Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

This is true. When I worked st the comic book shop in Washington we had a local artist draw us comic book heroes using iPods and iPhones (mimicking the early 2000’s ad they had with einstein, mlk etc) and one day a customer came in and saw them. Asked if he could take a picture of them. We said sure. Turns out he was an Apple employee. A week later we got a C&D Order from Apple ordering us to destroy them or we’d be taken to court over copyright infringements.

Anyways, back on topic.

Just started Hollow Knight. I love the art style and environment in this game. The sound is great too. I don’t know how I completely missed this game. From what I hear it’s long as shit and I paid less than $8 for it. Seems too cheap lol.

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Lol apple is trash.

Only good thing they made was the iPod.


man i love grandia 3’s gameplay but this story is hot garbage and also i liked the party better when it was the main character, his mom, his girlfriend, and a drunken sailor, better than the lame characters they get replaced by.

Grandia 2 is best grandia.


this is true i cannot lie. in terms of gameplay grandia extreme is my favorite but its a dungeon crawler.

To be fair, if they ever remade Grandia 1 with Grandia 2’s battle system, it would be Best Grandia and possibly in my Top 8 JRPGs of All Time.

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1st mac 1984 was ahead of its time. too ahead tbh.

Yo, all the Grandias are coming to the Switch, right? Or at least 1 and 2? I never did finish 2 despite liking it a lot. Only one I finsished was the first one.

Also, why the EFF are we talking about THAT Mortal Kombat movie that I will not name? I thought there was an SRK law that anyone that mentions THAT movie by name more than two times is supposed to have their wee wee chopped and tossed into a meat grinder.

Saying Apple is trash is just ignorance. But that is pretty normal around these parts.

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Apple isn’t trash but they are highly overrated. I can’t fault them for putting out overpriced products if people keep buying them. That said, the i9 MacBook is straight trash. It’s terribly designed, so the i9 throttles so much it doesn’t outperform the i7.


Apple charges you 2 to 2.5 times for the same performance you’d get on PC. They’ve been vanity products for a long ass time now.


I’ve used apple products for over 10 years and the only time I’ve ever had an issue with them was because I didn’t know what I was doing.

When I was pc I had nothing but constant issues and problems.

I love my iPhone
I love my iPad
I love my MacBook Air
I love my Apple TV.

Haven’t gotten the ear pods though. I don’t like wireless.

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Thats because apple makes their products so their customers have no way of hurting themselves. You’re basically computing while wrapped in bubble wrap.


Apple can eat a bag of dicks. I hate how closed their ecosystem is. I hate how the company does everything in their power to prevent customers from fixing their own devices. When they do fix the products they do the most half assed job possible. The design of their products can be absolute shit. Darc already mentioned the problem with i9 Macbooks. The butterfly switches on the keyboards of their Macbooks are so shitty that the smallest bit of debris can jam the switches. Can’t forget classics how iphone 4 antennas were so shitty that holding the phone in a normal fashion would block the signal and bendgate with the iphone 6.


Which I’m totally okay with.

Oh. And I love my Apple Watch.

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iPods are pretty fucking spectacular, though.

The best ones were the Nanos, and those are discontinued, sadly.

They were the best workout music players of all time, imo - simple, streamlined, effective.

The newer, bigger ones have entirely too many functions, apps, and other shit clogging up the hardware.

No, I don’t need a wifi connection for my music player; no, I do not need a goddamned fucking screen lock… on my music player.

No argument there. iPods were legit.

I preferred Grandia 1 over 2, granted I never beat part 2. Something bout that old school difficulty and 2d graphics. I felt part 2 didn’t capture the charm of the 1st

I think you got the ipods confused with the Sansa Clip.

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