Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

It’s the spin-off game not the main game.

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Yep yep. The main game is getting a physical release everywhere and can be pre-ordered already.

That limited run release will sell out instantly. Probably one of, if not the last physical Vita game to release too.

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Jwong and yipes streamed that power rangers fighting game so if you want to get a better look at it…

They start playing around 9:48
Edit: clockwork is also playing as well.

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Clockwork is apparently the battle director. Between him and Wong, that game may end up with a decent fighting engine.

Iunno. It looks super gross to me. Like a infinite reskin

It is a $20 budget game man. It’s not like they are charging $60 for it.

I’m going to wait and see. Being a good player doesn’t mean these guys will be good designers.

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Considering that the game is 20 bucks and from what I’ve seen from the stream so far, the game is going to be better than it has any business being. The animations and graphics of course look janky but the combat mechanics look decent with fun shenanigans.


Well it already has push block which makes it automatically better than DBFZ


They said they’re gonna stream every week and reveal characters. If you want to see them play actual matches then go to 41:55.

Website has revealed some more characters, no gameplay of them though.

This has to be the spiritual successor to SWAT…


So someone got their hands on an unreleased WCW game for the NES.

Looks surprisingly polished for something that wasn’t even announced before getting cancelled.
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my ideal Power Rangers game would still be an extremely fast-paced “Dynasty Warriors” style thing with a giant roster of playable characters (preferably ALL Rangers that have ever appeared in the show…that would be my dream), but I’ll take the fighting game too; it already looks good enough, imo.

back on the dream while I’m in wishful thinking mode… I’d also have them start in “regular” form, a short-meter builds up then you can morph to Ranger form…you’d only get knocked back into regular mode if you get your ass kicked by the enemies too much (losing all your “Ranger form HP”, then perhaps you have to build the short meter to get your Ranger form back…getting beat up in regular human form means death, of course.)

Oh and I’d include even the rare 1-time Rangers like Kat Manx from the S.P.D. seaon. Bulk and Skull would be side characters of course that you may have to save at some point…
your mentor or Headquarters leader figure would depend on who you are (Morphin’ era gets Zordon, SPD gets Doggy, Wild Force team has that Princess, etc.)…and of course it has to accommodate for multiplayer, with special team-up attacks.
I’d throw in a customize-ranger mode as well, so you could make your own Ranger, who plays with the move-set of other established characters (basically what Jump Force does now)

It’s sad that this probably won’t happen, because it would be THE greatest Power Ranger game ever produced, imo.

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Random question: what was the game you were the most hype for, but ended up not playing as much as you thought you would? For whatever reason.

I’m super-hype for Mortal Kombat 11. But I got a flashback to when I was hype for MK10 (MKX). It was at a fever pitch. I played the absolute shit out of MK9 and thought I would just pick up where I left off with X. But then I got the game and maybe played it like 10 times. While the gameplay was different from what I was expecting, it wasn’t the game’s fault. Right around the time of release, I got started with Netflix and other streaming services. ALL my games took a play hit.

But now with MK11, I’m hoping to get back into full swing with things. While I have concerns about the gameplay, the game so far is absolutely crushing it in the presentation department.

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Probably SF5. I played the shit out of SF4 after it revived my love for fighting games, then when I saw how shitty the online portion of the game was, I just didn’t play it nearly as much as I wanted to, and as Capcom kept making the online worse and worse I just gave up on the game completely.

I also expected to play Killer Instinct a shitload more than I did, but once Amazon bought DH and Keits took over KI development, the game turned to utter shit. I played the SHIT out of that game during season 1 online because of how great the netcode was and how quickly you got into matches, and a bit into season 3 and once that robot chick got in the game, that was the last straw and I was out.

Damn near everything now.

Because work. I don’t play games on days that I work, since I mostly work 12+ hours a day. Even then, only at night. Thought I was be posse’d up in Red Dead Online; nope. Level 6, maybe. Thought I was gonna practice in this game or that, nope, games are coasters.

MK and Power Rangers, will be the next 2 games I buy and don’t play.

I could probably copy @purbeast’s paragraph about SFV and just replace that game with SCVI.

I absolutely loved SCV so I was really looking forward to SCVI but in the end the limited roster, DLC practices and the abysmal netcode made me quit really quickly. I’m not even sure if I’d give it another shot if Hilde ever comes out, despite her being one of favourite fighting game characters of all time. It’s probably a decent game offline but there’s no local competition around here and I just prefer playing at home.

SFV definitely killed my love for playing fighting games. It was proof that Capcom didn’t learn from any of their mistakes and that the FGC was willing to bend over and take it once again.


Yeah it really is mind boggling how far of a step back they took with the online in that game. During the beta I thought it was that way because it was a beta, but then it ended up actually being that way. Such a turd compared to SF4’s online. Other than the rollback (which is shoddy as well) there is nothing better about SF5’s online than SF4’s. It’s mostly a giant step backwards.

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