Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

yeah, the E3 debut of X1 was such a disaster it was legendary… it was a tough uphill battle for them from that point on. It is an epic fall from grace that might be remembered for at least some decades. The incredible thing is that they managed to hold on to any relevance at all, actually… it was only later in this era that things really went to shit with one cancellation after another… Crackdown 3 is like their only shit left at this point…and it keeps getting delayed forever…heh, that shit isn’t coming out, man… 25 years from now there will be more “preview footage” of it at E3 2043.

*Another round of Gears 4 Horde earlier today… heavy is up to level 6 and almost at 7 which would grant me a 4th skill-card slot. I was in a team on Hardcore difficulty regular horde earlier, and surprisingly we went all the way to wave 30, even after some people left… it was just 3 of us from about wave 20 or so on up to 30…got some goooood exp off that…and high score was 1,100,000+, sheeeeeeit. I was also on double duty as the heavy and engineer since our regular one left; I bought that repair tool and kept putting up more sentries on the field, often repairing them. I hate that they scared so many fans away by making this mode such a damn grind though… plenty of people still play though, surprisingly… I never have difficulty finding a match.

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I’ve been playing the hell out of curse of the Moon, the replay value is through the roof. Multiple endings, powers you can choose over allies, alternate modes, boss rush- good stuff indeed. Zangetsu only mode gets pretty tough (provided you keep it on veteran mode), and boss rush took me a bunch of tries. Super happy with this game, especially considering it was free to backers. Would be $10 very well spent to anyone who likes classic castlevanias.


For some reason MS has cancelled some exclusives like Scalebound. And they keep congratulating the competition whenever they release an exclusive. Xbox fans call them out for not releasing exclusives of their own.
They own some IP’s, but they do nothing with them.

heh, this guy seems to be on the same page with my opinion on these “games”…

I was excited about this game at first when seeing it at E3 last year or year before… but that was before I realized it would be another one of “those”.

I’m not sure if you’re serious about the CEO Kaz Harai thing…

In any case regarding how the exclusives are for Xbox…yeah I’d say the writing was on the way before the Xbone was even a thing. XB360 had things going for it while Sony was shitting the best in during that generation but an actual wide berth of actual 1st party company made exclusives wasn’t one of them. Gears wasn’t even made in house yet until Gears 4. They had Halo, Fable, Forza, Crackdown…uhhh…Perfect Dark…kinda? uhhhh…jesus…see I’m trying to be nice here and think of IP’s that they have in house that they made during that period that were alive and weren’t just remade or something. Just about every other exclusive the 360 made was built by a 3rd party and wasn’t something they owned. And then they’ve nearly killed Fable at this point since that seems to be on some type of weird hiatus since Molyneux left.

I mean its nice that they are recognizing the issue and trying to fix it but thats like a 3+ year plan. By the time we see the results of whatever they are doing this generation will be starting to shift to the next.

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Xbox 360 also received Soul Calibur port, Alan Wake, Dead Rising 1, Left 4 Dead 1/2, Witcher 2, Condemned: Criminal Origins, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Tenchu Z, Iron Brigade, Viva Pinata, Bullet Witch, Amped 3, Project Gotham Racing 3/4, Ace Combat 6, Ridge Racer 6, and Dead or Alive 4. It also had Bastion, Ninja Gaiden II, and Mass Effect 1 as timed exclusives. I would say they had a pretty good amount of exclusive games early in the generation and with many franchises going multi-platform it had a very good selection.

P.S. I know that is a parody account.

I’m talking about exclusives that they own that they can make internally. None of those titles aside from Viva Pinata (actually forgot about that one) M$ actually has which is what I’m getting at. Their Ips are really limited. So when the tide turned and Sony started taking the lead in the console market all those 3rd party exclusives dried up. Meanwhile Sony has at least a decent library of IPs that they have that they can push if they need too which is one of the things that brought the PS3 back out of the shithole it was in during the previous generation. M$ doesn’t have that.


there was also Kameo and Banjo Kazooie nuts & bolts.

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Yea…Kameo and Nuts n Bolts. Killer Apps.

Xbox had castle crashes too for the longest time. Probably the best XBL Arcade game released. So good.

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Sick…I missed out on the first run of Killer 7.


Killer 7 is being ported to PC. It releases this fall

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Still waiting on that Onimusha 5 and new Rival Schools lol

A new Rival Schools (or Darkstalkers) would do so well in the current anime friendly climate if it had a Arc System type graphic engine.

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Did Dogura crap in the bag of Aegis Reflector or something?

I’ll feel like a huge bitch if I buy SF30.

If nothing else it should be a good source of online ST play. AND maybe using shareplay to play A2. But no training for games without online? Still unforgivable.

Whats more fucked up is I have in this very thread, speaking on how this gen started with HD remasters, I have said nearly to a quote, “The only way I will buy some current gen rehash cashgrab, is if they make the old SF games in a compilation with online, and Tokyo Xtreme Racer” I mean one of them happened, and yet current Capcom still dropped the ball on that shit.


Imma need to make a new character to get involved with the PvP shenanigans once again.

more leveling insanity in Gears 4 Horde mode… I also decided to run through campaign again, though only on normal this time (*first time through I played it on Hardcore…was surprised when I actually made it all the way through… Hardcore on previous Gears games was enough to kick my ass) This is reminding me that Kait Diaz is one of the FINEST, most gorgeous pieces of ass in recent gaming history…goddamn it’s a shame that girl isn’t real. She’s voiced by Laura Bailey, who actually looks like that for real.

On Horde I got my Heavy character up to level 7 finally… so my 4th skill card is now a heavy weapons (mulcher, R-4 salvo, etc.) bonus…so I have that and the +40% marked damage and +100% boomshot damage. I had a great run early this morning with a team but we just couldn’t get past wave 44 no matter what… I think our major weakness was that all our fortifications were gone by that point, and we didn’t have enough power to afford new stuff. Sheeeeit, I can’t get enough of this damn game, obviously.