Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Creating a new genre despite being easily classified in another is a bit of a cop out, no?

You realize it created that genre back in the PS2 days and has since spawned tons of other games from other companies in a similar style right? It LITERALLY is it’s own genre. This isn’t even up for debate. Also, what “cop out?” I don’t care if you think the game is bad compared to something else, I’m just correcting you.


Not gonna lie when I first started MHW(my first MH), I didn’t like it much either. I thought the combat controls were clunky… like why isn’t there a proper lock-on and stuff. But once I got use to it, it makes perfect sense why it is the way it is and I’ve been loving the game since.


What other games exist in this theoretical genre?

@Gasaraki NeverYouMind is a fucking retard. You’re better off not wasting your time with him. He won’t get it.


Smh, wasting time responding to this dude.


You are such a condescending asshole. Why don’t you do your own fucking research. Literally just googled “hunting action games” and found this list:

I’d agree as far as arguing his taste, but he is literally, factually, provably incorrect about it being a hack and slash. If he still wants to pretend the genre doesn’t exist then he is actually delusional.


That link has Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker and Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep in the same list, so forgive me if I do not take this categorization seriously.

By the logic employed in that list 1998’s Cabela’s Big Game Hunter would be the forefather of the genre.

Never played a hack and slash with so much gathering, farming, and preperation, yet still not be an rpg either.

Its a hunting game, its really its own thing with its own goals and gameplay loops.

No one gives a shit if you take a catagorization seriously, youre still wrong regardless. I hate the term Metroidvania, no one gives a single shit tho. Get over it, youre wrong as usual.


Fine, then that person was mistaken about those ones. I didn’t look super closely because my point is you can literally just google it to see more about the genre. There’s plenty of others like MH. Toukiden, Soul Sacrifice, Ragnarok Aces, etc. Like, seriously, just do some research.




Holy shit we need the lol button back. Almost spit up my drink with that Big Game Hunter bit. :joy:


Also Respawn has officially announced a game that has kinda been rumored called Apex Legends

Titanfall 3 isn’t in development, Apex Legends is Respawn’s focus

Apparently it’s in the same universe or something though, just no mechs and no cool traversal.


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FYI Shooting Game Weekly’s episode just dropped. They usually focus just on shmups but this week they are covering a Vanquish replay on God Mode. Should be hype hype hype.

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Sou Sacrifice Delta looked really cool. I wish they would port it to PS4.


I wish Freedom Wars had a PS4 port too.


Speaking of genres, I was just thinking about it now but Capcom has actually had a pretty big influence on genre creation or at least proliferation now that I think about it. SF2 made 1v1 fighting games huge, DMC basically created the 3d combat action template, MH started the hunting action genre, RE made survival horror blow up(way more than clock tower or anything else AFAIK, could be wrong), and Final Fight definitely took beat em ups to a much wider level IIRC.