Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

This mac vs PC debate is making my head hurt. I thought it was common knowledge by this point that macs were over priced for their performance and that they were shit for any kind of real IT work. Anyone with a basic level IT education knows that. Hell, every IT class I ever took used about every OS in lessons except Mac OS. Years ago my high school switched all classroom computers to Macs after using windows for years and it was a nightmare. Nothing worked. Teachers couldn’t even load power points without errors. They switched back to PC as soon as they could. I had to bring my own third party programs on a usb drive just to be able to do any work at school. I remember wasting an entire class period just trying to get a video presentation I made to play on my teacher’s mac. The damn thing would only play quicktime videos and nothing else. It wouldn’t even play mpeg2 files which is baffling since they played DVDs just fine. Brought vlc with me the next day and said fuck all that shit.


They teach Windows because in the real business world Windows machines are like 90% of the market. I made up the 90% number but I’m just talking about the vast majority of machines in the business world are Windows machines. It would be dumb for them to teach Mac stuff in IT classes then you go to the real world and have no clue what you are doing.

Making huge changes at a business like changing OS completely is a HUGE task in itself. The government is the hugest “company” that uses Windows for everything.

And yet we still were taught how to use every other OS that wasn’t Mac or Windows…

So you mean Linux, which pretty much every server is ran on by anyone who’s competent.

Who woulda thought…


And of course no one would know how to just use Macs when everyone has been using Windows their whole time there previous. That’s called common sense. There will be a learning curve.

You don’t throw a C++ developer into the Javascript world and expect them to know how to make a webapp right away.

And MS products on OSX have always been flaky, at least back when I used them which was like 10 years ago. Of course though it’s Apple’s fault that software written by MS doesn’t work correctly on their OS.

Also, using Mac’s in a highschool just seems like a stupid idea. That is definitely overkill for anything you need to do in highschool unless you’re in a computer science class. But like a lab full of macs, yeah that is completely unnecessary. Highschool’s should just use Chromebooks or something mad cheap that will get the job done.

I do think that Apple gives huge discounts for educational purposes though.

Can we go back to talking about vidiya games? This whole anti-Mac/Pro-Pc talk is just stupid and retreading itself constantly.

@purbeast any VR games you excited about?

Whats everyone playing?
What’s everyone excited about/has preordered?


Yes that includes linux of course.
Just telling you how it is,boss. Every real world experience that I’ve ever had with macs in school or at a job was always a mess. Everything that would have been a simple task in windows or linux ended up being a hair pulling experience on a mac. Same when it came to an ipad vs any android tablet. The only people I know in real life that enjoy apple products are pretty much average people that have no knowledge about the inner workings of a computer. Anyone I know in anykind of IT, media, art, or business fields that tried macs went back to PCs because macs were very difficult for anything that they wanted to do. Especially when it came to repairs and hardware upgrades which has been talked about to death here. Apple themselves make everything difficult for people that want to have any sort of control and customization over their computers whatsoever.

And yeah it was indeed overkill to switch to macs at my high school. Chromebooks weren’t a thing yet at the time. My school always had an obsession with spending shit tons of money on shiney shit it didn’t need just so it could feel fancy. They literally spent money to build a personal training facility for the football team that was half the size of the school. You know. Something that’ll really help everyone’s education. Lol

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Nah none that are in the pipe really. I may get that XING game at some point, looks pretty neat. The only game I’m still playing right now in VR is Beat Saber. I really don’t know what comes out this year VR wise though.

I just started Hollow Knight so I’ll be playing that but I may save a lot of that for my vacation flights next month. Yoshi’s World I’m definitely getting next month but that comes out after I get back so I can’t play that on the flight. I liked the demo a lot. Debating picking up Pocket Rumble for $5 but just don’t think I’d play it much.

I’m so pumped for crafted world. I 100%ed Wooly world on Wii U and 3DS. This looks to be a lot like Wooly world but more polished and a lot of new ideas and mechanics being brought to the table. I’m excited.

Amy announced for scvi

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I never played Wooly World so I’m not sure what it’s about.

I may go back to RE2 also but I dunno if I will. I’m not too interested in the DLC that came out because it just seems like a really short arcady mode. The thing I loved about playing through RE2 was the puzzles and stuff, item collecting, etc. The DLC may have that though but I’m just going by the trailers.

I only beat it as Leon and started as Claire B, but I dunno just doing the same shit as her and being in the same spots was kinda meh. I was hoping that it would be a completely different angle but it’s not much different (at least so far). I’m like 40 minutes in.

I used like Apple back in the day as well. Their hardware shit all over PC. Once they swapped over to Intel things went downhill. They were still charging a premium for their hardware but it was no longer superior to PC. It was equal at best. Now things have gotten to the point where it isn’t even equal, it’s inferior and they are still charging a premium. They billing people for diamonds and delivering cubic zirconias.


Soul Calibur VI DLC has been anything but hype for me. Nothing against Amy but meh. Can we at least get returning characters with more unique weapon styles. Based on the leaks we are getting Cassandra too. I like Cassandra but damn man, can I get Hilde or something?

i think it’s getting a second season with 6 more characters. the more unique characters lost the popularity contest the series had to prove it was still viable first.

Fair point. I forgot that Soul Calibur was on the brink of getting hakai’d.

I been playing through the Ghost Survivors DLC. They are extensions of the 4th Survivor mode. The cool thing about them is that it introduces new enemies types.

Is there even a scene for SCVI anymore?

This is a legit question.

That Amy announcement was made during Evo Japan finals.

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Does announcing content really mean there is a scene though. Like SNKH pumped out content but it was pretty much DOA.

a shame it appears I’m the only person that actually likes the way Gamestop is now…tons of collectible stuff are like 80% of the store now. I didn’t see much I wanted that wasn’t overpriced though… they had some Power Ranger figures but one series were 22 bucks a piece, and they had Zeo Tommy that was 60 or 70(!)… but they had 75% off on certain items yesterday, but I didn’t have much time to look; wanted to get back home before the usual retarded rush-hour traffic got started. There’s a niiiiice perfectly detailed Thanos statue I might get later.

Jump Force— Black Coffin is one of the moves you can buy (in-game currency) for your original character…hell yeah I intend to get that move next. Unfortunately it’s probably classified as an “awakening” which means it would replace my “Godspeed Bolt”.

I realize this game is probably viewed by most fighting/action fans as “so broken” in some way but I am having wayyyyy to much fun to care. This is giving me just about everything I want right now… except the nitpick about the graphics; I really wish they would’ve made this cel-shaded like most devs do with anime games. Cel-shade polys suits the whole anime aesthetic perfectly every time.