Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Fucking SS ranks in Beat Saber are hard as shit to get on expert. I’m so damn close to my first one on one track by 1k points. That game is also one hell of an exercise. I was dripping sweat after like 20 minutes. My headset and headphone pads are drenched. So gross.

Many years ago they were called handheld consoles.


Anthem - so I was finally able to play with 2 friends in the demo earlier today… as the colossus again, of course. I got up to level 14, very close to 15. The acid-spit launcher was apparently bugged at the time… it only fired half the time I tried to use it, whether I was pressing the button normally or trying to “charge” it by holding the button down, or firing only during certain times. I switched out to a combo of Shock Coil + the Flamethrower and it’s SO goddamn good, man…with that you’re setting off your own combos for some more serious damage…and the way the Shock works, you can have that going on concurrently with the fire…or while just having your shield up, or doing melee.

We were mostly exploring in the free-play/roam mode, killing whatever enemies showed up in random places, and flying around checking out the world (great world-design, imo…story-wise, I think we’re the alien visitors to that planet…?)…it was fun, man.

*oh and yeah… the colossus definitely might need some adjustments to truly be the tank they intended him to be… for one, I’m not sure why they won’t let him fire most things while holding the shield up…? So far I think you can only do Shock Coil while the shield is up. Also—it’s a nitpick sure but… it’s weird to see this character holding a “normal”, old-fashioned physical shield up…just seems like that would be an old-era design, when you have the tech to produce these highly advanced mech-suits with the kind of fully-body “energy barrier” type of shield tech you expect out of any sci-fi show, movie or game.

If I can avoid the temptation then I’d still wait to get this game once it’s on sale.

From my brief time with the game, Anthem actually seems pretty good. I’m not buying it though. I have a feeling they are just going to patch in a bunch of micro transaction bullshit after all the reviews are out.


Multishot Demon Hunters are dumb as all fuck this season.

5 pieces of Unhallowed, Gunes on your head, and a Cindercoat in the Cube makes for a truly broken, effortless T-13, without proper rolls, much less good ones, even.

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Are there any shooters out there where the weapons have secondary functions? It’s sad that this seems to no longer be a thing…or maybe it was JUST a thing in the Unreal franchise, but I miss having that extra layer of strategic depth. Everything that comes to mind that is current just have guns are straightforward with no secondary functionality, which is kinda boring in comparison, imo. It just hit me how awesome that would be in Anthem; that’s a natural fit for anything with a future/sci-fi setting.

Unreal Championship 2…sheeeeit— The Bio-rifle, for instance (my favorite)… normal mode fires small, sentient blobs…but you could also charge it up to release 1 large blob which was a one-hit kill (even on heavy characters if I recall) if it hit someone before hitting the ground…on the ground the big blob would chase a player for a longer distance than the smaller ones…the 3rd option involved triggering the big blob to explode in mid-air to create a poisonous cloud, heh, and that was a nasty guaranteed kill if you happened to be boosted by U-damage at the time, since the poison cloud obviously cannot be reflected like a normal shot. Ohhh I miss it so much. In terms of the strategy and these alt-functions on weapons…games of today can’t hold Unreal Championship’s jockstrap, man.

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Doom 2016 had some weapons with secondary functions.

The plasma rifle had an immobilizing effect that was very helpful (you had to earn points to upgrade it. It wasn’t available from the get go)



Here are some brief clips of the various secondary mods/fre from Doom 2016

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So I beat KH3. Loved the final stages, the resolved plot points and some of the new twists but… it’s kind of like a bittersweet ending. I kind of expected more closure, but Disney/Squeenix needs to print more money I guess…

I thought KH3 was supposed to be the last.

Had a friend of mine try to explain some of the plot shit. Ended up just asking him to STFU and forgetting I ever asked. :joy:


At no point was it ever supposed to be the last game. Nomura outright stated it’s only the end of the Dark Seeker/Xehanort Saga. Besides, ain’t no way in hell Square-Enix is giving up their 1B Franchise so easily especially after the last few Final Fantasies have disappointed.

According to series director Tetsuya Nomura, the Dark Seeker Saga is only the first phase of the Kingdom Hearts series, which will continue after the saga is complete.[3]

Took some…18 years just to tell the first part of the KH series?

Y’all are gonna get Alzheimers before this series raps up.


Yeah and S-E will care right on the way to their swimming pools of money. Nomura knows how to get his cash.

One Piece has gone on longer and has a more coherent storyline.

Also they should have just made a better way to title the games.

You kidding me? The best time of Nomura’s days are him thinking of new ways to douche up a KH Title name. I’m sure he has miles of pages just ready for the next few years.

I realize i never finished the 3DS game got 15 min in and quit.

Just remembered who makes these games and i retract my statement but still think it’s absurd

That is why it took 18 years?

Because he wanted to make money?

Seems… like an extremely flawed strategy.

Like Grimlock kicking butt levels of flawed.

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One Piece is a fucking masterpiece. You get a manga of that epicness once in a century.


18 Years…and 10 unique games along with a bunch of rereleases over 9 Different Consoles, making absurd bank from each one.

Also if people are mad about the extremely nonsensical plot (and who could blame you), blame Square-Enix directly as Nomura stated he wanted a far more simple story at the start (KH was supposed to be the sort of “answer” to Super Mario 64) but was advised to make it much more complex.

Unfortunately whenever Nomura wants to do something, he always overdoes it. Just see the absurd amount of zippers and buckles in a lot of his designs.