Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Yeah I was reading reviews about it. I’m guessing the save system is like RE7 in that you don’t have a limited amount of ink rolls but you still have to go to a safe room to save. It said there is more frequent and unlimited saves.

I’m interested in playing it but I read it’s only 8 hours so I’ll probably pick it up in a few months for like $20 or $30.

It’s 8 Hours…for each scenario. There’s 4 without counting the two bonus scenarios.

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Sucks that Prime 4 is delayed but from what ot sounds like that’s for the best. Plus Retro is now on board now so that pretty solid for me.

Yeah but “each scenario” is a lot of the same stuff you already played in the first run through, unless they changed drastically from the OG RE2. I don’t even think I’d play through it twice.

I’m in no hurry to play this game or else I’d probably grab it now though.

There’s enough differences per scenario that it isn’t a retrend of what you did before. How Claire and Leon get to different police station is one example. The fourth survivor makes a return adding more value.

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I didn’t say it’s a complete retread, I said a lot of it is.

PS4 price cuts in South Korea have positive effect

There are a lot of shared assets, but near the end there is a massive divergence with unique environments.

I was just watching this video:

I am kind of slowly convincing myself to get this game that I hadn’t planned on getting. I’ll definitely get it on the X1X if I get it due to the controller and more power. But damn they say the PC one blows the console versions out of the water if you have a powerful enough PC.

If I get it, it’ll be for PC. My laptop smokes my Pro and X1X like Wiz Khalifa smokes weed.

My laptop is a 2015 MBP and my desktop hasn’t been upgraded since like 2008 if I had to guess. There is no PC gaming for me.

My laptop is basically a portable desktop. I have a 7700K and Geforce 1080

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This is true for most games. It’s why PC has become my main gaming platform.

I’m not enough of a graphics whore anymore to care about building a $1k+ PC and setting it up logistically in my HT. Technology has come far enough for me that Xbox One X and PS4 Pro look fantastic still and is more than good enough for me.


It’s not just about graphics. Performance tends to be better too. According to DF the game runs with an uncapped frame rate. With my PC I should be able to get triple digits on frames. So be buttery smooth without any compromises.

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I was lumping performance into “graphics” just because it’s visual. Most games I play aren’t even on PC anyways though. And no chance I’m getting into PC VR simply due to logistics of all the setup required for that.

And I game on a 10 foot screen and even Switch looks fantastic on it. RetroPi even owns on it.

Performance isn’t visual at all. Making the game look pretty isn’t going to matter if the game runs like shit.


Travis Strikes Again Day 7 patch confirms Killer 7 and NMH shared world


Thought that was the killer 7 guy when I booted the game…
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Yeah inconsistent frame rate is my biggest issue with consoles. I personallu hate uncapped frame rates. If you can’t hit a consistent 60fps on consoles, cap it at 30fps. If you can’t hit 30fps, then you need to rethink the scope of your game. Either your dev team lacks the skill or the hardware is incapable of what ylu are asking it to do.

Okay. I’ve played fighting games for decades and I’m only just now working past my pride to ask this question.

How do you hitconfirm in 3rd Strike? I have never been able to do it; it was a big part of why I switched from Chun-Li to Elena. Is there a method of buffering the inputs for supers?