Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

A lot of the issues they had with Andromeda were already solved. They wasted valuable time developing code for the dialog wheel, inventory, and save systems. The Andromeda save system was inferior to Inquisition’s. That’s not even taking into account things like animations and the character creation system. Inquistion had a so so character creator but it was better than Andromeda’s. Instead of building off what Edmonton did, they started over from scratch because they didn’t want help.

They cut their nose off to spite their face. So instead of getting some credit for a well made game, they got full credit for a buggy unpolished game. Their reward was having their studio closed. Instead of an 18 month dev crunch on their own. They could have a a 24 month dev crunch with their sister studio’s help. I mean when EA offers to give you a 6 month delay, they should tell your game needs polish. EA will shove anything out the door for a dollar.

I never got into this series because of the odd naming/numbering systems. Glad to know AVGN feels the same way too

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The kingdom hearts chronological order is not hard to follow at all. People are just lazy, don’t care enough to learn or simply haven’t played the games.

*Kingdom Hearts X
*Birth by sleep
*Birth by Sleep: a fragmented past and KH1 happen coherently
*Chain of Memories and 358/2 happen coherently
*Dream drop distance

The story was also fairly easy to follow until Dream drop distance introduced time travel and retconned a bunch of shit that didn’t need fixing. The retconns actually made the story incoherent.

Has the story always been super fucking silly? Sure. But it was tolerable and followable until DDD.

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That doesn’t matter at all for the consumer (me). I knew about both Wargroove and Breath of the Wild more than two years before they got released.

I don’t think it matters, particularly in this day and age. If Crackdown 3 comes out and it’s a game changer like Breath of the Wild*, it doesn’t really matter that it was announced half a decade ago or something. People will play it, talk about it, stream it and it’ll be a hit.

I still remember the first trailer for Fortnite when it was a tower defense game. I was concinved it would either flop hard or get cancelled. Then some time after release they gave it a PUBG makeover and suddenly it’s one of the most popular games of all time, almost eight years after its first trailer was shown.

*for the record I don’t think Crackdown 3 will be good, the comparison was just for the sake of te argument.

I don’t think belated releases matter as much anymore in the internet age. You can get fre publicity over the span of a couple of hours if your game is good and trending and whatever.

Shenmue 2 is downloading. Pumped, this will be my first time playing it.:bowing_man:

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How is that simple?
That no way the order they came out in


That’s the chronological order.

No one went for the simple and clean pun…surprised.


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Where in the fuck did I say that was the order they came out in? I specifically said that this is the chronological order.

Level up your reading comprehension.

And yes, it is simple since the games specifically tell you where that specific game falls in the timeline.

new KH3 trailer is up

game looks hella amazing!

You’re too slow!
(I don’t mind the repost though because I’m hype as fuck!)

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You first.
All I am saying the chronological order of the games is not the order they are released.

But what ever Stewie, to the outsider looking in, KH is a incomprehensible cluster fuck of a mess.
I played KH1 and 2 and I got no clue what the fuck people going on about in those games.

It’s like instead of telling a comprehensive story they just threw shit at the wall and see what sticks and every section/world is a different theme based mostly on some Disney property.
Disney Monopoly has a more cohesive story with more synergy.

5 minutes on Google would clear up any of that confusion, despite the release order. To say it’s Chrono order is confusing or incomprehensible to me means you’re too lazy to actually look into it. It’s not that tough.

Following that story on the other hand is a bit more troublesome. Not much, but a bit.

Multiple games across multiple consoles (including handhelds) is a bit of a clusterfuck if not told sequentially.

I had fun with the first one. But its also a weeb bishi bishi belt fiction and zippers story probably not the one thing to stress out. The whole thing is shipping Disney with Final Fantasy. Basically tailored made for 00s emos and got topic t-shirts.

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The recent collections fixes that problem.


Nomura reconsidering world wide releases after leaks occured, tells how to unlock secret movie

Nomura…If you don’t do simultaneous releases then then the chances of leaks happening are higher. Dude has to know this.


Dragon Marked For Death releases March 26 for NA and EU

Edit: Also looks like reviews are going up for KH3 now.

Fuck no, I spent too much money on that shit already.


…No one said anything about money.

Pertho put that he agreed that the games being across different platforms does cause a cluster to which Hawkingbird said that the collections ( especially The Story So Far) fixes the issue…which it does.

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