Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Borderlands 3 is going to kill it, at Pax.

In every conceivable connotation.

And I thought Bethesda was bad. Holy fuck. At least their shit isnā€™t bricking systems. Their glitches are just inconvient and goofy as fuck.

This is hilarious honestly.


Canā€™t catch everything in cert. Highly likely this is a very specific set of circumstances that may not fall within normal testing methodology.

I blame @chadouken.

He loves it.

He also love TLJ.

It is obviously Dark Side Force Ghost electric cancer.

Sony has been willing to give refunds to costumers who got their consoles bricked.


I thought they couldnā€™t do anything else with the Friday The 13th license, did the issues get cleared up?


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Wouldnā€™t say I love it, yet. Iā€™m still having fun playing through the campaign, but I havenā€™t reached endgame. Had to take a week off to fly to VA for my grandmaā€™s funeral so Iā€™m a little behind.

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it would be nice if they fixed that ā€œalways onlineā€ problem that Friday the 13th is afflicted with.

ā€¦yeah, thereā€™s no hope for the future. Just watch, Borderlands 3 will be 100% online too, along with every fucking thing else in this ho-ass bitchmade piece of shit industry.

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What would be the purpose of Friday the 13th being offline? You gonna LAN party with 8 people? It doesnā€™t lend itself to Single Player in any capacity.

Itā€™s one thing with shit like CoD to get annoyed about only Online MP because it generally DOES have Single Player modes and at times, very competent ones (hell back in the golden days the Single Player was what you bought the game for). But shit like Friday the 13th was never meant to have Single Player and thus isnā€™t even priced as a full game becauseā€¦well it was never worth it.

100%ed RE2 Remake, was smooth sailing because the originals used to kick my ass when I was younger lol.

Gonna 100% Sunset Overdrive next.


Iā€™m hoping soā€¦ i better not hear some shit about duke nukem or battleborn 2ā€¦

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Thatā€™s what thought too so I donā€™t know how theyā€™re able to port.

Plenty of games (most, actually) handled this before just fineā€¦ offline would be you vs. bots or the LAN thingā€¦ or some kind of story mode that was supposed to be added later if I recall (*???..but seems like that never happened; good thing I never wasted my money on that ā€œmodeā€ being passed off as a game.) Iā€™d absolutely prefer that over the thing needing a connection to be played at allā€¦especially on a system where at least half the selling point is it being portable. Maybe if itā€™s sold for super-cheap like 10 bucks pr so Iā€™d think about itā€¦maybe.

Shit, a story-mode where you have the option of playing Jasonā€™s side of the story would be the best possible Friday the 13th game I had always dreamed of (even though thatā€™s obviously a simple thingā€”rise from the grave and kill all the camp counselors before the night is over, I guess). Too bad apparently no one that works in the industry has the imagination to even think of such a thing and execute it, I guess.

Even besides the whole online-only thingā€¦ a game being just a pure multiplayer thing with zero story is one thing that kinda grinds my gearsā€¦ itā€™s part of the reason I never bought Overwatch despite genuinely liking that cast of characters.


its a f2p game so not that surprising that a lot of people at least install it once. doesnt mean the current real playerbase is that strong. i like many others tested it, and will not touch it again.

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GIā€™s cover game for the month will be Control

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Iā€™d be genuinely interested in a new Duke Nukem game. I thought Forever wasā€¦ fine. Just fine. Iā€™d like to see where the development team goes with a black slate.