Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

4chan mentality. Cohesive arguments are not allowed.

REmake 2 takes about 10 hours for each character


So is Akuma finally gonna be playable in the RE2 remake or nah?


Xian doesnā€™t hide his fondness of JAV and even posted gifs of some the favorite scenes on his Twitter. Did people forget when LI Joe tried to get Brazzers to sponsor him? Fuck out of here with this moral guardian shit.


I thought brazzers did sponsor him but then had to drop him because TOā€™s obviously wouldnā€™t let them have a booth at their majors?

Either way, I agree its really fucking stupid that people are trying to be morally conscious and claim the high ground about this when tooons of other pro players do grimy shit.

These videos show exactly why MK gibberish should be gone.

I mean, if a move has a name say the fucking name, not ā€˜lickmyassonsundaybestā€™.

Past UMK3, itā€™s not welcome.

Unfortunately, I guess thereā€™s some things Boon will probably never get rid of.

From what I remember, had he landed the sponsorship he would be forced to be low key about it. He couldnā€™t have it on his handle, couldnā€™t be said on stream, or anything like that. It would have defeated the purpose of the sponsorship since he couldnā€™t promote the brand. It killed the deal.

Oh. Word? Thatā€™s a bummer.

True but he is a fighting game celeb at most. Fighting games are niche in eSports for the most part. And unlike say ā€˜Ninjaā€™ none of his games are popular enough that he is going to be moved to a status that will put him into the spotlight where his outfit or more specifically his Twitter will get him in main stream crosshairs and become a liability for someoneā€™s company.

Gonna try broadcasting some Beatsaber if anyone wanna see my skills. Havenā€™t really used streaming directly from ps4 before.


Yeah, I guess itā€™s engrained so deeply in the MK culture that at this point it will be hard to get rid of. I mean, to me it still makes no sense that Raiden, a thunder god, would be shouting out gibberish through most of his moves, but itā€™s whatevs.

I hope MK 11ā€™s customization options are not similar to Injustice 2ā€™s BS gear system.

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MK gibberish is honestly apart of MKā€™s charm. If it ainā€™t broke donā€™t fix it.


Rogue One writer has thoughts on how EA and and the possibly canceled Star Wars game

ā€œIt has been catastrophically mismanaged. If I were Disney, Iā€™d be fucking furious. I saw a bunch of that game, and it looked terrific. It would have been Star Wars Unchartedā€
Wellā€¦lootboxes wonā€™t work as well in an Uncharted style of game soā€¦

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EA and Microsoft havenā€™t believed in single player content for a while. They feel there is no place for the single player experience in modern day gaming despite Sony, Nintendo and countless Indy devs proving them wrong countless of times. They are all about games as a service, continuous dlc and season passes, eCurrency and loot boxes to extend their contents life.

This shouldnā€™t be surprising to literally anyone. Itā€™s why Amy Hennig left EA when they closed Visceral.


lol. stop. he is a celeb. of sorts. not A list. maybe not even C list but he is a celeb. for the love of god we are talking about the guy.
because he IS a celebrity.
he won eSports player of the year at the VGA
stahp it.
tryin to make him sound like he is some unknown obscure player in the shadows. lmfao


sheeeeit, Diablo 3 season 16 is on and poppinā€™ā€¦I settled on making a Monk as my main character hereā€¦ named him ā€œMANOSā€ (theā€¦Hands of Fate)ā€¦ only level 15 at the momentā€¦ on Switch. Iā€™ll play it on XB1 as well and make a Necro on that.

Saving the Challenge Rift until the season start was definitely a good choice (itā€™s a Sunwoku Monk build this week)ā€¦ the reward for beating that is huge for a fresh characterā€¦ I got 4 million gold and various other thingsā€¦ more than enough to upgrade my stash tab multiple times and fully upgrade the blacksmith, jeweler and mystic vendors. The adventures of the mysterious warrior known only as ā€œMANOSā€ have only just begunā€¦

Your term of celebrity is greatly different than the actual term celebrity is. Mainly because you want it to fit your bullshit narrative.

no. you are the one trying to fit the square peg into the round hole.
"sonicfox is just a regular joe schmoe that plays videa gamez. "

stop it.

we are regular guys just playing video games.

he is a pro that makes an actual income playing for a living. who appears on your tv screen for it.
who are you trying to kid?


Isnā€™t that fucking ridiculous? God of War and Spider-Man sold a fuck ton, and God of War ended up GOTY. Not to mention last yearā€™s success with BotW and Odyssey. And now we get fucked out of what sounds like a really cool game. Dumb.


Still doesnā€™t make him even close to a celebrity. Thatā€™s like saying actors in commercials are celebrities. The fact you spend so much time talking about him and have so much vitriol towards him is very telling. As well as unsettling.

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