Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Because AMC needs to make the Walking Dead relevant again.

Why was Reptile in the game? He was just some random bonus character you faced winning on very specific conditions on the pit stage. In the movie, he was just some random bonus character too.

Makes complete sense!

@Hawkingbird Found an iPod cord at the GAWD store Savers.



Most the Mortal Kombat characters from 2-4 were born from Easter eggs or inside jokes within the company anyways So who cares?. Lol

Co-sign on Liu vs Reptile being the best fight in the movie!!

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I had this conversation with sonichuman before; I think MK would be good for a cinematic universe. ā€œMortal Kombatā€ itself would be the big Avengers-ish payoff after build-up movies like Johnny Cage, Scorpion vs Sub-Zero, Edeniaā€™s fall and Special Forces vs Black Dragon.

Hakim the Machine from WMAC Masters.


Christ Iā€™m old.


I thought something like that too, but I think there would be immense pressure to have the actual tournament in the first ā€œMKCUā€ movie. Except for maybe Scorpion and Sub-Zero, the rest of the characters arenā€™t good enough to carry a movie all on their own. When Marvel started with Iron Man, at least Iron Man was a widely recognized character. If they ever do start an MKCU the way you want, they could just inject the characters with some personality and I could be wrong though. I think the latest movie they were going to do (if that EVER gets started) involved a bagboy whoā€™s thrust into the MK universe.

Iā€™m having much more fun ever since switching over to Nidusā€¦ all this time I had only been playing my starter warframe which was Voltā€¦

Hereā€™s an interesting take I found of how all the warframes rank in the game currently, at least according to this guyā€¦

*he has a pinned post/comment with time-stamps for each one.

Most people said Iron Man wasnt good enough to carry his own movie.


And I had almost forgotten that this was a thing back in the day too.

You mofoā€™s gonna make me break out my MK bluray tonight.

Mortal Kombat is the first Blu-ray I ever bought.

In other news, Iā€™ve been replaying Final Fantasy XIII over the weekend and Iā€™m about to go back to it right now. I am firmly convinced that this game is an underrated gem; the story is nowhere near as nonsensical as people say it is, the combat is really entertaining (try five-starring every fight), and yes, I love the characters. I love them all. Even that one.

Also, this is just a random thought, but if one is playing low tier MvC2, who are good partners for Amingo? I know Doom is good but this is assuming heā€™s not an option. For some reason I want to say Dhalsim might work.


I dony think XIIIs story is all that nonsensisical, but its delivery, and more to the point, its language and that languages introduction is completely nonsensical, horribly paced, and can be rather rage inducing imo.

They just dump you into it and start dropping lore specific terms with 0 context or meaning behind them at all, i legit felt i was playing a sequel to something i missed the prequel on. Everyones dropping these lore specific terms like im supposed to know what the hell any of it means, and I dont. I have to read the in game dictionary to even get started.

And i would LOVE to take advantage of the battle system and go for 5 star ranks but evey time the game gives me something cool to use it switches my party to a group who has none of those things.

Games just paced horribly and kills any desire i have to even get to know these characters or the games battle system. Its the only RPG ive ever played where i spend an hour unlocking all these cool battle system mechanics, get my first summon and then the games like ā€œOk now play as these people with none of the cool stuff you just spent an hour getting.ā€

That was hella infuriating and ive never turned the game back on since.


Yeah, Iron-Man was far from ā€œwidely recognizedā€ when the first movie came out, at least over here in Europe. People knew Spider-Man, Batman and Superman. Maybe the Hulk, too, but that was the extent of it.


Iā€™m not saying the gameā€™s perfect or anything. It has its faults, and pacing is definitely one of those. The thing about the lore is that a lot of it-- almost all of it-- can be picked up through context. I never had to look up anything to figure out what falā€™Cie, lā€™Cie, Focuses, and any of the places and factions were. As for the constant party splitting, yeah, thatā€™s a fucker, but Final Fantasy VI does it too. A lot. So does FFX to a degree. Itā€™s to be expected from this series to an extent, I feel.

It might be worth noting im not a very big fan of VI or X either.

Edit: IX splits the party up a number of times to, but i never felt frustrated or gimped by it in that game.

XIII is the only Final Fantasy I ever returned to the store. I made it to the ice lake and then quit, game was whack and I couldnā€™t tell what was going on. Didnā€™t particularly like any characters besides Lightning either.

Plus thereā€™s 3 goddamn games! No way.


That makes sense. XIII pulls a lot of the same shit as those two games.

The game also speaks to me personally. Thereā€™s an article (I wish I could still find it) about the general queer coding of Final Fantasy XIII that I couldnā€™t unsee once I read it. One aspect of it was the notion of the lā€™Cie as a trans narrative, and it moved me.

Um, excuse you. Itā€™s a crystal lake.

(I know nobody cares, Iā€™m just being a bitch <3)

sheeeeit, more Warframe good times----I wish ā€œNidusā€ had his own spin-off game at this point. I have him at rank 9 at this point. Where I was having trouble as Volt earlier, I feel unstoppable as Nidus already. Thereā€™s the healing factor, and I can keep throwing out ā€œVirulenceā€ essentially for free if I hit big packs of enemies with it since you get energy back via that abilityā€¦

ā€¦the Nidusā€™ power-level continues to grow as it evolvesā€¦ and this is only the beginning, folksā€¦