Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Kamiya isn’t directing Babylon

Inaba is.

I’m also forgot for a moment that Scalebound might be owned by M$…though they wouldn’t do anything with it. We don’y know what the contents of the contract are but considering Platinum’s history it’s prob a safe bet that it is.

I see there are 62 new messages in here, and without scrolling up, I’m guessing the Scalebound rumor reached here. Like…what the fuck, lol. This is more out-of-nowhere than the Panzer Dragoon remakes.

I’d guess the P* would be go back to the original idea of it where it involved a little girl and dinosaurs?

Maybe Sega will bring back Burning Rangers too, haha?!

EDIT: One of the guys that worked at P* at the time and on Scalebound specifically, doesn’t see it happening. Can’t embed the tweet…


It’s been dead for a while. Like, a long while. Let it go.


Hmm. Point taken.

But in truth, I still think a stand-alone movie based around one MK character without others involved or without heavy mention of a tournament would fall by the wayside. But I could be wrong.

JP Kellams is who you are talking about. He said he doesn’t know but he doubts it. He said he hasn’t heard anything…considering the time he left he wouldn’t know about it if it was happening

He does say that while he was working there it was tied to M$ though

So really it’s dependent on the contract. Rumor, grain of salt yadda yadda

It really just depends on writing, budget and most importantly, marketing.

I am not saying the Scalebound thing is true but apparently MS let the trademark lapse.


Lord if this actually ends up true then the salt mines are gonna overflow


I’ll be cackling like some kind of lunatic mad scientist.


Yeah and I’d laugh my ass off to be honest. MS cancelled the game. So there would be no one to blame but them.

This thread is slowly descending into madness and chaos


FF IX has one of the most underrated plots of all time.

So many high points, it’s not even funny.


For sure. Even with Necrom at the end (ugh) it was still super good. Kuja and Seymour are my favorite ff villains ever.

Different day different answer on who my favorite ff character is though. It’s either Vivi or Wakka. Both of their character arcs and how they were written were amazing.

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And you are an idiot
I am not insulting on Vivi, yes I know he has to deal with his pending short life, but he also a child character. I going to give more leeway to a child.

What is Tidus’ excuse?

IF (and that’s a BIG FUCKIN’ IF) it is indeed Scalebound, I’m guessing it’ll be the original concept that was pitched to Nintendo for the Wii. The "dead and buried’ part could be the Scalebound that was finalized instead of the initial concept, though.

With MS and Sony getting the new systems ready (presumably) for next year, that would be big blow for MS mindshare wise.

It depends on the terms of their agreement and who actually registered the trademark and copyrights.

Trailer for the first DLC of Travis Strikes Again

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Come on guys…it’s obviously Half-Life 3.

epic store exclusive