Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Either that’s past Johnny working with present Johnny…or that be his stunt double.


I actually LOLed at that fatality.

“Who hired this guy WTF?”


Was that a Frank West reference @ 1:15?

No. At least, I don’t think so. Johnny is a vain ex-actor, so it makes sense he’d have a move involving a camera. Also, the chainsaw is just an interactable item on that bar stage.

I LOVE that fatal though. I love how creative they’re getting in general with the fatals and the super moves.

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No that’s just him being Hollywood. His character looks hilarious and cheesy in a good way. I also love how his fatality pays homage to the original glitch of knocking off more than 1 head (a well as MK2 fatality). But damn every character reveal trailer I’m reminded how terrible the sound in MK is.

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Bad sound? What do you mean?

And off that topic, what did Smash do that has people so hype it went down to just one game? All I ever heard about was them smelling like finding out there’s no Santa Claus feels.

The sound effects are terrible in MK. They have been since MK3. And I won’t even get into how forgettable the music is in MK, if you can even hear it.

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The music in MK is barely audible and not memorable since Mk4 imo.

The music I can agree with. I haven’t really heard a memorable music track in MK since MK2.

But the sound effects? Not seeing it. The sound effects sound good to me. Or fine enough that I don’t really notice it. MKX did have a shit ton of gurgling sounds in their fatalities though. I didn’t like that.


Melee people’s arrogance has been probelmatic for some time now. It just finally caught up to them.

What is the arrogance of melee players?

I know their game presents problems because you have to have gamecubes, crts, and all characters unlocked. Other than that I don’t understand this “arrogance” bit.

Kind of ready for that game to be sidelined though. It’s as old and unbalanced as MvC2, with much stranger rules.

Johnny looks awesome

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The arrogance comes from community members talking shit. There is no doubt Melee is stronger, in terms of viewership then multiple games announced to Evo, but you see a overall lack of humility with some players about that. Also as others have stated it is difficult get everything ‘right’ for tournament play. Even compared to Ultimate 's insane roster unlock process, that is easier minus the GC controller most prefer then getting stuff set up for Melee.

Also it really has to come down to an age thing, it sucks for those that love Melee but there are still other tournaments and with stuff like this there is always a professional end of the road.


Problem with Melee is that their core player base oftentimes only plays Melee.

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Think I found your problem sir.


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OMFG…that fatality!! LMAO!!:rofl::rofl:

Old Man Cage is perfect!


The damage is the reward for waiting out your opponent and picking a moment to strike. If you try to get that kind of damage at all times, you’ll end up eating the damage rather than dishing it out. I don’t really know anything about SF5 but I’d imagine it’s a lot easier to get that kind of damage in a game like that.

That fatality was awesome! :joy: I may have to grab MK11, NRS is really knocking it out of the park every time these last several years!