Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Apparrently Turok and Turok 2 are coming to Switch


Cerebral Bore time!


I can still barely believe both DMC5 and Sekiro are within a few weeks of each other. What a mega hype month


Nvm. They answered my question literally seconds within the video. Turok hype!

I donā€™t think Turok will have aged well. That game was cool at itā€™s time though.


Nothing put fear in my brothersā€™ and I playing than when someone had the cerebral bore on deck LOL


Those two are my day one buys for the month. Left Alive and Yoshi Crafted World will have to wait.

Itā€™s aged like fine wine, actually. A lot of shooters from the 90ā€™s have.

Switch version will probably have the perks of the PC release like being 60 FPS. Thereā€™s no weapon limit. The sound and music design is great. You get a weapon that is a nuke which 1-taps the entire fucking screen which is made even more satisfying by the fantastic sound design. I had a blast playing it again with the PC release. Edit: Youā€™re also mobile as hell which is always fun.

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I want a new Duke game on the build engine.

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I want to see another Deadpool game. He does Duke Nukem gimmick better and far more relevant.


ā€œItā€™s almost too good a story to believe, yet here we are in 2019 and it strains credibility to say any less: Path of Exile, the once-small crowdfunded game from the mind of Chris Wilson, has surpassed Diablo II as the greatest ARPG ever made, and itā€™s only getting better from here.ā€

Diablo II was my favorite in the genre for a long time, but after god knows how many updates PoE has surpassed it for me just as it did for that guy.

DMCV drops on Friday and I have my pre-order ready to be picked up.

Path of Exileā€™s new expansion drops on Friday.


Iā€™ll be playing Path of Exile, though Iā€™ll try to play DMCV for a bit while PoE updates. 1000ā€™s of hours and I STILL enjoy the hell out of the game. They drop new content every 3 months to shake things up. The game had a humble beginning with just 2 acts to run through. Now the game has TEN acts and ā€œend-gameā€ content out the ass. The itemization is interesting as hell and thereā€™s just so much to do and see. Depth out the ass!

The PS4 release is coming out in a few weeks too which they will be announcing soon.

^ Picked up a new set which makes me look like a mix of Tyreal from Diablo and the painting guardians from Dark Souls Juan. I also managed to complete 36/40 ā€œchallengesā€ last league which work as achievements/trophies. Only 1% of players managed to get 36/40 challenges completed and they toss you a free back attachment AKA cloak/wings to rock which looks pretty damn awesome. I felt pretty special. :sunglasses:


I only want to see another Duke Nukem game if they get Clint from LRG to do Dukeā€™s voice.

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Wish I could grab Sekiro this month, but I wouldnā€™t have been able to give it the proper time I think it would deserve. Gonna get it come Black Friday though.

I hope I beat Bloodborne by then, lulz.

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Grim Dawn is the best ARPG of all time.

No ā€œAlways Onlineā€ bullshit either.

Which is always welcome.

Ah - fuck it.

Always Online ruins good games, much less mediocre ones.

If Grim Dawn were Always Online itā€™d be shit too.

If Path of Exile were not Always Onlineā€¦ itā€™d still lose handily to Grim Dawn.

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Other than playing Path of Exile all of the damn time, I picked up this game:

I got about 1/2 through Metro: 2033 and Metro: Last Light before I stopped playing them( will go back eventually) but this one? I literally could not put it down until the credits rolled. In an era where most FPS games are multiplayer focused comes this gem which focuses on a single player campaign with an interesting cast of characters, graphics that are better than Battlefield V and REmake 2(seriously, I was stopping every 10 seconds to look at my surroundings in awe. The texture work is unbelievable and the draw distance just wonā€™t quit.) REmake 2 had better character models but thatā€™s it, Metro: Exodus trumps it in every other aspect graphically. It might just be the overall best looking game on the market and itā€™s no surprise Digital Foundry is shitting itself over it. The game is dripping with atmosphere too.

This game has the best FPS campaign Iā€™ve played through since last years DUSK. It was fantastic.You can play it however you like as well which is always welcome. You can go for a more stealth approach OR you can go RAMBO. Iā€™d try to stealth around most of the time, but if I was spotted it didnā€™t matter since you could just take out everybody. I really liked having the option between stealth or going all out.

I didnā€™t know Sekiro was releasing so soon. Iā€™m filing my taxes on Friday so I should be able to Day Juan it. Iā€™m looking forward to RAGE 2, the new DOOM, Wolfenstein, Shenmue III and Bloodstained this year as well as a few other games. This year is looking pretty damn good. :+1:

@Dangerous_J Manx and Shaft have been asking about you in Discord dude!

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Nice to see you back Sonicabid!

Metro Exodus huh? Iā€™ll have to check it out


Iā€™ll have to wait a year to pick up Metro Exodus. Iā€™m not getting Epicā€™s launcher to play it.

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I think youā€™d really like it DJ. Imma do a pick-up post on Friday when I grab DMCV then I will most likely ghost again for a while to spend my free time with Path of Exile+DMCV+random life shiiieet. Pop into Shafts discord though!

Yeah, Iā€™m 99% sure this is going to negatively effect sales on that platform. I hope it does well regardless, the game is just great. 2019 has started off really strong with this game and RE2. I imagine Sekiro and DMCV will be great too. :+1:

Turok on Switch!? Switch keeps delivering! Day Juan!

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