Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

All the major tournaments still have SCV on the docket. They wouldn’t do that if no one was showing up.

It was announced during the finals of a tournament. Namco can’t even do that if the game had no scene.

Yeah. I’m sure it’ll get it’s run through this years tournament circuit but it’s been crickets for a while and will probably be crickets afterwords.

I understand that.

soul calibur scene will prob be fine for the next year but soul calibur 6 was always thuggin on a budget so anything they put out will prob be recycled assets and profitable enough to sustain the game.

Toys aren’t as cheap as they were back in our day, homie. And a lot of toys aren’t traditional “toys” anymore but more on the side of “collectibles” The $22 ones are called “legacy figures” and that’s pretty much the standard price anywhere for them. Sometimes they’re actuslly a little more ($27-30)

The $70 one is from a brand called “S.H. figurearts” they’re really high quality figures. Have mass articulation, etc. I have a few of them. The price tag is worth it. Imo it’s worth it anyways. I also agree with people that say it’s not worth it. The sticker shock is real on high end figures.

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soul calibur 6 is one of those games that’s better off getting more stuff for the casual fans and building goodwill so the next game can have an actual budget. although i am starting to wonder how profitable these pro tours are if koi-tecmo was willing to risk guaranteed tiddy costume money for an evo slot/ esports money.

Soul Calibur already had that game. Lost Sword was exactly that and it failed.

lost sword was always a stupid idea people said they wanted more single player content not a single player fighting game. they did that shit on purpose to make some kind of wierd point after soul calibur v.

Amy trailer. (I’m surprised @Sonichuman hasn’t posted it yet. He must be at work. While I have the next 5 days off. Mwuahahaha)

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yeah the 70-dollar one looked better even though it was smaller… I’d also rather have the Morphin-era Green Ranger Tommy. In terms of Zeo, the Gold Ranger had the superior suit design, imo… and I already have that one from a few years ago.

Jump Force–I forgot to mention that an odd thing about the customization is that it appears you cannot make a really fat or really buff person… I’m not sure what their hang-up is about that, but the only body options seemed to be “skinny” or “skinny AND kinda ripped”. There is a chest option but that appears to do nothing… I guess it’s for bigger titties on the female characters, perhaps…just seems odd that you can’t make people that are either fat or thick with muscle like a body-builder.

How the fuck did y’all spend 6 hours talking about some Apple bullshit?



cuz its fun.

Mega Man 11 being good is an anomaly. Inafune said Capcom was ruining things so he left to create a shitty MM successor & finessed a shitload of ppl. Then Capcom comes back with a solid title he created

In fairness, I went to bed and came back fam :grin:

Case we got Apple Apologist here who dont understand their company is shit

hmm… I should make “Deebo from Friday” as a hero for Jump Force…heh, hell yeah he uses the deadly art of Nigga-Moment jutsu. “Who else want some of DEEBO?! Step up, so I can drop ya like I did this bitch.” I’m not sure how many characters you can make though, or if you have to even start over making a new one.


Because liking their products make them apologists?

Just because you disagree with someone about something doesn’t mean you need to breath down their necks and tell them they’re wrong and stupid for liking said thing.

I disagree with a lot of gaming opinions in this thread but i never insult said person or persons directly because they like said thing (@rudeawakening doesn’t count because he willingly ignorant to facts). I voice my opinion on the matter and move on. No need to beat a dead horse.

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Because its like trying to defend EA for their shitty as practices.
There no excuse to defend a company for shotty over price products that break easily along with really shitty anti-consumer practices.

Apple is known for putting their logo on everything, so lets say you send a bunch of broken laptop or iPhone screens out to get repaired, and the only thing wrong is the glass so you replace the glass part of the screen. You are paying someone to refurbish existing parts.
And you receive back said now official screens thats been refurbished, they are already official parts.

But there is an Apple Logo on somewhere on the product, probability microscopic detail on a ribbon cable. Apple is now claiming those official parts are bootleg and will have ICE break in to your business and confiscate those screens and slap you with a fine, as Apple don’t want you to service their broken shit at all.

What there is to understand? They Knowingly sell people shit that they knows breaks easily, refuse warranty and repair services, so its ether pay $2000 to $4000 for a new Laptop or $700 for a guy to sit their with an hot air soldering station and microscope to sit there, trouble shoot your broken Laptop and solder on tiny SMD sized parts, mostly which are salvaged from other broken Laptops as Apple refuse to allow people to get repair/ replacement parts. its their really shit ass engineering and customer policies why I hate Apple. Atleast Microsoft will not call the cops if you try to fix someone else’s Xbox One X, they just not honor the warranty (which is illegal by the way but I digress).
Apple will go out of their way to weaponize IP law to prevent any 3rd party repairs, and make it where a simple Button has DRM software so you can’t easily swap parts without hacking their hardware.

The one true shit thing about Apple is all the proprieatery cords. My iPod cord is bad so I can’t upload music to it anymore.

Now I have to find some douchebag with an Apple decal on their car to sacrifice to Steve jobs in order to get another one. They could’ve just switched to mini-usb after a while but nooo, gotta sacrifice douchebags. :sob:

Pls move on though. This is just silly now.


I’ve literally never had an issue with any apple product that wasn’t of my own doing. I’ve never mishandled or broke any of my Apple equipment either. I still buy Apple Care just Incase though. People who treat their tech like shit baffle me. You paid x amount for it you should treat it as such. I get that accidents happen but most tech accidents can be easily avoided if you actually care for your tech.

I really don’t care about any of their practices or whatever because they don’t effect me in any way. I’m not saying you’re wrong for feeling that way either. You could be right. I just simply don’t care.

Apple provides me with what I want in a way I like it presented to me. PC and other devices do not. Until they do I will continue to support Apple.

It’s really that simple.

Anyways. Back to vidiya games!