Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!


Everyone hated raiden until he became a gay ninja cyborg. Then everyone was like “naw. I’ve always been a fan” oh yeah? Where were you when he was naked doing cartwheels on big shell?

I was playing MGS2 doing nekkid cart wheels on Big Shell.

Raiden was always awesome, just shows how shallow and easily bought most Metal Gear fans are that they hoped on board after MGS4, which is doubly hilarious when you realize most of MGS4 is Kojina giving his fanbase the middle finger and showing them just how shallow they are. Like Raiden they missed the point.

Raiden a fucking amazing protagonist for the game he is in, people missing the point is par for the course. Revengence just also happens to be a great game that he is also the main character of.

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As long as its on the record that he is a terrible ass poster that’s fine by me. I usually don’t like talking about video games because the conversations tend to be shallow and childish. Stu right now is embodying that.


I didn’t have a problem with Raiden other than the bait switch Konami pulled with him in MGS2. After that, I was cool with him


Also me:

Yes, please tell me how shallow and childish I am simply because I don’t agree with the srk hive mind. Shut the fuck up.

My gripe with MGR is it was piss easy, I never gave two shits bout Raiden and wasn’t bout to start.

It could’ve fell into that Nioh, Bloodborne, DmC3, DmC4 list where the games are piss easy to me but I enjoy the characters and gameplay to look past it. But nope, MGR = blah.

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Uh…what characters in Nioh where there to enjoy? Everyone’s about as interesting as plank from Ed Edd and Eddie.

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I thought all the enemies and bosses were extremely interesting in Nioh. Fun to fight too. I didn’t care bout the main character no, he got switched as soon as I got enough points.

MGR you just fight a bunch of boring ass robots and cyborgs.

Nioh isn’t a game you play for story and characters. It’s gameplay carries it.


Basically Stu is becoming Razor. Just replacing black people with Platinum. Gotcha.

Yes. Because being a bigoted piece is a shit is totally in the same vein as disliking a developer and their games.

Gtfo with that nonsense.

I gave my reasons why I don’t like Platinums games, multiple times. People don’t agree. Fine. You telling me their good games because you like them isn’t going to magically convince me to like them. Especially when the reasons you like them are the reasons I hate them.

I know. I’m going against the srk hive mind but oh well.

Neither her nor there, but raz0r is not a bigot.

Why you gotta insult Plank like that? Nioh was made by modern Team Ninja, someone playing a Team Ninja game for story or characters is the equivalence going to a DBZ movie for a story.

They had more personality then Niohs bosses did…or at least the ones I fought with Gasa which wasn’t many. I honestly found the game kinda boring. Not bad, just uncompelling. I found no real reason to keep playing it aside from co-oping with Gasa which we didn’t end up doing much of lol.

As for random cyborgs, I guess, Niohs full of random Samurai, Ronin, and dudes whose names I can barely pronounce. Like games are full of random dudes, guys in MGR at least ooze nutso levels of personality, imo anyway.


Just got my shipping notification for Kingdom Hearts III. It’ll be here tomorrow in the AM!

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I think Bayonetta was a good game. Can’t talk about the second one because I don’t know nintendo consoles.

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The 2nd Bayo was good enough to warrant a port to the switch and start the ball on bayo 3.

I can’t wait for that bayonase

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I think the Switch port has to do more with that the Wii U was such a failure no one really truly go to play it. I mean, yeah, Nintendo was “happy” with how well Bayonetta 2 sold but given how turmoilous the Wii U’s entire cycle was they were happy with even the lowest of numbers.

With the Switch it was fire right out of the gate and sold more in a year than the Wii U did in its 5(4?) year life span. So naturally they’d want to give people a chance to experience it on a much more mainstream platform and not what ever the fuck the Wii U was trying to be.

Every single Wii U port on the Switch has outsold the Wii U version by almost double. Sometimes even more. Nintendo knows what they’re doing.

No one really brought up story tho, so I dunno why you guys keep bringing it up. We mentioned characters not story.

@Stu pretty sure he’s saying it did well enough on Switch to get Nintendo to invest in a 3rd.

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Maybe? I doubt it though. I have a feeling a lot of if not most of the Switch exclusives we have now and that are being announced were supposed to be Wii U titles but they didn’t want to put anymore money into a sinking ship so they moved them all over to Switch and more or less started from scratch.

It’s probably why Pikmin 4 is taking so long. Miyamoto said it was done on the Wii U they were just through the motions of QA and testing but once they saw what was happened they decided to shelf it. They’re likely rebuilding the entire game from scratch.

Or they could have just said fuck it and cancelled it? Idk.