Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Nintendo will be focusing more on getting more people to experience their IPs

Like the mario bros movie and and nintendo at Universal…speaking of mario movie…

Super Mario movie projected to release in 2022


NSO has 8 mill subscribers

Hell if they wanted a cheaper Switch, just sell the Switch without all the accessories. Idk how it all works, but that has to cut cost by at least $100?

This mini-switch needs to have like 6+ hr battery life or something.

Nintendo claims that you can get up to 6 hours of game time on the Switch, which IMO is complete bullshit and not even close to what it is in reality. The typical length I’ve gotten on a full charge playing pretty much straight while on airplanes is about 3 hours. And that was playing “real” games like Zelda, Mario Odyssey, Donkey Kong Country, etc. It’s not playing games that would be using minimal processing power. And it’s with headphones too so speakers didn’t even need to be powered, if that would make any different. I think I have my brightness on like 75% or around there.

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Most anything I have that has a screen and works on a battery I put the screen brightness somewhere around 20-25% to conserve battery.

Nintendo says they have unnannounced titles for 2019 that should make everyone happy

Somehow I doubt it but curious as to what they are.

PS4 shipments are at 94.2 mil global


LOL. I mean look at that Crackdown 3 video. How the hell can MS be banking on that game being a system seller and something that will get people to buy the console? The game straight up “looks” like it is 4-5 years old.


LOL … skip to 20:30 in that video. God that game looks so bad.

People thinking that XB1 still has a chance of being decent after watching that Crackdown 3 vid?


I just want a Bayonetta 3 trailer Nintendo lol.


get two wings of the crow to beat final boss. cheese it

only on easier difficulty, harder difficulty is harder now.

You are right but they have to do it in a way that does not damage the main Switch appeal. Just like how they purposely built the original 2DS as a ugly tablet for young kids, a new more portable and cheaper Switch would be youth focused but still need to have gyros, rumble and at most loses separate joycons.

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What the fuck Ubisoft lmao

They wouldn’t have apologized if it was the 90s.

That’s why 90s gaming was the best. Absolute nonsense and no apologies.


I finished RE2 as both Leon and Claire. Overall I actually liked the Claire playthrough more than the Leon playthrough, but I preferred the Flamethrower to the kind of shitty but good in certain situations stun gun Claire got.

-Awesome graphics, effects, lighting and animation. Some of the best I’ve ever seen. Capcom bringing it back to the early MT Framework days where their graphics blew my mind.

-A pretty solid mix of old and new gameplay.

-Most of the changes were pretty good, my memories were messed with almost the entire time while still maintaining a feeling of familiarity with the environment. The little things too, like when as Leon you get to a certain area in the Police Station a door will burst open and 2 zombies will come out. In the original it was a female zombie with a red top and a male zombie. In the remake? Female zombie with the red top still and a male zombie.

-Sewer section being almost completely changed was for the worse imo, and they deleted a boss fight. I won’t get into it because I don’t want to spoiler it for people.

-Zombies taking 6+ direct shots to the HEAD with the pistol while still coming after you is kind of ridiculous. Meanwhile the shotgun(upgraded) 1-2 taps them everytime, as well as Claire’s Grenade Launcher.

Overall I really, really enjoyed the game. I still have the “Second Run” or whatever to do as well as the Hardcore mode for both characters but I’m not sure when I’ll bother. I might bust out Revelations 1 & 2 actually, or I might even play the original RE2 again. I played both Revelations games for a few hours but then I’d stop early on for whatever reason.

What difficulty you beat it on? I never had to do 6+ headshots to kill zombies. It was usually like 3-4. Shotgun was pretty much an instant head explosion too, I don’t think a zombie ever took 2 shotgun shots if I aimed for the head.

MAG is by far my favorite gun. Nothing was more satisfying than headshots with the MAG. Sometimes zombies would be crawling on the ground and I’d let em slowly craw to me until they were in my cross hairs and blast em. I also found myself blowing up heads of some “dead” zombies that I figured would come after me once I did something in the room I found them in and they were triggered to come after me.

The flame thrower was fantastic for certain specific enemies in the lab area.

Played the Anthem demo about 3 hours now, the combat is solid. I prefer the gameplay over Destiny.
Graphics are nice but overall it prob. won’t be a day one buy for me.

Also, can anyone tell me how I can change my weapon in the demo? I tried to equip other weapons in the menu, but still got the same weapon once I started a mission.

Even 2000s were fine.
All this sensitivity shit started around the time Trayvon Martin was killed in 2012.
Rise of BLM, social media awareness, Gamergate in 2014 etc etc

Kevin Hart’s “gay” tweet was completely ignored in 2011, so from 2000 to 2010, you were pretty safe to still be edgy. Then the internet gave everyone a voice with widespread social media.

It definitely didnt start with Trayvon. Its just been at its loudest in the 2010s.

Yea that’s a better way of putting it. This decade sucks dick.


It’s because everyone is offended by everything and thinks that everyone cares about their opinion, when in fact no one really gives a shit about your opinion.


Are you talking about the G-embryo boss? The remake didn’t need it to be a boss since it became a regular enemy.

I would unload an entire clip on a zombie’s head and it won’t kill them. If their heads are still intact they will eventually get back up. Nothing short of their heads exploding will keep them down. After a while I switch over to capping their knees.