Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

As it should sell that many copies. It’s is one of the greatest games of all time. I feel sorry for fanboys who can’t enjoy multiple consoles and are going to miss out on it.

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Totalbiscuit passed away. Cancer claims another person’s life. :frowning_face:

already posted my dude

Didn’t realize, sorry for the double post.

Its cool man TB deserves a double post


Onrush looking good…


Just as a heads up Im probably going to be posting more so in the e3 thread until after everything is done

Also death battle did Leon Kennedy vs frank west

Haven’t watched it yet but money is on Leon.

Edit: yyyup…and oh lord they are doing dr. Fate vs dr. Strange next.

Frank only had an outside chance against Chris. Against Leon…no chance in fucking hell.


Oh yeah, cracking out on Dark Souls. pics later/tomorrow+gif assist+a breakdown of the progress I’ve been making. Too into my current playthrough to do it now.

Chris the OG > Leon.

Ignoring the incorrect statement, even if you do believe that, Frank just matches up better against Chris. Not saying he’d win, he really should get bodied by pretty much every RE protagonist, but it’d probably be the closest fight just due to styles.

How deep is God of War? In terms of lore, side quests and things you can explore? Is it as deep as Horizon: Zero Dawn? I didn’t expect much from that game and it blew me away. Though God of War is a definite buy once I have the money, I was wondering that.

damn that seems like such a mismatch… I’m not a big fan of the Dead Rising games but… we’re talking about a photojournalist dude vs. people like Leon and Chris from RE…people that appear to be on S.W.A.T.-level in terms training and tactics? BRUH, c’mon. :rofl:

Its not open world but pretty deep. You can do stuff for at least 50 hrs while the story is like…20+ I’m hearing. Haven’t finished it yet but I’m loving it

OG Dr. Strange beats Dr. Fate hands down but current Dr. Strange has been nerfed to obnoxious levels I’m not sure it’s even fair.

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That really does look like an attempt at a sequel to Metal Slug X. I loved Metal Slug X on PS1, still have my copy so I’m intrigued.

With that said how are the newer Metal Slug games? I think i remember not gelling with 5 very much and 3 being the last one i really enjoyed (I 1cced it even) but its been a really long time since i have played a Metal Slug, i really don’t have any clue what the newer games in the series are like.

Metal Slug XX is actually MS6 or 7 just given the X treatment. XX first came out on 3DS(DS?) years ago already. As for how they are, still same type of game but the graphics definitely weren’t as pretty(well, at least the background art anyway, it’s really really bad). Level and enemy design definitely seems better than 5 was though, which is probably the worst MS by far, but I haven’t played XX, just watched vids on it so I don’t know form firsthand experience.

It has playable Ikari Warriors though, which is cool

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I’m wondering something out of sheer curiosity: is the current state of XBox exclusives something one could have seen coming a mile away?

PS4 is getting major accolades these days for its exclusives (like God of War and Horizon Zero Dawn). However, these exclusives take YEARS to make. Even Uncharted 4 (which you know HAD to be a sure thing with PS4) came out 3 years after PS4 dropped. But now, we’re in harvest mode, and PS4 is waiting at the finish line for XBox to catch up so it can go home.

I’m wondering: was it easy to see XBox wouldn’t have these “Killer App” games around the time it came out (or close after it)? Or did Microsoft lie to fans about what they had coming out? I don’t know myself. What I do know is that on the Sony side of the console war, I hear stuff along the lines of “XBox fans should have known their console would be shit”. That has me curious to ask this. I personally bought a PS4 when it was time to go next gen just because of the E3 2013 fiasco. I wasn’t thinking about exclusives at all. But apparently, there was writing on the wall. Is this quasi-fact, or just “ha ha, we won” fanboy talk?

The early press conferences were focused on TV functionality. Early on games were bound to consoles with a limited number of transfers and required online connectivity for activation and use. The prick in charge even outright insulted people for wanting backwards compatibility and not wanting the mandatory spy camera active 24-7. That jackass sank the ship and Microsoft’s gaming division has felt like an afterthought ever since. He has been the butt of jokes ever since then and the focus of many parodies.

I think that after the cancellation of Scalebound and articles about games as a service the first party direction was relatively clear. With that said, the PS4 is the first PlayStation console I felt was underdeveloped and disappointing in the hardware department. Every other console despite some design flaws felt like it was contemporary.