Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Could not disagree more. FFXIII was the first I bought where I had no hype or expectations and still endup disappointed. You are basically in a tutorial phase until you get to Gran Pulse. The way the game is constructed you have to love the entire cast to enjoy it. There are basically no NPCs in the game. If you are like me and hated most of the cast, the game was an absolute chore.

I actually bought the entire trilogy on the cheap recently for 360. The games are BC on the XB1. The X1X actually quadruples the native resolution. XIII is as bad as I remember. Just like before, I go to Gran Pulse and peaced out. Iā€™m going to try to finish it at some point. I messed around with XIII-2 for a bit, it seemed more enjoyable than itā€™s predecessor. Only booted up Lighting Returns to test the BC. XIII plays perfectly. XIII-2 plays great for extended periods but then the framerate tanks and you have to reboot it. I will give Square Enix this much, XIII is a beautiful game in 4K.


Looks like previews for yoshi are hitting today


Yoshiā€™s Crafted World sounds like itā€™s going to be super easy, but I hope itā€™s at least fun. I found the demo fun. Kirby on Switch was so easy that it wasnā€™t even fun. I never felt satisfied when completing challenges or levels in it. At least Yoshi looks like it has some puzzle elements to it.

If itā€™s anything like Wooly World (which crafted world seems like a spiritual successor of) than itā€™s going to be easy to play but hard to complete.

Based on the commentary in the video above, itā€™s nothing like Wooly World as far as challenge and platforming goes. But, that was only a couple levels he played.

Like I said before, best part of FF13 is Sazh.

Donā€™t @ me.


You and everyone else without taste cancer.

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Yeah you are absolutely right about that fam.

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Sazh is legit the only good thing about xiii. The Australian lesbians are beyond fucking annoying and stupid. Snow is dumb as shit. While Hope ends up being a bad ass heā€™s still a bitch. Lighting is probably the least likable protagonist in all of final fantasy except maybe Vaan.

The story is garbage, the pacing is garbage, the lore is just a dumpster fire. Passable battle system.

Also the classic meme of it being a tunnel simulator.

Although ffxiii did start one of my favorite flame wars on srk when someone told septimus prime that the Xbox 360 version was better than the PS3 version. He absolutely lost his shit.


I wouldnā€™t call Vaan a protagonist. Heā€™s a audience surrogate and nothing more. The plot donā€™t resolve around him.


Console Wars: Higher Res Turd Polish Edition

That was NOT a hill/pile of shite worth dying on.

Hey leave snow alone. Also XIII and XIII-2 have AMAZING soundtracks.

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Septimus Prime made them fun though. The dude was fucking diligent when it came to his hatered of Microsoft. He was constantly doing research so he could arm himself when it came to console wars/port comparisons/etc.

He was a total cunt but man, he was super knowledgeable.

I loved Sept.

He and SuperKing MADE the PS3 the worthy click it was.

He was basically a Sony only SonicHuman but with mod powers.

Wait a minute, FF13 had lesbians?



I havenā€™t heard the name SUPERKING in what feels like a fucking millennia

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Lightning, Fang, Vanille, Hope, etc et al.

Snow was just a lilā€™ bitch.

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Why yā€™all gotta do my mans Snow like this?

Besides the faux macho affectation, his being a padeophile, and repeatedly getting beaten up by said childā€™s big sister?

Probably the clothes.


Because Snow is shit. Heā€™s a shonen idiot hero.

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