Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

I think Capcom uncap their games to take advantage of the extra power from the PS4 pro and Xbone X without having to tailor make the experience for them. It fucks over people who play on the base consoles.

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You justā€¦do it. Like you hit and input for the super. Hit the button if you see the hit and bam hit confirmed.

I hate triple digit frame rates, it looks awful. Way way too smooth.

Okay. So itā€™s just a matter of me needing better timing. Fuck it, Iā€™m sticking with Elena.

Some people use visuals like health or stun bar to hit confirm. Or use the trick with the ex meter where if you hit your opponent you get enough meter for the super and if they block you dont build enough. Obviously thatā€™s more situational.

I have no clue how you can say performance isnā€™t ā€œvisualā€. With bad frame rates, you are literally seeing less ā€œstuffā€ visually because youā€™re seeing fewer frames of animation. Same with screen tearing and aliasing - youā€™re seeing ā€œstuffā€ that makes it visually less appealing.

Youā€™re just arguing semantics at this point, clearly I was talking about bad framerates and bad performance making the game visually less appealing. But again you all are petty and like to argue about anything.

Little MK11 Vote

This Dragon Quest 11 game is preeeeetty good


I just realized my copy of KH3 may not be here release day. I mean, I chose over night delivery on Squarenixā€™s site but that doesnā€™t exactly mean release date delivery. Iā€™ve never ordered from them before so I donā€™t know when their items ship.

I really want to play on release day.

dragon quest xi is my favorite square game this gen.

Man itā€™s weird I was really into the game then I stopped around the 80 hour mark. And now canā€™t pick it up again. I just got the flying thing too. Maybe I just canā€™t play long ass games anymore. The same thing happened with the Witcher 3. Amazing game but at 100 hours I was just tired.

Iā€™ve just passed the 100 hour mark. Itā€™s crazy how this game seems fucking endless - just as you think youā€™re about to be done, DQ11 basically goes ā€œBUT WAIT THEREā€™S MOREā€ and throws another dozen of hours worth of content at you

Iā€™m thinking of finishing up the story and whatever possible, put the game on the shelf, and return to it with a completely fresh playthrough, this time trying to 100% it.

Iā€™ve probably went way past the point of no return in terms of various items and Bestiary fill-ins, so I doubt I can 100% on this savefile. Besides Iā€™ve been wanting to try out the Draconian Trials anyway since the gameā€™s kinda pretty easy bar a couple of boss fights and the endgame stuff

I caved and bought RE2 since I had a $50 GC I could use at GameStop.

Iā€™m playing RE2 right now. My purchase came with the steel book which I didnā€™t expect. I donā€™t like steel book so Iā€™m gonna try to sell it.

Iā€™m starting with Claire. Iā€™m convinced that the zombies donā€™t die in this game. I unloaded almost two clips into oneā€™s head and the bastard still kept coming.

I got RE2 free with a new graphics card a while back. Already claimed it but idk when Iā€™ll get around to playing it. Iā€™ve been trying out the PC version of Dragon Ball Fighterz since itā€™s free on steam right now and holy shit I canā€™t believe how much better it is than on ps4. The connections are waaaaay better and the game overall looks and runs better. I dare even say the inputs are more responsive.

Sell that shit on eBay ASAP people are wanting them bad and people who had it preordered arenā€™t getting them. They were going for like $50+ on eBay when I looked earlier.


God damnit I fucking hate Xbox One sometimes. I still havenā€™t fucking played RE2 yet because this dumb fucking console.

I turned on X1X ā€¦ update time shocker! After 40 minutes of updating it updates.

Then I install RE2. After like 10 minutes its ā€˜ready to playā€™ so I click start. It goes to the load screen then back to home. I then press A again and it goes to load screen. Then it says a fucking 10gb updated is needed so I click cancel.

I try to find out how the fuck to sign out of XBL to get offline and canā€™t figure it out. Then I go to click it again, and it says installing. So it starts installation of 20GB again.

This time I wait until itā€™s done installing before I go to play it. Then I click it, and again it goes to load screen then back to dashboard. I press A again. This time it says that a 500mb update is required so I started that. Then it stops at 4mb and just fucking sits there. SO I cancel it again.

And then I go to click the game to play and it says INSTALLING again and now itā€™s fucking installing 20 fucking gigs again and Iā€™m waiting here like an asshole, and itā€™s trying to download the update simultaneously and the update is going slow as shit.

Iā€™ve had this game for like 2 hours and havenā€™t been able to fucking play it yet. Playing my Switch so much then going back to this shit is such a headache.

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Your key mistake is buying an Xbone in the first mistake, Daniel san


Except I didnā€™t buy it.

I should have gotten it on PS4 Pro at this point. But the controller is worse on PS4 and the performance is not as good either.

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Are you playing on a projector?
