Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

No Single Player endgame is enough to make it a no-buy for me.

It is going to flop horribly.

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You talking about Anthem or Crackdown?



Yeah I donā€™t have enough time anymore to play online only games because Iā€™ll get owned quickly by people who obviously have more time to play em. Plus shooters and shit Iā€™m just over, the market was just completely oversaturated with them like a decade ago and now the big ones are basically like Madden so no thanks. I prefer cool single player games now a days. I actually havenā€™t had XBL or PS+ in like 2 years or so. Once I realized SF5 sucked ass online there was no need to renew PS+.

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Free Distraint: Deluxe Edition PC Game Download

Is the game any good?

I am totes stoked for Borderlands 3.

I will run it 100% Single Player.


Though I knew/accurately predicted/correctly read that SFV was going to be the turgid, horribad, putrid pile of fail that it is, I nonetheless still feel bad for your having wasted so much money on it due its franchiseā€™s pedigree.

SFV is the Trump Presidency of Street Fighter.

I agree, unless the game is something like an MMO, that game better have a off line single player mode.

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I liked SF5 but the online was just so bad that I really had no way to play it.

For me it is that everyone rage quits on me or they disconnect

For me it is the fact that it is a quarter-baked, half-arsed, stripped-down, marrow wants its bare-bones back, DLC + Games As[s] a Service pile of dog doo-doo that really ought to not be lying on the sidewalk, making it look bad, much have taken Ultra SF4ā€™s spot on the Evo main stage, shitting up the place worse than the Smash Playersā€™ underwear.

It is quit possibly the worst turd that Cacpcom has ever shat out.

And thatā€™s saying a lot.

Fucking. What.

Farming Simulator is fucking big time popular right now

Custom controllers and everything

It used to be the Saitek Farming Simulator controller, but after Mad Catz died Logitech bought most Saitek including the rights to their products.

The game is just as fucking deep as some of the better Flight simulators, dozens of unique and complex vehicles and not just tractors, it includes harvesters, construction equipment, lumber and mining equipment. In a few years it is going to be bigger than the FGC.

The esports scene been going on for Farm Sim since 2013, with 2015 being their 09.

Do you make mad bank off of Federal subsidies, and get to watch your crops sit and rot in real-time, with a twin cam showing off all the people starving to death that your product could have saved had you not been such a sociopathic Capitalist fuckboi?

No its all about trying to use some 300 different vehicles, and it all requires more skill than trying to play Street Fighter IV while driving.

Sounds mad boring.

You mock it now, but the Farming eSports is the fastest growing eSports sector ever.
For some groups, they are like the Koreans when ti comes to Starcraft

And the Farming Sim eSport purse is bigger that Fortnite, Overwatch and Evo put together

Soā€¦ just like REAL Farming?

'Dat Federal subsidies gameā€¦

Dude Iā€™m excited for Borderlands 3, too. We should join up and shoot some fuckers!


They are doing better than our shitty little niche.
SRK is dying, the FGC already plateaued in terms of interest.

We got homies complaining that a $150 fight stick breaks the Bank (major poverty fuckers) while you need $500 for a basic Farming controller.