Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

I hate how much this model of nickel-and-diming the consumer has caught on. I hope gamers continue this current trend of speaking with their wallets, like we saw with EA and Battlefield V last year. It’s the only thing these publishers understand.


I straight up refuse to buy games with microtransactions. It’s fucking repulsive


Jesus fuck, you don’t have to be an actor/musician to be a celebrity within certain communities. Wong, Daigo et al are definitely treated as celebrities by a lot of people in the gaming world (and many dickriders). Saying that SonicFox doesn’t have that same stature in acknowledgement within the gaming communities is hilarious.


Eh, I’ll still buy them used if it’s a good game. I just won’t buy the micros.

My main problem with micros these days are that games are built with them as an integral part, and things suffer as a result. There’s the “ugly friend” effect, where the rest of the game has to be made worse/more “grindy” to make the micros more attractive. You see that all around, from NBA2K charging you an arm and a leg to do anything in virtual currency, to loot boxes, to straight-up pay-to-win like EA tried to pull with Battlefront 2.

It’s a virus, and it’s going to keep going unless regulation steps in or whales stop buying micros.

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It’s easy to avoid games that do all that microtransaction shit though. I don’t think I have played a game where they are an integral part of the game or anything like that, ever. Same with loot boxes, I’ve never played a game that has those, which is probably why I don’t even see what the big deal is about those, when people who purchase them are aware of how they work.

Well, I haven’t played one where they’re integral either. The closest I’ve come with that is COD BO3 and 4, and those are relatively easy to avoid.

But I still realize that this WILL touch something I really care about if the pattern continues. I’m hype for Mortal Kombat 11, but I’m nervous to see what microtransactions they’re going to try and implement. I heard gear in Injustice 2 (I didn’t play it) was a grind, and all the customization stuff they’re going for is ripe for micros. Warner Bros, while not as synonymous with shady MTX as EA and Activision, are not clean either. We’ll just have to see.

calm your tits.

That’s on the people treating them that way. They’re literally just dudes who are good at video games.

Never said he didn’t? I like watching him play but he’s still literally just a dude who plays video games and that’s all he, diago or any other player will ever be.

Well, maybe except Justin. He’s always had a job up until he signed with Echofox, but he’s no longer with echofox as of a few days ago and has a real job as a game designer.

Hell, I have bought FIFA the last 2 years, and haven’t invested a single penny in microtransactions. Just leave that to the people who are thirsty for winning.

What I didn’t like in Injustice 2 is that the gear system would unlock new moves for several characters, making it some grade A BS. It’s like saying Ryu can only gain access to his Hadoken if you use his bearded costume. What a bunch of fuck…

Wether SonicFox is a celeb or not doesn’t really matter, the only people who seem to give a shit about his attire are people who don’t even go to the events. No one who goes to events seems to give a single fucking shit so is suggest the rest of you shut the flying fuck up about. Just stop. Same with the cosplaying, no one gives a shit except you chuckle fucks. Unless you’re actually going out and try to get something just changed then just stoo. you’re pissing into the wind and getting your shoes all messed up.

Stop it.


It’s because people really have nothing on him to make fun of him. Can’t make fun of him for being black, can’t make fun of him for being gay, so they go after the easy target of him being a furry.

It’s like back in the early-mid 2000’s when people would say Justin Wong’s profencity in a game depended on how fat he got in between evos.

It’s just low hanging fruit.

Why would any half decent person make fun of someone for being black or gay?

You are going for some low hanging fruit here and cherry picking your arguement.

SRK is not composed of half decent people.


Despite being the Fgc being pretty open to anyone when it comes to learning the game: a lot of people in the Fgc (a lot) are not half way decent people. Also it’s like you’ve never been on the internet.

No. I’m not. People constantly attack others because they’re different. My examples are perfectly valid.

Anyone play Raw Data on PC or PSVR?

I’ve played a few though. Before the microtransactions were removed the endgame for Shadow of War was super grindy. It definitely felt like the game was pushing you to buy a lootbox to reduce the tedium to complete the game.

Do any of you assholes defending a dude as if he had an actual RIGHT to be free of criticism for his constantly wearing a bright blue Furry fetish fuck suit in public, actually have a post-secondary education?

Or a GED, even?

Serious question.

Because you capacity for rational thought is off the charts like a Slayer single on Christian Top Ten Radio.

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I have a GED. I’m just not impressed by the feckless and useless whining of people on an internet web forum. If he bothers you so much go actually do something about it instead of whining about it here like its going to change anything. Unless you’re going to start a movement to get things changed, you know actually do something about the thing you bitch and whine about it, no one wants to hear it. No one is interested in useless belly aching that accomplishes nothing. Petho has spent two years whining about cosplay (yes whining) and its accomplished nothing except making him kind of annoying.

Either do something productive about the “problem” that hurts absolutely no one, or shut the fuck up. I may just have a GED, but at least I’m not a useless asshole who thinks he should get to tell other people what to do while whining uselessly about it on the internet.


This is the new age where everyone is offended by everything and they have to let everyone know that they are offended.


Tumblr is thataway>>>>>>

Dang, you guys are letting that blue fox fucker idiot live rent-free in y’alls’ heads LOL. You hate him that much, huh?