Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Anyone who think that wearing a sexual fetish suit in public is okay, is an idiot.

Anyone who thinks that Sonicfox wears it for any other reason than to incite offense, is a fool.

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Damn man, most of those MK 11 faces look uncanny as hell and some of the attack special effects are borderline obnoxious. I think I am too spoiled by Injustice 2’s presentation to be amazed by MK 11’s. Kinda wish they would just give me Kung Lao in Injustice 2 at this point…

If there’s a law against it, feel free to report him to the proper authorities.

Literally anything in this day and age could be taken for a sex fetish suit. I know if I see a cute girl in a skirt with knee high sucks I immediately want to destroy that. Does that mean she shouldn’t be allowed in public wearing that? No. It doesn’t.

When he first started wearing it I doubt it was to incite people. But now since people are being so openly “offended” by it. Especially after the video game awards I’m sure that there is absolutely part of him that wears it to incite people. Those people just really need to get over it.

I dont like SonicFox but as long as he doesn’t jizz on anyone we can let him put his freak suit on.

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Its not even a question of his behaviors but how the sponsors start to feel about it. Big tourneys do get sponsors, and when sponsors pulls out so do their money.

haha, I just think it’s funny how the dude stands out like a sore thumb in that lineup of profile pics…and in just about every other situation I’ve seen him. The whole thing is hilarious in how bizarre it is to me… that’s pretty bad when a weirdo like me is laughing at how strange something is. Imagine any other gathering—you show up at work, a wedding, a gathering at a friend’s house, church or whatever… everyone else there is in regular clothes… and there’s this 1 guy that showed up dressed as an armadillo. C’mon man that’s not odd? We just roll with that like there’s nothing peculiar about it? :rofl:

Back on other gaming stuff… season 16 of Diablo 3 hadn’t started yet… that was just the end of the previous season on Wednesday… new season actually starts tonight apparently at 5pm PST. I’m still not quite sure which to start off as a “main” character for the seasonal rewards… it’s close between Monk and Necromancer, since they gave Witch Doctor that booty-ass Arachyr set that doesn’t interest me.

On another note— Crusader is still one of the least interesting characters to play in that game, imo… the popular/powerful build for him at the moment is “Hammer-din” or whatever, and that shit looks silly in a bad way to me…throwing some janky-looking hammers over and over? GET the fuck outta here with that. They should’ve come up with some better looking moves and abilities for that character. The only way Crusader is even slightly interesting to me is if you play up how “tanky” he can be, and focus on a “thorns damage” kind of build…nearly everything else about that character is just lame.

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People are playing a game where characters rip each others spines out and eat their opponent’s brains and yet the biggest issue about this is the weird fox suit one of the competitors is wearing because, well, that crosses a line.




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It’s been talked about here for hours so apparently some people care about it a lot.

The idiot would be the guy thinking a guy dressed like a sports team mascot is a sexual deviant simply for doing so. You have a narrow mind worldview if you think the guy just wants to fuck while in his suit.

You really gonna pull the “will someone think of the children” level bullshit? If sponsors gave a fuck they would have said something. Sonic Fox is a sponsored player btw.

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I didn’t say shit about children.
Dont put words in my mouth.

With stuff like MK I know fgc isnt for kids.

Also I am not talking about player sponsors, I speaking of tournament level sponsors, the people who help foot the bill for new consoles, displays and help fund the tournament, maybe contribute to the purse at a particular tourney.

You took that statement about children too literal.

Again, that’s never been an issue with any kind of sponsor. Why would it became one now? Because you personally hate furries?

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Look what ever, I just saying don’t bug me when someone dress like they are Dr Frankfurter from Rocky Horror Picture Show or someshit.

Apparently nobody here has ever watched a Raiders home NFL game. Many of you would be super triggered if so.


This thing about sponsorships is interesting to me especially in the case of sonicfox. If dude was was garbage you might actually have a point…but in this case you don’t because of who Sonicfox is. If you are a sponsor…you mean to tell me that you are going to look at what Sonic fox does on a daily, monthly, yearly basis and pass over him just because of the suit? Really? That doesn’t sound like good business sense to me.


Have you ever been to a tournament? Have you seen the type of cosplay that’s present? Some people are practically naked. Why the hell would sponsors care about SonicFox’s fursuit?


What, ever I’ll drop the issue.

As for cosplay, I am painfully aware of how various cosplayers looked. I staff at a few anime cons.

Because SonicFox routinely likes and retweets furry porn on his twitter. Looking up the whole furry will also invariably lead you to a bunch of porn. The eSports model is goofy because its trying to make money off of merch sales and from the players themselves getting alternate sponsors. Whatever happens or doesn’t when it comes to getting companies sponsor the eSports team, apparently they never have a convo of “Well, just so you know a guy that walks around in a fruity fuck suit at competitions is part of the team, but don’t worry he is really good.”

Because before this run up of wacky acceptance for furries, it was pretty common for kids to run into furry porn while looking up mascots in ye old internet of 2006-2014.

but but what about cosplay

Look, if you bring a kid to an FGC tournament, you’ll have to make accomodations for the Cammy/Mai cosplayers or any other scandalous character. You aren’t exactly trying to explain to people wtf is going on with the guy playing in a gimp suit.

Considering I just got done coordinating an annual SRK event that you really like, you legitimately have a lot of fucking gall saying some stupid shit like that. But I also keep track of members and get into fights over whether or not people in here should be allowed to make fun of people grieving (making people chill about Chester Bennington was a super popular decision).

I also keep track of a lot of random SRKers because ultimately this is a community. Sure, I can’t be as cool as Wiz coming down at random and banning a person (because apparently I can’t be trusted with actual mod powers in SRK). But I can be cool enough to remember that your original account’s sig was a memorial to two family members, a brother and a cousin. I’m also cool enough to remember that we have, at least, 2 SRKers who are very likely two die in the next 2-5 years, and a couple of others with health issues. Team Family Man is also pretty big. It would’ve been bigger if one hadn’t gone through a bad divorce, another through an abortion he didn’t want to happen and who knows what other craziness has happened.

So yeah, SRK its at its lowest point and I’ve basically seen it get there through a bunch of bad decisions. But you probably shouldn’t be so flippant as to say it is suddenly irrelevant or that human connections in it don’t matter.

A lot of you guys put a considerable amount of your lives in this forum. If you don’t think somebody is keeping track or paying attention, well you’re wrong. I can’t keep an eye on all of you in the same way as I used to, but you guys can keep an eye on each other. If you want this place to be nice, there’s a lot of ways to do it. None of those will probably come from the higher ups. So if you disregard it, the people on top will too. Y’all have a blessed day.


I may give you shit, it is all in good fun, but I won’t dismiss you contributions to the community. I’ll be happy to show up to your streams, call you Perth0-2 in Twitch Chat, and have you call out my scrub level play on stream for old times sake :wink: