Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Rumor states it is because Nomura leading the projects and being a perfectionist that will occasionally scrape builds for changes or features he wants a la what happened with Duke Nukem Forever .

I can see that partially being the case but I am guessing Square Enix had a bunch of people that just had no experience on creating a custom HD game engine that doesn’t suck. They tried to do it on their own but shit kept going sour hence why their other games with different teams that use Unreal or other stuff are able to be developed and released at reasonable periods while most of their core shit is in development he’ll for nearly a decade.

God help FF 7 fans if the next generation actually begins in 2019 or 2020. They probably won’t get it for another two years after the new PS launches.


haha, so I killed that patient the crazy so-called vampire woman was “feeding” on…annnnd now she’s apparently run off and is considered “Lost”… she was an interesting one for sure… hopefully I run into her again later. As mentioned before, it would be fun to turn that one if it becomes an option later (*I think that is only a story-related thing, unfortunately) and see what happens. This is definitely a game to play through multiple times to see all the possible ways things can go.

*edit–ohhhhh shit and I just found her! Oh things could get really interesting if I can get over there… I’m having to fight off various other creatures and hunters over in Whitechapel.

holy shit I just ran into a “Reverend” on the streets of Whitechapel, and that fucker was quite the problem, wielding a large crucifix!!.. he actually got me a few times but I came back and approached that fight more carefully… taking out the rookie hunter that was with him first, then keeping my distance and just shooting the bastard. Besides a pistol, I also have this vamp power where I shoot a “blood spear” at people, which does great damage. I’ve also fed on a 3rd person recently…so my vampire powers continue to evolve…
“You have to have FAITH…for this to work… Mr. Vincent.”

ohoooo it keeps getting better! I just tracked down this person that was being a problem for a certain fellow vampire… I had some options of how to deal with it, of course… I went the more humane route and simply compelled/mesmerized her to forget about things so she would stop. (the easier route would probably have been to kill the bitch, but I’d rather keep her alive for now.)


Gamestop is experimenting with selling comic books at a small group of stores.

Gamestop is now becoming a catch all store. It’s almost a brick and mortar thinkgeek


Which is just a friendly reminder to support your local comic shop. Fuck GameStop.


Considering the state of comics today, it may not be the best time to get into that market.


Well, they do own think geek. Have for about 4 years now

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I been collecting comics on and off since the spectator bubble pop of the 90s.
I learned this from that 90’s comic spectator bubble popping; never collect as an investment, there are better ways to buy and sell to make a profit and comics is not one of those.
If you going to collect comics, pick the stores/books/series you like the most and read and collect those.

Collect comics not for the investment, but for the enjoyment you receive in the hobby.
Same thing applies with Retro Games, i just waiting for the bubble to pop and people lose out on their investments.


I’ve become increasingly ruthless in Vampyr now… I fed on another citizen, and of course I’m getting much deeper into the story. The lore they have going on here is DELICIOUS.

oh yeah, my Mesmerize level went up to 2, finally…so of course this opens up my feeding options a bit more. I went back and healed some folks at the hospital so that district’s status is back to either high serious or stable… I’ve decided to try and maintain that area at least. The woman from Whitechapel that I dealt with by compelling/mesmerizing her to forget earlier…well, that district’s condition worsened right after I did that, and she is now “missing”. :rofl: Whitechapel is “CRITICAL” right now. I’m doubting I’ll see her again…should’ve killed her and got the experience.

…this makes it all the more annoying that Dad will be on his way to barge in on my little vacation tomorrow.

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Fighting EX Layer is dropping on the 28th it looks like bois. Day juan for me. Fighting game of the generation. Let me know if you want to get hit by some TRIPULL BWEAK --> JUSTASS FEAST loops on the 28th. :sunglasses:

I’ve been playing a ton of the new Path of Exile expansion that released on the 1st. It’s been a ton of fun and I’ve made a shitload of progress as well as having some amazing luck with item drops+gearing my character through trades. I even ran across MAD DOG MAJIMA himself playing:


saw this on reddit… sony censored the xbox controller in the new destiny trailer on its youtube

They kinda have to.


holy shit I just ran into a “Vulkod” in Vampyr… this dude was like the HULK of vampires, man…he was also 4 levels above me… it took a while to beat that guy, but I managed to kill him.

The “Coagulation” power really came in handy there… it involves blocking the blood flow and causing temporary paralysis… after the fight I leveled this up so now I can paralyze my enemies for 5 seconds instead of 3. I’ve also invested into the “Shadow Veil”, and went with the topside skills on the skill tree for that…the damage bonuses are RIDICULOUS with that… (becoming invisible for a while; attacking from invisibility gives me the damage bonus…you can see the numbers too… I already did 550 damage to one regular enemy a little while ago; for just the first rank of that effect that is insane.)

Yes… this is turning out to be the ultimate game for vampire fans. This is legendary stuff here.

BRUH… holy shit the revelation that just happened… I had to take a break just now to sit back and reflect on everything that just happened… wow, man… everything about that scene, and the fight I just barely scraped by in…this game, man… :boom: :flushed:

The new Atari Console crowd funder a Scam?

These guys think So.

So Alpha Charlie, how many Atari VCS units are you ordering?


Downloaded trials fusion today.
Ive never played the previous titles and this is my first trial game.
It’s hella fun and so addicting wow!
Thanks to PS+.

Ahahahahahahahaha :rofl:


someone got banned from PSN for pretending their dad works for sony :family_man_boy::video_game::rofl:


Curse of the Moon has got me on a Castlevania kick over the last couple weeks- man, I don’t think I gave Order of Ecclesia enough credit previously. I’m now leaning towards that one being the best Metroid style game in the series. Way more challenging than the others, and a ton of content without getting stale. Some of the music is pretty weak though, don’t know what the hell they were thinking with tracks like the boss theme in Dracula’s Castle. Having to farm for rare drops was still tedious and annoying though.

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Lol, good.
Serves them right.

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