Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Storage is a concern for guys like me who are digital pack rats. I can see casuals being ok with deleting their content once they are done with it or need space. As long as we can still swap drives and use externals it’s not a huge problem.

Well, STREAMING video games is definitely a much longer way away(comparatively) I think because that’s really different than downloading a digital game.


Yeah for sure. I just meant digital vs. physical. Although isn’t there a streaming Xbox as well as Playstation service? I have no interest in either of those due to latency and for now I think it’s just old crap I played years ago.

Latency is why I meant a streaming only console is a much longer way away. Not that the services themselves are a long way away.

Xbox game pass is a download service while Playstation Now is streaming. The Xbox service is superior in that regard.

IIRC didn’t PSNow also change to allow you to DL the data so it isn’t streaming anymore?

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If you take PC and mobile market places, we’ve already spent years on digital only marketplaces.

Tricky, tricky. Next gen glnna be cray. Probably wont buy in though.

I just looked it up and it does allow for downloads for PS2 and PS4 games. PS3 games are still streaming only.

Ahhh right, I remember something like that. Shit, better than nothing.

Still haven’t even tried it once though lol

So anyone know what exactly ResidentEvil. net for RE2 is? Ive been kind of ignoring it but i am a little curious.

Mega Man 11 was pretty dope, Speed Gear was a very welcome addition to the series that was gettin kinda stale. Also like how we got to see what caused the fallout between Light & Wily

Only major flaw I could find is the music, which is nowhere near on the level of previous titles, and thats just me nitpicking.

Capcom has regained my confidence, Im def buying MM X9 when it comes out. Seems like good Inafune-less MM games can be done


That was never cancelled though. In fact I don’t remember reading that they ever began working on it.

Hence why I go for the far more realistic assumption that it can’t be any other game than Starcraft Ghost.



So I went back at level 13 with that new gun and absolutely demolished The Jackal this time. I didn’t have high hopes since this new gun is a shotgun type, and I figured the slower rate of fire might be a problem, but it more than made up for the slower rate with the power. I was able to quickly knock him down each time I tried, and you have to knock him down to actually do real damage.

The “Capture the point” mission types seem hard as hell though if you’re playing this solo…since naturally you’d need at least 2 people to cover more than 1 point at a time. Solo, you may get 2 points but the enemies will always start taking all areas back once you go for more, so you never really control all areas…*ahhh I see… just googled something and got ideas…

If you’re serious?

Tidus is demonstrated to be a victim of severe abuse in childhood. He went on to become very successful and popular in his profession, but has to endure constant comparison to his abuser. Given his age in Final Fantasy X itself, to demand that he be “over it” is utterly absurd, but he’s still demonstrably trying to overcome his trauma and adapt to his new surroundings, even though the comparisons to Jecht persist even there. Of course he hates his father. He’s seventeen, his father bullied and abandoned him, and the entire world acts as if his father is a fucking saint. You’d be way more whiny about that shit than he is. I guarantee it.


It gives the games players week long challenges they can try to complete. Doing a knife run, a run where you can’t use the item box, etc. It also collects a bunch of stats on the game. Like 65% of all players get themselves killed by the crane in G2 Birkin fight.

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I wish at the very least consoles didn’t have a 2X optical drive. Something above that would make loading times faster.

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I’m hoping for next gen consoles to move to flash memory for storage. Flash has become affordable enough to ditch mechanical drives.

I dunno. I imagine the tail end of next gen/beginning of the following one streaming is going to start being the thing. All one needs isna solid connection to make it work and it’s a wrap for physical/buying games except for harcores. The game industry is going to look like the music biz sometime soon.

Lots of us had worse, and never even had the opportunity to go all HAMlet like Tidus.

That said, anyone who would justify the shit Tidus had to put up with, by the above metric, is part of the problem.

Hope is the absolute worst.

He blames a retarded person for his mother’s making deliberate, willful choices, of her own volition (yes, Husserlian precision/redundancy), which lead to her death.

Mind you, said retarded person deserves all the hate in the world, and to go die in a fire… just not for THAT.

At least Cloud had the whole Crazed Science Experiment Victim for Corporate Gains thing to excuse him, before the prequel story ruined his redemption arc and the rest of FF7.

But the absolute worst protagonist (I won’t call him a hero), FF ever had, was, well… I’m not naming names, but let’s just say the only possible way to redeem his story arc is if he was already dead.

Unless you are counting spin-offs.

In which case New Kid wins for free.

Hope is a literal child forced into a situation he can’t wrap his head around. Of course he’d fixate on a blame figure with a name he can scream and a face he can hit. He’s a literal child. He thinks and acts like one.