Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

But then what would we have in common besides mutal love for Haribo and tits and ass?


Our mutual disdain for the current POTUS? But thatā€™s mixing topics and threads.

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Disdain is being politic, innit?

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If you like a game, play it. If you donā€™t like it, donā€™t play it.

Thereā€™s a reason when you all talk about RPG or anime stuff you donā€™t see me posting. Itā€™s because I donā€™t give a shit about that stuff. I donā€™t sit there and make 15 minute youtube videos letting everyone know why I donā€™t like those games. I simply donā€™t discuss them and donā€™t buy them.

Iā€™ve never played Destiny or had any interest in it, and as such, have never discussed it. I donā€™t need to let everyone know that I donā€™t like it or donā€™t care about practices it does. I played Anthem demo and knew that was enough to know I wouldnā€™t like the full game. I would like it if it was a single player story driven game that was solely focused on being in the javelins, but with all that other stuff I donā€™t care for it.

These ā€œgames as a serviceā€ as he calls them seem to be doing just fine. The gaming industry is booming right now and has never been so large. So just because one youtuber cries about it and makes a 15 minute video about it, doesnā€™t mean that for every one of him there are hundreds of people supporting the practice and have no problems.

Hell many people on this forum here support this practice. People bought seasons 2 and 3 of SF5 before they even announced all the characters OR when they would even come out. People are buying season packs for games before the games are even released. I personally canā€™t comprehend that and have never supported anything like that nor will I, but thatā€™s it - I speak with my wallet.

I used to love FPS games but the direction they have gone, I have completely lost interest in them and havenā€™t touched one in probably close to a decade at this point.


My wallet is clad in a SFV proof chastity belt.

Athena, Artemis, and Hestia are more accessible.

For the time being. History proves that it will be unsustainable eventually and game companies never seem to learn.


Has it, though? History-proven unsustainability, I mean. At least on consoles, those types of games seem relatively new. Do you include stuff like WoW and shit, too? I donā€™t know the numbers, but Iā€™m curious to see how hard theyā€™ve flopped eventually.

Depends the time frame.

You remember when people were calling Apple and iPhone a fad? Even after like 10 years people were still calling it a fad. After 10 years, I think itā€™s safe to say something isnā€™t a fad.

Iā€™m not saying it has been around for 10 years though, but DLC has been a thing for quite a while now. As for season passes and stuff I can remember them at least 5 or so year back, probably more. I donā€™t really follow those games though or the sales of them though so I donā€™t really know how well they are doing.

And if they canā€™t sustain, then good. The market will dictate that and companies will be forced to either adapt or go out of business.

There have never been more options than today for gaming. So complaining about a ā€œgames as a serviceā€ is stupid when you have more options than ever that you could be playing instead of those types of games.

Thereā€™s a reason that PSVR and my Switch have gotten the most gaming time out of me in the past 2 or so years, and itā€™s because itā€™s a breath of fresh air

History has shown games as a service is extremely profitable and long lasting. WoW makes bank and FFXIV alone pulled SE out of the black.

EA and Activision have 0 games as a service despite what they say. They have peace meal products and gambling schemes. Its not the same thing.


Speaking of WoW ā€¦ THAT is a ā€œgame as a serviceā€ where you pay monthly to even be able to play the game.

Games where you pay $60 and then buy DLC if you want, is not a ā€œgame as a serviceā€ and this difference is what I meant when I said that guy talking about it was wrong about the term.


MMORPGs still bring decent enough cash and player support that companies still put in support on even those 'bombed ā€™ provided the parent company isnā€™t broke. Also with stuff like League of Legends, GTA online and other MOBA or service games out there, game companies are finding if you can hook some folk then Nicole and dime them, you get more cash then making new projects that may fail or require a heavy promotion budget.

Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying is kind of a new concept. Games like Destiny, Division, now Anthem. ā€œLooter shootersā€ I guess theyā€™re called. Where you pay $60 for the base game, then $30 for access to that yearā€™s upcoming DLC content in an ā€œannual passā€ (or buy it piecemeal at $15 a pop times 3).

Thatā€™s the shit heā€™s calling ā€œgames as a service.ā€ Iā€™m saying thereā€™s not enough data to say whether those games are successful or not, but so far they seem like they are. I know, despite shitty reviews, Destiny 1 was extremely successful.

I donā€™t know whatā€™s up with the recent split between Activision and Bungie, but Destiny right now is in a pretty awesome place content-wise with the release of Forsaken. The only reason I put it down for a while was because God of War, Pider-Man, Red Dead, Rocket League, and now Anthem. Just too many games to keep up with.

Itā€™s extremely profitable for the games that set the trend. The WoWs, DOTAs, League of Legends, CoD, PUBG, Fortnite, etc. For those that try to follow they tend to crash and burn. Many of the MMOs that chased the success of WoW ended up not lasting or being forced to go F2P to stay competitive. Every MOBA that isnā€™t the big two is dead. Smite is a distant third. Battlefield is the only modern military thatā€™s still around.

There some exceptions I probably missed but thatā€™s what Iā€™m trying to get at.

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Yeah that is not the right term, and that grinded my gears. Itā€™s just buying a game and DLC, nothing more. And itā€™s optional, itā€™s not required to play the game.

And that type of game has been around for like close to 10 years probably, with game + season passes, so Iā€™d say that game type is pretty successful. Iā€™ve never supported one of them personally.


Honestly, I am more freaked out about the inverted rotation of the hand in that thumbnail than some games attempting to become services. I sure as shit will not support them.

ā€œGames as a serviceā€ is going to eventually run into the same problems as MMORPGs. They tend to be time sinks. Traditional style games allow for more software sales. You can complete a game and move on. With games as service they try to hook the player, lock them into their title, and use DLC to boosts their profits. There are only so many hours in a day. Realistically, in the best case scenario, a gamer can only play two GoS titles at a time. That means the publishers without the ā€œhotā€ title will take a huge hit.

Edit: You already touched on this in a subsequent post. Disadvantages of posting from work.


Yeah as I see it, unless you are talking about games like MMOs, where your money goes to paying for server upkeep and new content thatā€™s fine. But its also where I draw the line.

And MMOs works the best when the game is free, and you ether pay a subscription to play or for premium access which means you grind a little less.

The old Korean free to play model only works when there no difference in contents, only that the paying players might get their level or loot a quarter speed faster, maybe early access to new expansions. Needing loot boxes with Power Ball odds to get the one thing to complete a single player story is down right fraud.

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For the few that still play D2 -myself included-

What is this in my feed from Jim saying thst DoA6 has a near $100 season pass?

Apparently Kill La Kill If is getting an english dub

Just throw sand at Anakin and he will go away ( no not really)


that season pass isnā€™t anything new from techmo. They had like 6 $29.99 season passes for doa5