Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Kingdom Hearts…
A game by any other name would play as sweet.

5x = 15
root 9
X+ 4 = 7

RE2 getting 3 free story dlc updates


Capcom? FREE dlc?


Damn I thought I was closer to the end of RE2 than I actually was. Looks like I still have a whole other area to explore. Yay!

I’m being meticulous in this game too making sure i get all items and clear all rooms. The upgraded MAG is awesome.

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Well thats kinda semantics in the long run, the main jist is that Bayo 2 did well enough to warrent Nintendo investing in another one, regardless of where it performed well. I mean Bayo 3 is in development, W101 sequel is still just a rumor at best.

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You gonna burn in hell for insulting mah boy Plank.


Naw man don’t get it twisted. Planks a G. He will mess your world up no questions asked, just like most everyone from Nioh. Like Nioh tho he also speaks little and doesn’t have much personality.

Walks silently but carries a big stick.

Stump from angry beavers would absolutely fuck up plank though. It’s like a 10-0 match up

I gotta get over my horror games fear, Im loving everything i see about RE2. And that free DLC sounds great

Plank has a secret wood mafia, fam

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Do you not remember everything Stump did in Angry Beavers? Also there is a whole family of Stumps.

Stump would fuck up plank and his entire mafia single handedly but he has familia to back him up if need be.

Well duh he’s a beaver, his whole existence is to fuck up wood lol.

naw man stump is a stump doesn’t matter rolf would beat both.

Stump is literally a stump.

He is the son of a Sheppard

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just wanna remind everyone that the staff that ended up becoming platinum, before, when they were Clover Studio, made Viewtiful Joe and imo the greatest game ever made.


just for Okami alone the peeps at Platinum will forever be heroes to me.

and then they made Nier Automata and put a cherry on that cream.
oh and Mad World. another masterpiece.

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Joe and Okami are solid.

Joe was just a love letter to Tokusatsu and Japanese cinema fans. I.E People like me.

Okami is one of the best Zelda games ever made.

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btw, that mobile platinum game that was supposed to be released last year, World of Demons, got cancelled.
apparently it didnt do well in the asian market so they cancelled the world wide release. sad.
peeps said it got boring pretty quickly, the few that played it.
i still wish i couldve played it for its okami art style.
oh well.
i have Okamiden on my phone with ds emu. so there is that.

With all this Platinum reminded me of the game they are suppose to be developing for Square Enix. I would like an update on it

which game is that?