Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Because a lack of exclusives mean I don’t need the platform. The only justification for me to buy the X1X would be superior performance, but my PC outclasses the X1X. For online play the PS4 has nearly 2.5 times the online playerbase of the X, so that makes Pro valuable outside of exclusives. Next gen this may not matter if crossplay truly takes off but that is of little consequence now. The Switch has Nintendo games and the ability to be used on the go. Thankfully the X1X has BC and a 4K Blu Ray player or it would be a doorstop for me.


I watch Microsoft conference to know which games are headed to PC. Before I didn’t fuck with Xbox because their exclusives didn’t appeal to me. Now they don’t have any.


Keep working on it Sony

Activision Blizzard is laying off people

Looking at Jump Force, seems like a prettier version of J Stars Vs. I think ima wait on a price drop, got a feeling I’d be pissed paying full price

It’s just a generic weeb arena fighter with an actually solid cast. It’s price will drop fast.


Does it have team supers or special tag combos ?

Oh, I’m counting on it dropping. I’ll mostly be playing it for story & character intereaction

(Wouldve preferred a sequel to the old Jump DS games instead tho).🤷🏾

It’s just a matter of time before activision just “absorbs” blizzard and they go back to being solely activision.

Activision is rolling in money and they’re firing people. Fuck that company


That’s just big companies in general.
Walmart is firing about 3-5 salaried managers per store and consolidating positions that start with a lower salary that the managers who move to the “new” position have to take or be fired. They’re cutting hours and closing stores nation wide.

GameStop is notoriously greedy too.

It’s just rampant capitalism

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Companies usually have layoffs when business is down. The exact opposite is happening with Activision yet they are letting people go. It’s retarded.

I agree but that’s just how major companies are these days because they know they can get away with it. So many companies are too big to do anything to now. We let that shit go unchecked for so long.

EA lost 21 BILLION because of BF5 flopping but it barely made a dent in them. It sucks but that’s just how it is.

I remember when the Wii U was tanking. The board pressured him to lay people off. Iwata refused and cut his salary to $1. It is disgusting to see companies that are making money canning people.


Iwata was a once in a life time kind of person. Dude was amazingly and undeniably selfless. He’d Constantly help struggling projects out in anyway he could working with them until the late night and early mornings (just look at how much he helped out GameFreak with pokemon RBY and GSC) and yeah, like you said, Iwata refused to cancel projects, close internal studios or fire personnel. So he took a pay cut as a thanks to them for all their hard work and as an apology to the Nintendo customers for the Wii U being a failure.

I fucking miss Iwata so much. Can’t believe it’s already been almost 4 years since his passing. Shit sucks. I remember the outpouring of emotion and gratitude from every developer and company when he passed. It was really nice to see.

PAX prime that year was basically one huge tribute to him seeing how much fan fair, banners and art work that was all over the convention hall. And pretty much every panel mentioned him as being an inspiration to get into video game development.


Not sure if anyone realized this but Target’s B2G1 extends to preorders (at least for PS4). Got a copy of DMC5 queued up because of if.


I noticed it when they had Team Sonic Racing as part of the sale. Passed on it as I want to get that game on PC.

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Too add to the sadness. It’s going to be a very tumultuous and emotional day when Shigeru Miyamoto passes. I know that won’t be for a long time but like…his contributions to gaming are unrivaled. His process and outlooks on gaming may be a bit dated or hokey these days. However, you can’t deny his love and passion for his creations and gaming as a whole.


I think that’s just Japanese custom to reduce their own wages instead of firing people like in the west. And Japanese labour law prohibit firing for workers on permanent contract.

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Same devs so yeah. Same problems too apparently.