Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

I rather they take that chance with a dress code over seeing tourneys getting defunded or canceled because one guy can’t leave his fetish gear at home.

I strongly disagree.

Even 7-11 has a “No shoes, no shirt, no service”, policy.

Basic standards are legit.

Sonicfox going to a tourney in Furry garb is no different than a Gimp going to a gala ball.

It is unacceptable.


You guys strongly hate the furry shit. I get it. If the guy was actually doing the sexual fetish shit on stage or he had clearly questionable fluids on the suit then I’d probably further understand where you guys are coming from. However, he’s essentially cosplaying. He’s not doing harm to anyone cept your imaginations one what you constantly think about what he’s doing in the suit when he isn’t at a tournament. If I’m not going to shit on someone for wearing a skanky Bowsette costume then I’m not gonna shit on Sonicfox for his suit. We’re probably going to be at an impass on this


I won’t shit on someone for wearing a skanky Bowsette costume, either.

Because she’d probably enjoy that too much.

But I’d not let her in the venue.

That’d be like chucking industrial waste grade chum into a shallow Pacific reef.

Aaaaand the Australian Ratings Board has just listed Persona Q2.

3DS is getting some high notes in its Taps.

Sonicfox dressing in his fursona doesn’t effect anyone in any way. People are choosing to be “offended” because of the stigma furries have. It’s pretty fucking silly.

None of the TO’s, Sponsors or top players care. He has fun with it and so do others. He’s had harada, Boone and other producers and top players of the fighting games he plays wear the fur…mask, hood? Whatever it’s called.

Even when people on twitter draw his fursona 9/10 they’re pg and he next to never talks about being a furry, unless he’s st s furry convention. Usually about gay rights or video games.

I use to be bothered by furries. But then I fucking grew up and got over it.


I am not bothered by people not wearing shirts or shoes.

I think it is tacky, and dumb as all fuck, but to each their own.

But I fully understand the want for certain standards.

Different places and events having different expectations and requirements for dress codes is not unreasonable, imo.

Though I’ll go out on a limb and say tourneys ought to enforce a basic hygiene standard, with a smell check protocol at the door, as a higher priority.

It would make the competitive party game take up less stage time if nothing else.

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I had a friend that use to work for Wizards of the coast as a judge for magic the gathering and he went to a store when he was visiting Amsterdam and during their draft tournament he played in when they were handing out booster packs for the draft they were also handing out travel size deodorant and cologne.


Tf you need a dress code for at a tourney? Its just a bunch of niggas playing video games, not a damn wedding🤦🏾

If that guy wanna cosplay, let him, he ain’t hurting nobody


For whatever reason it’s really hard for people to grasp this concept.


I don’t see the issue enforcing standards of basic hygiene and appropriate attire at a event.
We aren’t asking for people to be in the Sunday best, just some relatively normal clothing.

If we want eSports to get accepted as a legitimate event to the masses there at some point needs to be some decorum, there no way around it. This is not an anime con or a furry con or what ever, this is a professional competition.

I don’t care that sonic fox has a fursona, I dont care he has a fursuit. But there has to be a time and place for everything. And a Fur suit isn’t every day wear.

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Fuck Esports.


Unless he has jazz stains or sex toys sticking out of it, it just looks like weird elaborate cosplay. Given the crowds at most fighting game tournaments I see no problem. Renaissance fair gear is a fetishist too, doesn’t stop folk from wearing it out to different events in it.

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Have you ever been to an actual major like DreamHack, Final round, CEO or Evo? There is cosplay fucking everywhere now-a-days. And literally no one cares. Usually it’s even encouraged.

Also the only people who want to “legitimize” esports are the people who want to make money off it like TO’s and players. And again; they don’t care about cosplay. Furry or otherwise.

Bunch of people who don’t like being told what to do are sitting here talking about how we should tell another dude how to dress.

Fuck all ya’ll.


It’s fake outcry from a bunch of arm chair players who add nothing to the community

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You hear that, Frank?

Stu says you do nothing for the community.


Being a mod on a basically dead forum.
I don’t really know what pertho does outside of that. Maybe he sets up locals? If so that’s cool.

And I know I don’t add anything to the community. I’ve lkterally never claimed otherwise. But know I I don’t let stupid shit like how someone dresses effect me

In the grand scheme of things almost none of us truly contribute anything to the community outside of buying the game and playing against rando’s online. Most the time we just bitch about how much x game sucks or why x fighter is still even in the line-ups of majors.

Do we regularly travel to majors/regionals tournaments? Or even locals? Unlikely. Are there any of us who make combo videos, discover new tech, updates about patches or new characters, post tutorials or anything like that? Probably not. We’re all just pot monsters and/or arm chair players.

So don’t try to be all uppity at me and start shit that you have no ground to start.

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When sponsors actually say something about a dress code, they’ll consider it. As it is now, every sponsor and financial supporter of the FGC either don’t give a rat’s ass about a player’s dress, or actively encourage what they do. And no, there’s no magical Christmas land of a huge financial backer coming out of nowhere just waiting to throw money at the FGC once they do a dress code.

In fact, the one major thing that separates the FGC from pretty much every other eSports game is inclusion no matter the circumstance. Invitationals and the like are not the top of the FGC. It doesn’t matter if you’re the best player in the world, or some scrub off the street. You can join a major tournament, even one as grand as Evolution, and sit next to anyone on the sticks and at that point you are equals. You don’t need a specialized team, you don’t need a wealth of money. Just the time and willingness to play, no matter your background, race, sex, nationality, or even strict ability at the game.

If the FGC went the MOBA route, the FPS route, in strictly enforcing many things while also making Invitationals the necessary component to compete, then Fighting Games would immediately lose a lot of their luster.

Honestly, everyone was worried for a long time that the push into “legitimacy”, into eSports would ruin the FGC’s aura and community driven style. But ultimately that hasn’t been the case. Yeah, we lost a fair bit of our griminess, but ultimately at no point do I or many people feel unwelcome at events. Now, even Fighting Game developers are making more and more efforts to connect with the playerbase even on a personal level.

The FGC, through it all has found a way to rise its own stock, while not losing sight on the very core of its essence. Now, am I fan of Sonicfox’s gear? I mean, not really but at the same time I don’t care if he wears it. It’s his right to do what the hell he wants.

Matter of fact, you want him to stop wearing that shit? Then settle it like we do in the FGC. Step up to him, play him in whatever game, and get him to do it.


Lol hypeness