Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

If you mean the reverse scenarios not being as fleshed out…they said that from the start.

The actual game itself…what the fuck do you mean? At most ONE boss fight from the OG RE2 was “cut out”…but only because it became a normal enemy instead. Otherwise literally everything from OG RE2 is here.

Starting to think you just have absurd nostalgia goggles for the OG RE2.

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You are going to have to bring up some examples because everything from RE2 is present in the remake in some form. The only things cut are the crows and spiders which didn’t add much anyway and a midboss as Saitsu said, became a normal enemy. All the signature elements are still present.

No I was not. No quiet now the big folks are talking

Which is why I said my X1X is a $500 doorstop. Has nothing to do with the technical capabilities of the hardware.

I was talking strictly about hardware.

I figured you were a fatass.

Now I know you are a fatass that can’t read either.

your comment was just weakness.
Go play in traffic with your weak comebacks

X1X’s failure is directly and proportionately tied to the consumer base’s outcry and backlash against Microsoft’s blatantly arrogant presumption to impose severe anti-consumer policies and practices hardcoded into the standard setup of their 3rd gen second coming, and the ensuant shitstorm stalled all the wind in their sails that the successs of the previous gen had secured them.

But the players had already bent over for Live, so Sony going Pay to Play P2P with PS+ and lovingly caressing the digital future in with their promise of hardcopy media, yet requiring a full install to be able to actually play said physical media, in order to soften the psychological resistance to the very thing MS was trying to enact in the first place (total corporate dominion of your devices, software, services, and how you as a paying consumer are “allowed” to interact with said paid for properties), was not a particularly difficult task - they just had to come at it from a different angle, after MS had already present it in a far worse way.

Fuck 'em both - there ain’t a single consumer interest between them.


This has been a thing since the original xbox included putting harddrives on consoles. The installation helps with load times as the disc doesn’t have to do all the work. Since you still need the disc play the game I’m not seeing the negative.

I am sorry you cannot see the negative.

Full installs are bullshit.

They are not merely a way to give a pass to bad, lazy coding, but are the gateway to the all digital future.

They are terrible in pretty much every conceivable way.

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i havent owned a console since ps2/xbox/cube era. i dont agree with their business practices.



I thought you had a Switch?

Switch is a handheld.

If rumors are true, even Ninty is ceding this with the first update to the hardware.

That’s debatable, but either way, handhelds are still consoles.


They are a seperate category.

Eveyone knows that when someone says console, they mean home sit-down-in-front-of-TV consoles.

You might as well call cell phones handhelds, and by your train of thought, consoles.

But they aren’t.

Let us not conflate goal posts with scoring in Pong, much less moving targets, shall we?

Okay Mr. Pedantic.

Calling a cellphone a console or handheld is dumb. It’s primary function is not to play video games like a console is. It’s primary function is to be a fucking phone, hence the word PHONE in the name of the product.

But keep arguing semantics if you want. Have fun.

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Handhelds are consoles. It’s a different class of console but a console nonetheless.


Which is not the point.

The point is that whenever people use the term “console” they are, overwhelmingly, referring to home consoles.

Pedantic is tossing out the quip “[But] I thought you had a Switch”.


Well you did say this…

I do that very often with my Switch. As do many people.

So yeah, I was asking him for clarification, because we talked about Dead Cells and I assumed he had it on Switch since I do, but he could also have it on PC.


Pretty much every game that is on both PC and Switch, can be had, at regular intervals, for half the price or less on PC, than what it costs on Switch… which has far fewer, and shallower price cuts.

Whenever someone says they have a multi platform game that is on PC, I tend to infer that they have it on PC.

Especially when they hashtag PC Master Race.

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There are home consoles - nintendos, ps2, xbox, ps3, xbox360, etc., etc… Then you have handhelds - gameboys, DSs, PSP, PSV, Lynx, Turbo Express, etc., etc… Then you have phones and PC. Switch is a fuckin’ combo, home console and handheld.

I prefer to think of them as different platforms.

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