vs just listening to the dub.

The dub is excellent, and spoken the way people might actually talk, in English.

The sub, while good, is off enough that it’s very much inadvertently noticeable that it is a product originating in Japan.

It also helps that they had the voice acting talents of Steven Blum.

Hey guys if you don’t have a Vita but have a decent PC you can now check out Ys: Memories of Celceta:

It’s one of my favorite games on the Vita and is one of my favorite games in the Ys series. If you enjoy fast-paced action RPG’s you will like this game. I’m still salty I was missing like 1-2 treasure chests for the platinum trophy after 2 playthroughs(which I enjoyed the hell out of by the way.)

In other news I hit level 99 in Path of Exile which was my goal and am now taking a bit of a break from the game until the “flashback” league starts on August 4th. If you’re on the fence about the game, August 4th is the perfect time to give it a shot. When you walk into any new area, you’ll be greeted by 100’s of monsters on screen at once thanks to the crazy flashback mechanics. It’s insanely fun and there’s loot+experience out he ass. 100% free to play by the way, so yeah. Try this game!


Platinum Games next game. its gonna be on android and apple.

this shit better have counter and witch time.

edit: scratch that. no witch time but a sort of perfect evade which lets you do a sort of okami finisher, which is cool. no counter from what i see.


i might as well put up all of Platinum’s games that are coming out

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Monster Hunter World sells 8 mill before pc release

Videogamedunkey - stick fight

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I can’t wait for Spiderman to be released so we’ll stop fucking hearing about that game.


Project Re: Link better get released in the West or i’m gonna be livid.

Dragon ball xenoverse series as a whole has shipped and sold digitally over 10 mill

De blob 2 is coming to switch aug 8th

WOOOOOOOOOOO hit my goal for the current Path of Exile league d00dz.

I managed to get a crazy item in the game called “Headhunter” this league that I’ve never had before. What it does is it steals the mods of any rare monster that you kill for 20 seconds and it stacks. For example if a monster has a +extra damage aura, you get that aura and so do your allies/minions too. I was running a level that spawned rare monsters like crazy and I managed to rack up 6.5 million @ a 0.02 attacks per second. Yes, 0.02 attacks per second. :rofl:

“THE POWER” as @Million-X would say. :sunglasses:

Game of the forever. I hope to see you guys on August 4th trying out the new “flashback” race league. 100/100 on my personal Metacritic rating.