Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

What the fuck are you even talking about?
You are incredibly needed for mods on the Xbox One and the PS4 is even worst as your stuck with vanilla assets.

Iā€™m gonna assume you meant ā€˜limitedā€™?

Youā€™re the one that even brought up the XB version, but that one is still worth getting. You can have a screenshot that doesnā€™t even look like Skyrim, because of mods. So Iā€™d say the limitations that ARE in place, arenā€™t too bad considering.

Now, the PS4 version, may only be worth the purchase if you never played Oldrim.

did they ever figure out who has the rights to the shadow hearts ip i heard the company that had it got dissolved into one of those japanese gambling companies. i can play all 3 on pcx2 in 1080 but i would gladly support an official re release.


I heard something similar, but I donā€™t know. The official website is still up after all these years

at the bottom it says UNIVERSAL ENTERTAINMENT, maybe they own the rights. Regardless, in the interview I linked in my previous post, the author of the series says he can work with the rest of the staff if an opportunity to make a port were available.

So, by making Sony third party studios look at Shadow Hearts, they can work with the companies involved to help bring SH out of limbo which I think itā€™s paramount. So, if you wanna tweet, do so on weekdays so the Playstation people can see the demand for the series.

Wife wanted to start God of War first so Iā€™m watching her play through the beginning. This game makes me wish I had a 4K TV. Probably the first game thatā€™s really made me think about it.

Also Bear Mcreary is making a pretty good first impression on me with the music for the first 5 minutes of the game.

One thing that Iā€™m going to have to attempt to ignore is how this game has this thick black border around the game. I donā€™t know if itā€™s just my tv but itā€™s kind of annoying.

LOL @ this thread

Iā€™m playing God of War in 1080p on a 120" screen from like 13 feet away and it looks fucking fantastic. I wasnā€™t really thinking ā€œwish this was 4kā€ at all. Iā€™ve only played the first 15 or so minutes just now during Wizards/Raptors halftime, but holy shit this game is going to be incredible. The music in this game is so perfectly fitting and is 10/10. I love the vibe given off so far about everything in the game.

Not sure what you mean about the border around the TV either. Not seeing anything like that.


This guy talking about he knows who Kratos and shit but picking a fight with him. Iā€¦donā€™t think this guy really knows who Kratos is.

My TV has a black border border around the screen so my only guess is it has to be my tv but It doesnā€™t do this with my other games though. Iā€™m gonna try to take a picture of my tv.

Try checking out the settings maybe there is something there? The game in general has a ton of settings lol.


Also, did you pick the ā€˜graphicsā€™ option or ā€˜performanceā€™? Maybe that has a difference? I picked performance since my projector is 1080p only. I donā€™t even know why one would pick the mode that renders in 2148 or whatever and downsample it if you donā€™t have a 4k display.

If I remember right the Xbone version of Skyrim limited to a max of 5GB of HDD for mods with a hard max of 150 Mods. That include importing of media files and assets.

The PS4 version limits are even tighter. Limits are 2GB HDD space for mods, max of 100 Mods, and no outside media or outside assets, vanilla Models, textures and audio files only.

Nether console version allows for SKSE and other script extenders, and things such as nudity.
Nude mods can cause you to lose your XBL Account.

The PC Limits, OG 2011 Skyrim, Mod use canā€™t exceed 3.5GB of Ram use (including the game it self) and that was because of the limitation of 32bit processing. And thatā€™s It.

Special Editionā€™s Ram limits are so astronomically high it may as well have no limits on Ram use, due to how 64bit architecture does memory mapping.

Unless your playing ether PC version, your mods are horribly limited.

Your Xbox Skyrim Mods are a pathetic joke to PC players.

That black border that is running around the screen. is what Iā€™m talking about. and for some reason this game and God of War 3 remastered are the only ones doing it. I looked through the settings because it was bugging the fuck outta while I was watching the wife play.

Apparently to fix this issue you gotta go into settings on the ps4 itself and adjust itā€¦which is dumbā€¦

And it is a TV issue supposedly? which is weird because why does this only happen with certain games?


God of War is just so fucking good. Itā€™s a masterpiece. If you have a PS4 just get it and play it. Simply awesome.


And yet youā€™re going on an anti XB1 tangent, again. Nigga, all I said was Skyrim is a good open world game, but the PS4 version might not be worth getting with itā€™s mod limitations. Now youā€™re bringing up PC.

Then you keep talking about how the XB1 mods are limited, even though that has nothing to do with anything. And my point is, even with the limitations, itā€™s still possible to play XB1ā€™s SE with zero vanilla graphics, sounds, and animations, ect, ect, basically still a completely different game, on the surface as much as PC.

And 'PC can laugh at XB1 mods all they want, XB1 can laugh at PS4 mods even more, since we wanna fanboy it up in here.

Hey guess what. you brought up XBone Mods in the first place.
Enjoy your mediocre mods

-PC master race.

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traded in Lego Ninjago and ACO today for GoW
gonna be a busy weekend with GoW and Y6 :slight_smile:

God of War is the real fuckin deal. This the kind of game that just feels good to play.


Oh you bought the physical copy of the game? Prepare to download 1/2 of it anyway. :joy:

Whatā€™s the point of buying physical on the Switch when every other game does this? This combined with it literally being a port machine makes the console have zero appeal to me.

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Fuck, I really have to find a job soon. Nothing like seeing all this hype for God of War and knowing buying it will fuck me over. Pockets on tumbleweed right now.