Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Played the Anthem demo. Yeah, releasing Upgrade consoles mid-cycle was a great idea. This game runs awful on a standard system PS4 or Xbox One. I mean I kind of saw it coming but this is borderline insulting. Hopefully we’ll never have this kind of ‘split the userbase’ thing again.

getting real frustrating that this will be a trend. Not even smartphones are THIS divided and there’s hundreds of models across all kinds of OS’


I felt it was a terrible idea.

For that very reason. Split userbase is never, never a good idea and it never worked out in the past. Look what the Genesis/Sega CD/32X split did for Sega. It really hurt the later Saturn in terms of marketing and user base adoption, as too many people (at the time) thought the Saturn was another Genesis add-on. At the time Sega was a 5 pillar game company (other 2 were the Master System and the Game Gear).
The impact was felt straight up to the Dreamcast era where Sega didn’t have the capital to stay afloat.

Sega of Japan was their own worst enemy. Sega of America was constantly telling them to stop focusing on hardware and focus on content. Which just pissed off SoJ and made them buckle down on hardware even more.

Iirc Sega of America even pitched the idea to Sega of Japan to just be a content creator/publisher (I want to say after the Saturn? Maybe before.) and they were kicked out of the building.

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Holy fuck that is one cool gaming place setup

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That was sarcasm on my part.

LOL damn, obviously meant Leon.

I didn’t post a trailer you dumb fuck.

Just as good, if not better, to watch movies down there.

Digital Foundry’s comparison shows that the XIX version of RE2 is 60fps with a few rare drops and runs at 1620p. The PS4 Pro version runs at the same resolution but has far more frequent drops but still is at 60fps usually. The PS4 and XB1 versions basically never hit 60fps. They are 40 to 50fps with the XB1 version in particular struggling. The PS4 version is 1080p. The XB1 version is apparently running in a checkerboard “1080p”.

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RE2 is awesome I don’t wanna put this shit down but I gotta go furniture shopping. I’m hype for that…

I just got the shotgun and it’s so much fun lol. Reminds me a lot of the RE7 shotgun as far as how it damages enemies.


You did mention you saw the trainer and you based your opinions of the games graphics off an ad.

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I’m liking the little details Capcom put in RE2. I like that the characters will sometimes react to the information they learn from the documents you find.

Man you guys are tempting me to grab this game, I’m still trying to clear the back log I have.


Now I have this fucker Mr. X doing his best Nemesis impression


Fighting the guy is seemingly pointless. I lit him up with my grenades but all it really does is stall him. He kneels down on one knee for a little while. He stomps loudy so you know when he’s around. Exploring the police station has become a major pain in the ass.

As an aside, X takes the time to readjust his hat when he knocks you down. For a bioweapon the man knows the importance of style.


What the fuck are you talking about? Now you making up fake news and shit.

I want to enjoy RE2…but the variable Framerate is annoying to deal with…I’ll wait for a price drop down the line.

I gotta build my nuts up to buy RE2, my track record with horror games is abysmal. Ill turn the game off with the quickness if it get too scary. Lmao

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I’m trying reeeaaaal hard right to wait till my next pay check to pick up RE2. Rent is due. But the temptation is fierce lol.

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Not sure what you mean by that. I haven’t experience any frame drops in like 4 hours of playing it.

It’s also not very scary IMO. It’s got a creepy atmosphere but it’s not really scary. I haven’t jumped at all yet. The sound is awesome too.

RE7 in VR was a billion times scarier than this is.