Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

The only thing I kinda agree with what Microsoft is wanting to do that’s listed in that article is them trying to eliminate console generations.

Bioware did develop an MMO once upon a time. A “live service” shouldn’t be outside of their purview.

With every new iteration of SFIV, more and more influences from newer style games kept coming in.

At the very least, Cammy and especially Gen would have probably run the game.

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Chun was moving up the tier list too.

I think that they should have stopped at Super.

Vanilla had far too much unrefined bullshit.

Super was rough around the edges, but it was nonetheless A LOT more polished than Vanilla.

Super and Ultra were the only two genuinely good iterations of SF4.

If anything Ultra got robbed of its time to shine.

Fuck the AIDS needles stocked dumpster fire of DLC and GaaS that is SF5.

SF5 is Kara: The Game, Literal Edition

Google, Amazon and even Apple are still rumored to be getting into games so it makes sense from a business perspective. Streaming is going to happen whether people like it or not, but MS pivoting to software shouldn’t be a surprise since it brings them being more money to be in more places.


Nah, Ultra would have been run by Elena and her badly implemented healing. She’s a nominally high tier character that gets pushed up to top simply due to how dumb having healing being an Ultra is (on top of how easy it is to set up). She literally erases all the work you’ve done off a throw.

Of course, this just highlights one of the biggest issues with Ultra - most of the top tier have damage outputs that are much bigger than the rest. Aside from making Elena a natural counter for these, it also helps her shit on the rest of the cast that doesn’t have the same damage output.

Needs to have her voiced by Becky Lynch so she can say “who’s the Man now, Link” after she whacks him with a steel chair (or crutches).

I’m annoyed by the amount of one and done matches I’m getting in DoA6. No one wants to rematch.

I’ve only ever gotten one rematch myself.

My buddy brought over his Switch tonight with Tetris 99 and damn that game was a lot harder than I thought to get a good score. It’s also pretty random depending on who’s targeting you.

He also picked up Gun Clive and had that on his Switch, and holy shit that game is fucking awesome. I’m going to be picking that up myself since it’s like $4 and just a really unique and awesome game. The music in it is also pretty damn impressive.

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Yeah. Gunman Clive 1 and 2 are probably my favorite Nintendo 3DS eShop tittles. I was so stoked when they announced them being ported to switch.

Thats a Gunman Clive collection, it comes with both games as a bundle. Pretty dope.

Yeah Gunman Clive my bad. I just picked it up on the store. Game is so cool. I’m loving these cheap indie games on Switch.


I like your MacBook. :sunglasses: Air or pro?

One franchise I really wish would return is Soul Sacrifice, man… it was the main reason I recently recharged my Vita and started bringing it to work lately. There was sooooo much going on in that game… the amount of thought put into it…the nuance… the recurring theme of choice and consequences (like each of the strongest spells having a harsh penalty on your character)… the game is pure brilliance.

In multiplayer, your allies have a choice to say “save me” or “sacrifice me!” when down…and sacrificing them releases an especially strong magic spell…and saving the person costs your own health…but if they’re dead they become a spirit and can still help in the battle in other ways. I’ve rambled on and on about this damn game before, to the point of anyone being weary of hearing about it. There’s sooooo many variables to consider on the fly as the action is going on. This is one of the greatest games of all time for me. It deserves to be continued on more popular/successful systems.


Pro. Air is too little for me to do real work on.

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:sunglasses: nice. I have an air. I wanted a pro but it seemed excessive. Definitely worth the money tho

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I do a ton of development on mine so I need the screen real estate and power. I’m constantly switching between like 4-5 desktops as it is.

whoah another patch for Dead Cells…and…character SKINS!!! BRUH…

:open_mouth: just yesterday I was thinking about how cool it would be if there was some character customization in there… some gaming companies make dreams come true, folks.
straight from the source…here we go: