Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Yeah, sure, a pass everybody has to get is a way to get everyone on the same page. It’s still scuzzy though. It’s yet another “fuck em; let em whine” move COD can only get away with because it’s COD and will sell well regardless.

But I am starting to wonder how long they can pull shit like this. This year, competition is real. COD is competing against popular games that, while they have microtransactions, give you more stuff for free. Overwatch subsists on Micros, but gives DLC and characters for free. Fortnite subsists on Micros, but gives you the initial game for free. Even EA has said Battlefield V won’t have map packs (we’ll see), and now BFV has a Battle Royale mode of its own. I don’t think COD’s sales will take a hit this year, but if they keep shit like this up, they’ll have a Battlefront 2 level fiasco on their hands and a lot of lost sales in the near future.

I’m just mad it’ll theoretically take all that to get a decent game with no BS.

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Rhykker shows off 2 character classes in Warhammer 40k Inquisitor Martyr

I’m definitely intrigued by the Psiker one… I tend to prefer the “mage” types in most action rpgs

on another note… yes yes my adventures in Vampyr shall continue… besides Dad being here, one reason I took a short break was the huge plot point that happened…best to let moments like that sit with you for a while before moving on, imo. Yeah that was a big one, I’m also curious about how differently things play out depending on your choices…there’s a LOT of points in that game where the player’s choice alters the course of what’s going to happen later… in dialogue options with every character, there’s some points with the game’s red “Y” symbol that strongly indicates that things can change drastically depending on what you do or say right there.

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Only published by ArcSys though (and it’s not a fighting game).

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I’m excited for an action game but I have no idea who that developer is

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No specific story-stuff since that’s obviously getting into heavy spoiler territory, but it keeps getting better the further I go in this… my total play-time is about 22 hours at this point… 1 territory…“Whitechapel”…it has already descended into “Hostile” status, though oddly enough it still shows up that various people are still living in there, as if they are still accessible to me; I assumed they’d all show up as “LOST” or something when that happens to an area. It will be interesting to see what’s going on over there when I return. (haha it still makes me laugh that a certain character I “compelled” to forget a certain thing went missing and that “LOST” has been her status ever since…and my intention was to be “nice” and allow her to live…using mesmerize/compulsion instead of just killing her.)

One thing I didn’t mention earlier-- in addition to leveling up the “Dr. Reid” character, the weapons are also something to level up. Currently my main melee and gun weapons are level 3. On top of just getting stronger there’s 1 of 2 perks to pick on each level-up from what I’m seeing so far… it looks like the choice is typically going to be “consumes less stamina” or “further damage increase” (this is on top of the damage increase from just leveling it up)…oh but there’s also a perk related to stealing blood as well. The short sword I use (the pre-order bonus one) does that.

Apparently the Fortnite issue made its way into the news?

Also don’t think this was put up

Yeah the Fortnite issue has blown up and it should have. It’s ridiculous that a third party account is being locked out by Sony. Denying crossplay is one thing. Denying people access to a 3rd party account is indefensible.


Bloodstained looks interesting, but I really wish the gameplay was at a faster pace… every time I see it…it’s like the characters and the action is kinda in slow motion…almost like she’s running, jumping and fighting underwater.

*I might start my 2nd file of Vampyr sooner rather than later… there is a strong temptation to play as a more ruthless version of Dr. Reid. The thing is, I imagine that would be generally much easier, since killing the citizens gives wayyyy more exp than anything else in the game…even completing a quest might give a few hundred points or so—but you can get thousands exp per citizen you feed on… they really made it into an interesting dilemma there…because the more you kill, the worse the area becomes, and it locks out certain parts of story of course since that person is now dead.

yeah, I’ve become quite obsessed with this game… I’ve even been taking notes of pretty much everything that happens in terms of the lore and storylines. I’m up to 28 hours played so far; still in chapter 4 (*I think earlier I may have mentioned I was on 5 which was incorrect)

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How can Sony even deny people access to a third party account? Like, how is that even possible? If the account was made by the Fortnite people, how does Sony have any say? Or am I reading this wrong?

If you have used your Epic account on your PS4 once, it prevents you from using it on Xbox or Switch. Even if you unlink it from PSN, you still can’t use it on Xbox or Switch. Epic was asked about it and it’s out of their hands. Sony has been trying to dance around the issue. Basically ignoring it for two days before releasing a statement that didn’t address the issue at all.

Super Baby 2 is coming to Xenoverse 2

Microsoft has no plans to bring VR to the xbox

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More Proof Dragon Ball Sucks.

haha, the Super Mario universe is so incredibly bizarre it makes me laugh anytime I think about it for more than 2 seconds… so of all things we have BLOOPER out there on the tennis court… apparently it has no need for water, I guess? …and of course this is aside from the fact that we have a game where a chubby little italian dude is playing tennis against turtles and mushrooms…and whatever other LSD-influenced stuff from that magical franchise is in there.

Super Baby-- perhaps one of the only halfway decent designs from GT… though most would probably agree that it’s best we all continue pretending that era never happened…haha DB Super went on like there is no such thing as GT…that still amuses me to no end.

*that damn “Lady Ashbury” from Vampyr is hot as HELL, man… it just hit me that she reminds me of Cassidy Freeman, who was “Tess” from Smallville.


Nintendo will continue to support 2DS, 3DS and their mobile plans

Reggie says they still have games to announce in the coming months. I’m sure they’ll support it for a bit but the moment that the real Pokemon game drops next year that is probably a wrap for 3DS.

CD Projekt Red responds to First Person criticism

Why are people so upset about the game being first person?

Ooops we accidentallied a swastika in our game

If you have an Xbone and love Fallout 76 then good news! You guys get the beta first.

Konami is willing to do more remasters

Videogamedunkey - The Smash Bros. Killer

the hell is this? lol

First person perspective removes kinesthetic awareness and peripheral vision which are necessary for immersion in the case of players like myself.

cheh, yeah I’d always prefer a game be in 3rd person. When my character is doing awesome shit I’d like to actually see it…even the games I enjoyed that are in first person…it was always because I just tolerated that shit because the other qualities of the game made up for it (e.g.–the Borderlands franchise, Bioshock, etc.)

Vampyr-- well, I made it to a point in the story where I could have turned someone…for various reasons I chose to just kill that person…ohoooo the way that played out was awesome. The consequences of this decision have been severe to say the least though…shit has seriously hit the fan over that. …on my way back to Pembroke Hospital, I ran into a certain citizen that has been “missing” for a long time; and they were turned! There was no more discussion that could be had… I had no choice but to fight and eventually kill them.


It seems to me that fans were hoping Cyberpunk was the Witcher with a different setting. First person doesn’t bother me personally and it’s great that CD Project Red isn’t a one note developer.