Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Obviously. MS held the copyright. Seems they let it slip tho so now who knows.

Ah, my bad, I see

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yacht club games announces ā€œone final delayā€ for Treasure Trove and the 3-pack amiibo (:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:)

You guys think vidja is going digital only next gen? With the exception of Nintendo, of course. Heard somewhere that they might reveal the new Xbox at E3, and that it might be digital only. Wondering if thatā€™s something Sony would follow suit on. I know the push for digital only at the XBone reveal created a backlash that they never fully recovered from, but it seems even Sony has been pushing digital content. Iā€™m wondering if next gen is the end of physical games.

While Sony pushes digital content i still fee they push physical more. Microsoft I could see going 100% digital though.

Nintendo will just keep Nintendoā€™ing. Theyā€™ve always been in their own bubble and done whatever they want. Itā€™s been working since the 80ā€™s so why stop now?

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Yeah, the fucking 1880s!

I think there will be a digital only SKU for this first year or two, and from there who knows. I think the bigger market (not us) will take to it, namely because games for a good portion of the fanbase are more into one-and-done experiences, if the game is played through all the way at all.

I remember reading that the percentage of people who play games and actually finish them was under 40% or something. Thereā€™s still the issue of the U.S. internet being ass, but I think it can be a big enough hit to get noticed.

I think thereā€™s a good chance of next gen consoles going full digital. Weā€™ve reached a point where digital sales are eclipsing physical sales. I donā€™t think it will take much to phase out physical now.

I find this extremely hard to believe.

Link to proof?

Itā€™s true for the UK

I think that there will be digital only versions of consoles in the next generation sold for less alongside the standard versions. If the digital version takes off and vastly outsell the standard, I can see a gradual fade out from physical games distribution throughout that generation.

But no, I donā€™t see any of the big three offering just a digital-only console from the start in the next generationā€¦

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That number is extremely misleadingā€¦

That basically means that if you bought SF4 physical and then bought each season + costume packs, you have 1 physical sale and 10+ digital sales.

Iā€™m hoping those figures donā€™t include mobile games either. It doesnā€™t really clarify or say just consoles, but Iā€™m assuming itā€™s about just consoles.


Yeah I donā€™t think next gen or maybe even next next gen will be fully digital but Iā€™m sure itā€™ll head that way eventually. Physical copies will eventually just be for hardcore collectors. Music is already further down on that path.

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Yeah so are movies. I still buy some blurays and rent from Redbox nearly every weekend. But itā€™s different because sound quality on streaming is nowhere near bluray yet, whereas with games, youā€™re downloading the same exact thing you purchase physically.

Iā€™ve never purchased a ā€œfullā€ game digital and never really plan on doing it.

Actually I take that back, I purchased the previous Tomb Raider because it was like a year after it came out and was $20 with all the DLC which was cheaper than the $30 in store without any DLC. But I am referring to a brand new game at launch, Iā€™ve never purchased a full game and never will.

If the streaming sku takes off in sales over the disc-based sku, I could see Sony and MS taking PS6 and Xbone3 as streaming based console.

PS Now and Game Pass are already there to set them up, and they arenā€™t shuttering those services next-gen or anytime after. They are only going to grow from here on out.

Unless the next set of consoles come with terabytes of storage, Iā€™m not really sure that download only will be a legitimate thing.

A lot of the infrastructure is there already there and working; storage seems to be the choke point.


Couldnā€™t they put the money that wouldā€™ve gone in optical drives, into the storage since theyā€™ll be streaming devices at that point?

Just from Xbox game pass alone Microsoft is pushing to be 100% sooner rather than later

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Likely. Outside of some small speculation things go into territory that I canā€™t really troubleshoot because I donā€™t know much about console hardware production.

What I can tell you is that this change would make being a TO a mercilessly expensive proposition. Youā€™re really gonna have to charge dudes just to use your shit because digital only shit is going to eat at the deals you could make getting used copies. Its also going to be some shit making sure all consoles are always online so they can ping the servers.

Evo 2022 or 23 will be hilarious.