Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

I addressed the architectural differences between the base PS4 and base XB1. Those differences do not exist when it comes to the X1X and PS4Pro as I stated before. The major architectural difference between the XB1 and PS4 was the memory setup. PS4 has a unified GDDR5 setup. XB1 has DDR3 and embedded ESRAM on the GPU. The X1X has the same exact memory setup as the PS4 and PS4 PRO. It has a unified pool GDDR5. The difference being their 50% more of it and has 50% more bandwidth than the PS4 Pro and nearly 100% more than the base PS4.

The Frostbite engine has been on running on Direct X/Windows since before the PS4 was even in existence. Nothing but a lack of optimization explains the lacking performance. Mass Effect Andromeda is on the same engine and was developed by Bioware’s now defunct “B” Team in Montreal. It runs better on X1Xthan PS4 Pro. Not only that, Bioware Edmonton has been working on Frostbite since Dragon Age Inquisition.

My X1X is basically a $500 doorstop. That has nothing to do with hardware and everything to do with a lack of software. I mean the console uses less power than the PS4 Pro, is smaller, quieter, and more powerful.

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And yet it runs better on the PS4, someone on the Xbox side of the team screwed up the optimization of code

Anthem—ok, FINALLY I got in there to have some fun playing as the colossus. It’s great once you realize certain things and get acclimated to the controls.

This demo is quite unreliable though… I had an awesome good time in a mission just now with some random folks; we destroyed some spider-mech looking boss…I got 2 ultimates off on that sumbitch… …and then of course it froze on the mission rewards screen, and suddenly I’m back on the xbox dashboard.

…but holy shit the damage…the gorgeous explosions the colossus is bringing to the table… and this is just at level 10 now 11 in a demo, with some shitty gear. I imagine this becomes an absolute monster once fully leveled up and equipped with good stuff.

edit—this guy has a good vid on Colossus


Nah, having to use weapons that you dont like and/or are not familiar with is a good part of the game. Keeps you on your toes and teaches you how to play in a number of ways.

Dead Cells is my GOTY for whatever year it came out.

Didn’t like Dead Cells, the games punishes you for unlocking stuff. Half of the weapons are pure dogshit.

Ive never felt punished for unlocking anything in Dead Cells. I do agree that some of the weapons suck but if you change up your play style they can work pretty damn well. I mean, my preferred gear is a fast sword, bow and endless quiver, wolf trap, and that thing that looks like it shoots shovel heads. But I don’t always get that setup so I have to adjust to make what I do have work for me.

One incomplete game runs better on PS4 Pro than X1X.

Therefore PS4 Pro is superior to Xbox One X.

That is some sound logic.

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PS4 Pro is superior to XBoneX because it actually has a decent library of games to play.


Except they were talking strictly about hardware.

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I just started Claire’s 2nd play through and yeah, pretty disappointing. I didn’t realize I’d be in the same exact location.

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I don’t see the free DLC

I just got out of the police station on Claire B- started out a hell of a lot tougher IMO.

Well at least that is good. It did seem that there is less ammo and stuff so far. I just thought it would maybe be something completely different, not that you’re in the same place as Leon and just not crossing paths.

I picked up RE2Make last night. Played a coyple hours. Made it to the library. Gonna give it another spin tonight. Loving it so far. Started Clair A.

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For someone who has never played the original RE2, is Claire -A then Leon- B the "best " way to see the full story?

I realize I forgot what the canon story was.

I think Capcom needs to go ahead and finish the damned game, post-release.

Let’s be honest.

So much content was cut, much less NG+, that the launch edition is basically a replayable demo.

What are you talking about? The game is finished.

And yet so much of Resident Evil 2 was cut out of the final product…

…more like RE2 got finished MK style.