Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Babylon’s Fall

That means they mad Godhand, the real GOAT.

Hating on the people who mad Godhand.



Why did you guys get baited. I warned ya’ll…

Eh, nobody is bated. I’m legitimately amazed at how stupid this convo is. Its one thing to say that games dont’ appeal to you. I don’t understand Pokemon to save my life. Grown ass people been playing the same bullshit ass game with new graphics now for close to 20 years. But god bless them, they’ll do that shit.

But Stu is saying that a dev with multiple hits has been making trash this whole time. Lots of devs making bullshit that doesn’t appeal to me, those games aren’t bad. The Last of Us gets me about as flaccid as this conversation, but I don’t think its a bad game. This here is some tryhard nonsense. High level duncery.


So knowing all that why even bother arguing with him. It seems to be a huge waste of time lol.

Just because something is popular doesn’t make it good. There are tons of successful things across all mediums that are absolute fucking garbage.

You haven’t laid down any actual reasons why the games are bad. You’re just being shitter. Which is okay, but puts the majority of your posts on the subject on the same level as your opinion of the games.

I agree with @Stuart_Hayden regarding P*.

I’ve played a fair number of their games: the Bayonetta’s, MGR, Transformers, etc. and my consistent impression is that they are really good at two gameplay aspects, up-close melee combat and QTE’s. Most everything else: level design, ranged combat, and so on, they are mediocre-to-bad. In regards to combat - P* supposed strength - their action games fail to handle any long range combat: which is my opinion a critical flaw. So often, you get into this wonderful flow in melee combat, then a long range enemy starts sniping you. So you have to pull yourself out of this flow and either go into static, mediocre return fire or you have to chase the stupid thing. Transitioning from melee to long range is jarring and awful. Also, their games are quite repetitive as well.

To me, P* needs to hire developers that can fill these skill gaps.

However, I don’t dislike every P* game. As with Stuart, I also loved Vanquish. To me, it is still their best game since their company inception.

I know this is an unpopular opinion: my friends rag on me for telling them that I’d rather play Devil May Cry 3 than any Bayonetta. But I stand by it: Platinum needs to get better and not just rely on their one (or two) great skill.

Man, no matter who you are, Mr. X will turn you into a pussy in 3 seconds flat.


Man. I wish I had preordered KH3 digitally or there was somewhere close I could go to that’s doing a Midnight release (nearest GameStop is a 30 minute drive. Best Buy is even farther)

I gotta wait until sometime tomorrow. I’m at the mercy of UPS

Feels bad.

Picked my copy up at the 9pm release for KH3, bout to play a couple hours now.

I have to wait until 12PM tomorrow minimum…and that’s best case scenario. If the snowstorm hits hard, well fuck me.

Thanks for making me want to play Viewtiful Joe. Jerks.




calm down.
it’ll get to you quicker than you think.



It would be great to get a new Madworld game… but I doubt we ever will


Not when you’ve been up all night having nightmares and anxiety attacks like I have. :cry:

Over a fucking game dude?

Metro Exodus is skipping Steam, going to Epic Store

RE2’s first week of sales at 3 mil

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No. Due to the horrible day I had yesterday. A lot of stupid shit involving my family.