Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

I havent played Rival Megagun yet but Bullet Heaven in Youtube has a great review for it.

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Thanks! I ended up buying Ikaruga and still haven’t gone thru it yet on PS4 (beat it on PC though) so maybe RM will be my next shmup.

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I genuinely liked SFIV at first but with every update the worse it became.

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I liked SF4 as well and is by far the most time I’ve spent with a fighting game and the most I’ve ever taken seriously as well. It put fighting games back on the map for me after like 10 years or so of not really playing them. I genuinely enjoyed it as well for a very long time.


I actually thought, despite what problems it did have, vanilla was probably the best iteration of SF4. It got worse and worse after that though, I agree.

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I’m having a really hard time believing these rumors but the issue is that it KEEPS popping up. I won’t know what to think if this ends up being true.


I still say it would have been interesting to see what vanilla sf4 would have been like with the way that the meta developed down the line. A lot of the characters that later became top teir were slept on very heavily during vanilla.

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I was a Balrog main and his matchup against Sagat in Vanilla was so fucking tough, but damn was that match fun to try and win, and if I did win against a good Sagat, it was very rewarding. I loved playing against good Sagats in vanilla because of that.

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Super was good. If only they stuck with it, but they decided to fuck shit up with the twins in AE.


What the fuck is going on!?!?! I swear im in a fuckin Twilight Zone episode or some shit.

I felt the same way as a Guide main. Sagat could just sit on the edge of the screen and Chuck plasma and unless you had meter to EX book or were good at FADCing thru them, that was a tough fight. Even an average sagat player. Oild really give you a run for your money because his punishes were so good. :sweat:

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I played Rufus until AE (they fucking RUINED my boy.) and then switch to Yun when AE dropped. Then I stopped played when AE V.2012 came out because I was just done with the Fgc at the time.

If I get Ninja Gaiden Black and Cuphead on my Switch, I’ll probably pass out from the awesome…only to wake up and ask for Gun Valkyrie and the two Otogi games…

It’s all bullshit probably, but I hope it happens, regardless.


Ninja Gaiden Black on Switch…



YouTube is fucking up again. Now videos are being demonetize over the comment section

thats the dumbest thing ever.


Championship mode in Super was the best online mode in any fighting game to date. I can’t believe how far of a step back SF5 took (in general) in the online aspect of the game.

most likely a reaction to the child porn thing going on but still stupid.