Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

sheeeeit, I didn’t know you make your own character in Jump Force. This is awesome, man… and the customization options for your character are pretty good…unlike most “creatively-challenged” companies out there, here they give you a huge amount of color options for skin tone… so you can make people with green or purple skin if you want, with demonic-looking eyes where the white part is black, add some markings on the face, etc. Mine has the “emo Ulquiorra” stripes going down from his (black +gold pupils) eyes, and that forehead scare that looks like an “X” was carved into his skin. This new hero is about to be THE SHIT, folks.

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you should give windows 10 a shot because it is literally nothing like windows 7, xp, etc etc.
it never gives you errors.
its 1,000x better than trash win7

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It seems they’re adding another, as of yet unannounced, character from KoFXIV in addition to Mai. Though I fully expect it to be someone like Terry or Kyo, considering those are the characters at the top of the character polls.

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Yeah Kyo and Terry are pretty popular.

I’ve seen windows 10. I don’t like it.
I loved windows 7 and xp dearly. Basically using what looks like a mobile OS isn’t appealing or wanted

JUMP FORCE, man…holy shit this is truly a Shonen Anime fan’s dream, bruh. The controls are simple enough for anyone to pick up in about 2 or 3 minutes. I had a team of my original character, Ichigo and Aizen Sosuke just now against Rukia, one of the Saint Seiya dudes and Vegeta… so much awesome shit happened in this one match, man… it looked so cool with my original character finishing the team off with a Kamehameha followed up by a Hell Grenade (with a cinematic close up on my character’s face when he was charging up the attacks…this is delicious, as Bison would say). Oh yeah this was worth every penny to me. I’ll be enjoying this for quite a while.

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my point was, win 7 and xp gave us all nothing but constant errors. its very rare that win 10 gives out errors. its just so much better.
also, you can switch modes in windows 10 from what you called “mobile os” which is tablet mode to desktop mode which is more traditional windows os experience.
my desktop doesnt have a touchscreen so no point in having it in tablet mode so i switched it to desktop mode and it feels like windows 7 just without all the errors, crashes, bugs, and virus/malware infiltration.
win10 is gdlk

you guys are crazy if you don’t think it will be another woman it’s either mary, leona, or alice its gotta be somebody that can move to 3d easily.

Mary fighting style would translate well to a 3D fighter. I’m not big on guest characters but I’d be lying if I said I would not be happy to see some SNK characters with good 3D models. KOFXIV’s models were straight poverty.

mary is who im thinking athena is a little to magical and yuri while possible is a less interesting choice then leona.

Watch Louis Rossmann on youtube
Watch his Repair videos, the design flaws he points out say otherwise.

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I’ll check it out. Probably won’t take much to convince me. The last time I had a really high opinion of Apple, Mac’s used the Power PC architecture.


Again, saying Apple is trash is ignorance. You all are clearly ignorant to the software development world.

For your every day person who uses computers for social media and doing school work? Yeah there is no need for an Apple product.

For someone who is doing development, running servers locally, databases locally, having multiple IDE’s open at once, doing all of this without any types of hiccups, and need something you can carry around easily? Oh, and you don’t have to run Windows and can run a *nix environment instead? Apple products are a godsend.

But you ignorant folk wouldn’t know this.

Also, many of you guys clearly don’t know what “overpriced” means. If things were overpriced, that means they wouldn’t sell.

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Yeah. I worked IT off and on for 10 years (which is what turned me on to Apple) and I loved working with Apple products more than I did with PC by fucking far it was so much easier, so much more organized, so much more streamlined. Every time we dealt with pc it was god damn mess and we hated it so we did everything we could to get those clients to convert to Apple.

Apple forever the best. Fuck the haters.

This a terrible, overpriced product. Having an Apple logo doesn’t make a bad product good.

Why is it “overpriced”?

Serious question too because I don’t really follow hardware right now so I don’t even know what those kind of GPU’s and shit mean.

Go into details and show the equivalent Windows/Linux machine that is significantly cheaper.

And just for the record, I own a Windows desktop, a MacBook pro laptop (bought in 2015 but was a 2014 model, for $1799 and still runs more performant than anything I’ve used since, including my PC’s at work, and has a battery life that is a bajillion times better than any of the previous 2 HP and Dell laptops I owned), an iPhone for my cell, and an Android tablet. I’ve developed 10+ apps for both iOS and Android (all native) on the side, then for my full time job I’ve developed Windows software, OSX software, and the past 6+ years I’ve been doing webapp development which is completely OS agnostic. So I think I know a thing or two about what hardware is good and performant for development.

The previous mode is $2000 cheaper and gives you the same performance. So that makes the new model overpriced because you are paying more money and you are getting no benefit. It is also a trash design because they didn’t redesign the cooling solution at all. They just slapped the i9 in. It’s a superior chip but it can’t run full speed due to Apple’s design.

It would be like buying an Xbox One X and getting Xbox One S performance.

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