Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Cloud came off to me less as an Emo and more as a PTSD suffer

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The decisions characters make in FF VII makes me think they are either heavily medicated or very dumb and I say that without considering how absurd and poorly paced the plot is.

I must say that going back to any Final Fantasy that is not VI is very hard for me as the rest are very flawed in execution. has just been registered by an unknown entity. The registry took place in the same Onamae domain registrar that Capcom has used for and

Announcement coming at E3?

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Nah, donā€™t do this. Iā€™m going to wait. Fuck that.

For some reason I feel that if Devil May Cry 5 isnā€™t revealed, E3 will be ruined for some as a result of all these ā€œleaksā€ and rumorsā€¦


Yea having a mental break down after being mind controlled to do something that dooms the entire planet and not knowing what to do and losing it once makes you a woman beater.

You guys sometimes i swear to god.

For me, even with all the leaks if DMC5 isnt announced at E3 it will just be another year of DMC dissapointment just like the last 10 or so years. Shit will just be whatever.

Man itā€™s indefensible. Heā€™s the ā€œheroā€. He didnā€™t just strike her by accident. He pummeled Aerith with an unprovoked attack. Aerith comforts him after he screws up and he beats her ass for it. Iā€™ve played hundreds of games and Iā€™ve never seen the protagonist do something like that to the heroine.

I beat God of War this weekend. After hearing how long the game supposedly was, it really isnā€™t: the ending took me by surprise. But this is not to say that I think that the game is short: itā€™s a decent length, IMO. I have about 4 side quests to finish before Iā€™ve done all the quests.

Previously, I played the entire GoW trilogy, and I remember playing God of War 3 and feeling about halfway through the game that this will be my last GoW game. I was starting to get bored with the series: with combat, story, theme, etc. So after finally beating GoW 3, I told myself if they make another, Iā€™ll pass.

Glad I didnā€™t follow through with that, because the new God of War is excellent. The new setting, revamped combat and overall game play was exactly what was needed to revive the series.

I also want to add that the writing in this game is incredible. My last Western action game was Horizon: Zero Dawn, and after slogging through the abominable writing in that game, the writing here was what I needed to regain faith in video game narration. In God of War, the behavior and dialogue makes sense and is actually consistent and develops appropriately to externalaties. The only exception is Atreausā€™s sudden heel turn and even more sudden turn back to face. The relationship between Freya and Baldur make sense and is well executed. All the time listening to their dialogue I just kept nodding and saying ā€œYes, that is exactly how theyā€™d behaveā€. Great stuff.

So yeah, excellent game. Time to now wrap a bow on this and finish the sidequests: since my brother and my friends know I have the game, they have been chomping at the bits to borrow it.


It is not really a ā€œGod of Warā€ gameā€¦ nor was Ascension, but at least itā€™s good.

haha, shameless bootlegsā€¦

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I remember renting Fighters History on the SNES, it wasnā€™t a bad game, it wasnā€™t great and they obviously ripped off the style of Capcom but most people did back then so I never got the court battle.

WTF is with the voiceover in that video? Is it just some text to speech program ā€œreadingā€ a script?

Never played FFVII and my luck probably never will. I think i started on Legend of Dragoon or Chrono Cross but always had a issue with said game like RPG curse. Like iā€™ll lose the first disc to FFVII or XenoGears disc wouldnā€™t go past the first cutscene. MGS came out and then Twisted Metal and random games like Steel Regin took over.

Just get a digital copy of the game on the PS3, PSP/PS Vita, or PC

Or emulate the PS1 game.

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He can wait a decade for the remake.


LOL, if it comes out.


Yakuza 3, 4 and 5 are getting remasters because the series is now selling well overseas. According to Toshihiro Nagoshi, the sales in the West is matching the Japanese sales.


Fighterā€™s History was more than a simple rip off. Most games at least put their own spin on things. Fighterā€™s History played exactly like Street Fighter. When hit the arcade, some people thought it was Street Fighter.Heck when the Street Fighter machines were occupied, weā€™d play it because it had the same feel.

Anectdotal to support this. The few days I do work at GS it seems thereā€™s been a bit more interest in the series. Not a ton more but noticably more than it ever has while I was an assistant manager.

Yakuza starting to get that Persona shine of overseas love.

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