Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Why is Negan in Tekken again?
He is a terrible fit for a fighter.
Horror survival sure.


Cause why not? Itā€™s a fun and whacky cameo.

I think itā€™s fucking cool.

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Because it brings attention to the Game from Media Sites and people who never considered to play or buy the game aka PR. Gameplay seemed to be fine, not sure what your issue is with him.

Negan is a lame guest character. Heā€™s underwhelming for a series like Tekken.


i would say the same about the yakuza guy some people wished for. different tastesā€¦

Kiryu is a character meant to be in a fighting game. Iā€™m honestly shocked that it hasnā€™t happened yet.


Played through the first ā€œlevelā€ of Hollow Knight last night. That game is very strange/interesting, but in a good way. The sound in that game is unreal especially considering a 3 man team made the game. Both the music and sound effects are great. I do like how they basically donā€™t tell you anything and there is no hand holding (at least not yet). I liked how Monster Boy didnā€™t do much hand holding but this game looks like it does even less.


If Virtua Fighter wasnā€™t dead, Iā€™m sure Kiryu would have shown up by now. Honestly, Iā€™m surprised he hasnā€™t been in DOA. Sega basically let Tecmo have privy to who ever they wanted from the cast.


Yea get used to it, Hollow Knight is gonna tell you basically nothing. Hell you have to buy the compass just to know where you are on the map lol.

Yeah I got the compass as the first item, and the next one I got was to show on the maps the places youā€™ve visited, if you donā€™t have the map for it yet. I donā€™t fully understand how that works yet, because it appears that it isnā€™t just lighting up the map as I go to new areas, but then later on, Iā€™ll see it is showing me those parts. Iā€™m guessing maybe it ā€˜unlocksā€™ them once you go back onto a bench or something.

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Yea the Knight can only write on the map when he sits on a bench.

Okay cool that is kind of what I figured. The game is interesting though.

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But that is par the course for all guest fighters. Grant Namco is by far the weirdest in their choices as seen in the Soul Calibur franchise, but is Negan from Walking Dead any sillier then Noctus from FFXV or Gon the farting dinosaur?

Gon is a somewhat natural extention of Kuma and Kanga.

Noctis is there simply and solely to make Alisa look like a not completely wholesale bad idea.

Negan is there to get the dude-bros at Ghey!Stahp! to impulse pick up a game that requires more than 3 buttons to play.

Except Roger is a bootleg Roo from Streets of Rage 3 (based on fights held in Thailand) and Kuma is based on the old myth of the karateka that took out a bear.

Gon is manga trash unlocked exclusively in Tekken Ball, too short to be thrown or hit with many mids (not to mention all highs), and kept Tekken 3 from rereleasing on PSN. He is Soul Calibur 4ā€™s Yoda (i.e. an addition that reduces the overall quality of the game).

P.S. PSP did not have PS2ā€™s hardware chops, but coming off a GBA and with huge third party support, TV display support, and movie functionality it was awesome. Only major flaw was the proprietary memory shit.

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Henryk KILLED Eileen. I feel like Iā€™m doing everything wrong this run, I beat Amelia before blood starved beast and while I was able to get him down to about 20% on my own, I wasnā€™t able to summon Alfred to help so I wound up having to bite the bullet and summon someone online. This game starts out great, gets shitty, then gets great again, itā€™s really a lot of ups and downs. Anyway, now that I got the chalice Im gonna run dungeons for a bit now that Iā€™m back on track.

I still need to kill the witch. I was able to kill the brown one but the white one got me as soon as I realized I was going to have to fight her too, and Iā€™ve fought the before but I guess I was leveled up a lot more because it wasnā€™t that tough of a fight the first time.

I never understood the reason for being for Reptile in the movie. Thereā€™s some corpses/statues that swallow reptiles and become a single being? Is it a common occurrence? or just a freak of nature?

sheeeeit, so I got back into playing a bit of Warframe today; they gave a 50% discount on things for whatever reason, so I had enough of the in-game currency to unlock Nidusā€¦ this dude is a viral organism as a playable warframe. This game has so many cool ideas, manā€¦ check this muthafucka out:

I already have him up to rank 6 after a couple of missions, so I have the first 3 of his 4 special abilities to play with nowā€¦
  • Virulence - you stomp the ground which causes fungal growth that damages enemies AND steals energy from them. It also gets apparently stronger via mutation for each pack of 5 enemies this hits.

  • Larva - spawn an ā€œinfestedā€ pod with tendrils that pulls enemies inā€¦doesnā€™t deal damage; it works as a disrupting sort of thing.

  • Parasitic Link - ā€œbind to a target with a parasitic linkā€¦ for allies, both the host and Nidus deal increased damage. Linked enemies take the damage inflicted on Nidusā€ <ā€“this right here is THE SHIT, man.

  • Ravenous - maggots swarm nearby enemies, feasting until hit with ā€˜virulenceā€™ and burst with Infestation. The maggots benefit from Mutation, and each enemy hit adds to the Mutation stack.

I am absolutely loving this shit. Other companies shouldā€™ve been taking notes all this time.

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Itā€™s just ā€œhey letā€™s have a fight with Reptile in the movieā€. Thatā€™s it.

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sometimes its better not to know and let it flow!