Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Ok i forgot you mentioned some shit went down yesterday.

No worries. It’ll sort itself out. It’s just very stressful. I have really bad anxiety as it is so when something as stressful and frustrating as what happened yesterday happens it gets really bad.


Sooo…this happened to someone

This shit would have rattled me hard. I def would have paused the game to compose myself.


I absolutely love the art style they use in the beginning of that KH3 launch day trailer.

Cute. As. Fuck.

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I know Mr. X is mass produced but damn. Didn’t know he can call for backup.

did u get your game yet Stu?

Big fat negative. :frowning:

It’s so close but still so far away.

There’s two!!!

THERE’S FUCKING TWO!!! :flushed::hushed::fearful:

Dont Try to stream Pub G, you get a copyright strike


I got my game…after braving the snow for 10 minutes both ways…

Up hill bare foot?



My copy is waiting for me when I get off.

Is there any other way?

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Day one patches:

Man. This is sorta surreal. I don’t know if I’m emotionally ready for this. I’ve been a fan of kingdom hearts since it came out 17 years ago. We’ve been waiting on this sequel for 12 of those years. I’ve played every game, read every manga, bought all the HD remixes, went through constant waves of excitement and disappointment with every announcement; good and bad. But it’s finally here.

Kingdom Hearts III is finally here. I don’t know if I’m ready for it to end.

Finally reached the E3 Demo point. Geez it’s easy to get lost.

Here we fucking go…!

Edit: man. Sora sounds so different in KH3. I know it’s still Haley Joel Osmend but damn. He doesn’t really sound like a kid anymore.