Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

I ignore the story entirely. I’m in it purely for the Disney. Fuck what Sora, his friends and organization XIII do. I want to relive some Disney classics.


Yea I’m in for the Disney and FF cameos at this point, story jumped the shark with KH2, now it’s just about kinda fun combat and silly cross.overs for me.

With said won’t be getting it till it’s used and a good deal cheaper, you lost my enthusiasm for the series about 8 or so years ago.

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I can agree with that, story got way too convuluted at KH2 to where its kinda hard to follow and pretentious. Sometimes keeping things simple is better

Time travel ruins everything

Except Chrono Trigger


Or Legacy of Kain, or Back to the Future, or Sly 4 or…or…or lol


I’ll give you chrono trigger. It handles time travel exceedingly well and doesn’t make it super goofy or off putting. The rest I hard disagree with tho

Sly 4 is a bad example. It use of time travel cause continuity problems and plot holes.

i thought you werent a mod anymore.
so you still retain mod like powers somehow? what did you say you were now? a leader? leaders cant have that power. unless they have on military uniforms like good lil dictators. at least they shouldnt.

people? lol those dont exist anymore. they died out in 2005.
only things walking around these days are NPCs with a stupid high polygon count.
as long as you wearing your 1080p glasses. my ophthalmologist keeps talking some crazy talk about 20/20 something something and i only understand pixel density.

A ballad for Pertho

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This video goes through MK11’s Krushing Blow mechanic, which is more complex than I initially thought.

I think it’s a bit too complex, but maybe I’ll grow to like it when the game drops. They need to make the button you press to trigger it universal though. I know that.


I’m replaying RE2 on my PS3 to some I can have the original fresh on my mind when I play the remake. I probably need a better way to play it because my PS3 is a fucking jet engine. The screwdriver I have can’t reach the security bolt so I can’t open the fucker up to blow off the dust.

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Damn, MK trynna get deep and complex. Krushing Blow not bad, complicated but not bad. Im intrigued :thinking:

I feel like a grandma with these new fighters. Maybe I’ll just go back to 3rd Strike

It made for awesome as fuck platforming levels with fantastic themes, fuck a continuity in a childtens platformer. It didn’t even really effect much honestly and I bet money that shit was going to be addressed in the sequel anyway.

Time travel was fantastic for that game, it added soooooooo much awesome stuff that who really gives a shit about a couple minor time snafus, the fact we clearly won’t ever get another one is heart breaking as fuck.

Sanzaru belted that shit outta the park, pure home run, and everyone treated them like shit for it. Was sad.

it’s definitely too complex. Feels kinda forced to me. Obviously it keeps things exciting but I don’t agree with the way it’s done.

Leaders still have some limited form of moderating power.

That said, since we technically did lose a mod with Preppy being on hiatus, I’m giving Pertho more teeth and making him an actual mod.


Bad month for games. January used to be less of a starin on my wallet. Can’t spend now but I’ll pick up stuff in a few months I guess

As overwhelming and complex as it seems by the time the game settles and the Meta is establish crushing blows will probably flow with ease within matches.

It’s just new mechanic jitters.

audible sigh

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Was at my buddies house tonight and he’s been playing Darksiders 3 and showed me quite a bit of it, for like an hour or so. That game is pretty cool and straight up God of War ripoff, and the world was a bit bland, but overall it was still pretty cool. Not something I’d probably play myself and keep interest in but it looked fun.

He showed me RDR2 also and that game would just bore me to death. It was cool when he was in this gun battle though and had to use a gatlin gun, but moving around the world was just so slow and boring. Graphics and voice acting was pretty damn fantastic though.