Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Yeah, I honestly dont know how anyone can take Xbox seriously.
For all I seen with Microsoft’s presentations is a lot of delayed or canceled games, all that are too far and few between. I swear the Wii U had more exclusives . And the only other thing they show is Sports, I don’t mean sports games, I mean streaming NLF games and shit where you dont need a Xbox for.

I think its strange they are banking of Crackdown 3 when none of the Crackdowns have been huge successes. Crackdown 1 saw some lime light but it didnt last long and most people hated Crackdown 2 so i dunno why MS thinks the Crackdown name carries any kind of weight.

Fur sure. Crackdown 1 was legit but it still couldn’t hold a candle to a lot of the other sandbox games at the time.

Crackdown 2 was the drizzling shits.

Crackdown 3 is literally whatever.

I also still don’t understand why Microsoft bought up all those studios last year. They likely aren’t going to do anything with them. They’ve owned RARE for over 10 years now and have barely done jack shit with them and what they have done people hated (Save for Viva Piñata. That game was fucking awesome.)

Fixed it for you

Rare hasn’t done anything worth of note except maybe Viva Piñata since they joined MS.
I am not expecting much out of any of the other studios that MS have acquired ether.
We got nothing from Mojang other than Minecraft updates, I am expecting their acquisition of Obsidian to be of even less, despite early promises given in their trailer.

Potato potatoe

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You said MS did jack Shit with Rare, it would be true of they were not relegated to doing the most menial of game design, Kintect games, Mobile, real low brow shit.
That not doing nothing with the studio, that straight up ruining the studio.
Rare is on life support.

MS chased off all the big players and talent in Rare, and those who are left aren’t very good.
MS took away the IP they designed and gave it to other studios to work on.

Referring to Killer Instinct I presume? Yeah. Making RARE hand it over to Iron Galaxy was stupid because Keits and co. fucking killed that game.

Rare is hella over rated, they had a very short high point on the Snes and early N64 but most everything else they have ever made was terrible.

MS bought a sinking ship.


To be fair M$ bought them when they were at their peak. But due to how M$ handles things almost everyone quit shortly after the acquisition.

DKC and Banjo kazooie and Tooie are some of the GOAT’s though.

I can’t agree with that at all, they where bought after putting out a turd burger like Star Fox Adventures. Lots of people left Rare before MS bought them. Time Splitters was 2000 and was made by the old Goldeneye/Perfect Dark team, MS didnt buy Rare until 2002. Star fox Adventures came out in Sep of 2002. One of the most over hyped studios of all time, right up there with Bethesda, tho cred where due, Rare’s software actually runs…most of the time side eyes DK64 and its memory leak.

Rare was, and probably always will be mostly shit.


Retro did a fantastic job with DKC.

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I unironically love Star a Fox Adventures. It’s my favorite Star Fox and if it wasn’t for Wind Waker it’d be my favorite GCN game.

That’s cool. It’s an awful game, but I like some clunkers to * shrug*

KI, Perfect Dark, Conker, Battle Toads, Banjo-Kazooie, Jet Force Gemini, Blast Corps

Rare started in 1985 making games on the ZX Spectrum which in their home of the UK , each title was a smash hit (well hits for what passable as a good game in Europe on the Zee Ewks).
They later got hooked up with Nintendo early and did a bunch of licensed titles and work from other studios for the NES/Famicom, for example R.C. Pro-Am, and Snake Rattle ‘n’ Roll

I have no idea what any of this has to do with what you quoted. Yes Rare has been around for years, this is very common knowledge. They had a high point as a studio on the SNES and early N64. Most of their games are still crap. Battle Toads is crap, even the arcade game is crap. R.C. Pro AM is alright, I guess, I’d rather play a lot of other racers of the NES, if I’m being forced to play racers on the NES that is. The DKC games are great, but Killer Instinct is just ok imo, SNES or Arcade. I personally fucking hate the Banjo games but that’s pretty much just me and I can accept that. Their GameCube stuff was massively meh and I’m not even gonna entertain their Xbox shit (No I don’t want to play Viva Pinata, but I won’t call it crap either.)

This studio has been hella hit or miss their entire existance, except I guess on the ZX Specturm over 30 years ago lol.

And Wizards and Warriors. Which David Wise did the excellent music for. Still wish we could get Kuros in Small but I doubt that will ever happen.

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You’re just saying that because you don’t know how to speak dinosaur. I can help you with that.

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Spanish would take me way farther.

StarFox Adventures was a mess, but I blame Nintendo and Miyamoto not Rare.
Rare never intended for StarFox Adventures to be a StarFox game at all

Crystal supposed to be the main character and not the damsel in distress, it was supposed to have less Star Fox and more Dinosaur in it. Fox was shoe-horned in and Miyamoto forced Crystal to be a princess trope

Yea but in the end there is very little star fox in the game and it still relies heavily on their original ideas for the game as far gameplay goes and it all fucking sucks so it’s that whole groups fault. Rare made a boring game, Nintendo made them shoehorn shit into the game that didn’t make it not fucking boring and they ran their IP through the mud in the process. They both fucked up.

Edit: I mean we don’t have to talk about just SFA. We can talk about the huge disaster that was Donkey Kong 64. How about Nuts n Bolts? Battletoads? Oh oh I know! Who Framed Roger Rabbit. A real LJN gem from Rare that one.

Double edit: Hahahaha holy shit I had no fucking idea RARE where the ones behind Sea of Theives. Haha yea fuck the majority of that studios library lol.