Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Yeah that game was harder than a first to 10 against Daigo when he has prep time.

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Gradius and Life Force instantly spring to mind.

Watch because loop 8 and because the Gaiden Boss rush theme is ear sex.


Great game, although it is definitely unfair. The PS4 version fixes that by allowing unlimited credits and is totally worth the $7 they ask for it to get that, but also the Japanese, European, and NA versions of the game.

One hell of a sermon on this shit


*still struggling on Very Hard difficulty Dead Cells hereā€¦ I checked the total play time and Iā€™m up to 85 hours at this pointā€¦and for only 20 to 25 bucks! This is a shining example of some developers producing some REAL quality out there, instead of having the typical corporate mindset where they look at the general audience and only think of ā€œā€¦how much can we get away with hereā€¦? Minimum effort, maximum profit!ā€
Right next to that in my list of Switch gamesā€” Smash Ultimate. The developers who are still putting as much QUALITY content on your plate as possible should be the real winners in this industry.


Just a tidbit.

ā€œCross your Heartā€ from this game is remixed in Castlevania Portrait of Ruin as ā€œCrucifix Held Closeā€

Might be the best track from the game (POR).


Also Konami had super prominent arcade games. Simpsons, TMNT. You still see these everywhere.


Based on your experience with Dead Cells, with the new patch, what number of boss cells would you say is the same as the default difficulty used to be pre patch? I just beat it for the first time a few nights ago and itā€™s now super easy on default mode to me, and I didnā€™t realize you get a permanent special move with the R stick once you beat it, which is kinda neat.

Iā€™m going to try and beat it with one boss cell today probably and just see how that is. But Iā€™m just curious which number of them puts it back to default difficulty.

I also have never even seen an S weapon yet. I still have like 100 more orbs to make 100% of the drops be + items, to get an idea of where Iā€™m at with the cells and that guy. I also still have a SHITLOAD of things that arenā€™t unlocked with the blueprints. Iā€™ve primarily been trying to upgrade the drop rates every time I have played the past months, which isnā€™t much.

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After making my last post, go to the Tube to listen to some Castlevania music, then sees ā€œCrucifix Held Close - Smash Ultimate.ā€ Whatā€¦?

Then literally every other Castlevania track I wanted to hear, has a remix in Smash. Dafuq?

THEN, in the sidebarā€¦Guiles theme - Smash Ultimate"


I guess Iā€™m buying a fucking Switch.


yeah the R-stick move is part of the solution on what took so long the other day actuallyā€¦ I was stuck there for quite a while trying to figure out how to get to a certain area that had a powerup (Gold Reserves V) in Ancient Sewersā€¦ then I remembered that moveā€¦it allows you go through small pathways like that. Even when you realize that itā€™s still a bit of a maze to get to it.

One cell might not even be as tough as pre-patch version I guess since I was actually able to beat itā€¦then again it couldā€™ve been just how ridiculous my ranged build was yesterdayā€¦

Iā€™ve also never seen an S weapon just drop normallyā€¦ Iā€™ve always had to upgrade items to that rank.

in Very Hard with no refills on your healing flask, the ā€œnecromancyā€ passive has become a must-have, imoā€¦I was using that passive all the time on just regular ā€œHardā€ difficulty too.

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So things like Gold Reserves show up as things you find later on? I only have the one that saves up to 15k I think. And I have 3 health potions.

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Repost this so I can Like it again.

I stopped watching that video like 5 minutes in. The whole ā€œgames as a serviceā€ thing just bothered me from a terminology point of view, because that isnā€™t what it really is, when comparing to ā€œsoftware as a service.ā€ Software as a service is when you are continually paying to use software as you use it, like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, etc. Paying X then having the option to buy DLC at Y is not ā€œgames as a service.ā€

Secondly, he kept making claims about things that were ā€œsupposedlyā€ in the original game and pulled out to sell for more money later as DLC, but he never showed any proof. He just made random claims. Iā€™m not saying heā€™s wrong because I donā€™t know, but if you are going to make bold claims like that, back them up.

Thirdly, if you donā€™t like the practices that a game is doing, simply donā€™t buy it and donā€™t give them your money. Ignore it and stop talking about it. Pretend it doesnā€™t exist.

Iā€™m just not a fan of all the internet warriors letting everyone know how much they dislike something. They dislike something to they keep wasting time and energy on it. That just makes zero sense to me.



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I mean, heā€™s not wrong. His tone is a little harsh, but itā€™s been known for years that Activision had a huge hand in fucking up what bungie wanted to put out with Destiny 1. To the point where major developers left the company and bungie itself is a shell of what it used to be back in the heyday of Halo.

That said, I enjoyed the fuck out of Destiny. Yes, itā€™s frustrating knowing that it was cut up, but I still had a lot of fun with the game. And Iā€™m having a lot of fun with Anthem right now. I know EA is a son of a bitch publisher, and Anthem isnā€™t in an optimal state for release, but whatā€™s there is fucking bad ass and Iā€™m having a blast. So, buyer beware?

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Smash OSTs are broken. They are automatically banned from best music discussions because of this.

This is why even at the amazing price of ā€œfreeā€, I still canā€™t bring myself to waste hard drive space on Anthemā€¦ and my NMVe(s) are a Tera each.

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Because EA are are bunch of fucks, or because Iā€™m having fun with it?

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The former.

I donā€™t let your movie taste cancer influence my opinion of your gaming likes.

Lol, maybe you should XD

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