Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

Don’t get me wrong I 98% of the time I am physical copies. But when Black Friday weekend rolls around and there are some sweet digital sales I will absolutely fill my digital cart full of shit. Like I did this past Black Friday weekend with the Switch. I bought a shit ton of digital games.

I also go in knowing that buying digital isn’t a permanent thing when it comes to owning the game. Digital shops can and will close. It just happens that way. I stopped sweating that fact a long time ago.

It’s why I’m okay with buying music and movies digitally now (though I doubt iTunes will ever shut down)

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If systems go pure digital, then I see no reason to buy systems anymore.

Because Steam is getting the overwhelming majority of 3rd party software, nowadays.

Console exclusives will be the only thing potentially keeping them going at that point.

I say this as a guy who has a PS4 Pro with a TB Samsung SSD in it, with an exclusively digital library on it (THANKS, Black Friday).

Were it not for my having been between desktop rigs due to some factors completely removed from the discussion, and wanting a quick fix as I get a new one, I’d have never invested in a console.

Everything exclusive to Bawks will come to PC, in time.

Sony has absolutely nothing I want, per exclusives.

That leaves Ninty, and their qua handheld, with their overwhelming focus on family.

That focus will ensure Ninty stays physical for a long time to come.

Cart-based, no less.

It is just good sense, when selling to parents of a pre-teen demographic.

But all of this ought to be obvious.

Let Sony and MS go full digital.

It will be the end of all consoles not sporting Italian plumber mascots.

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Was playing my PS1 yesterday so…um…yes.


I just see this development for the Wii/Wii U as open season for Hacking.

Every time I boot up my PS4, and find it is lacking a miserable pile of secrets, I mentally kick rocks.

Big rocks.

And break them.

Like a flexible Chris Redfield.

You also have to remember, with all of these caps, downloading a 50+ gb game regularly for some people simply is not going to be possible. There’s also tons of people who are still on DSL and non-broadband connections. You gotta remember how many people live in bumfuck nowhere in this country.


that was you?!?!

you owe me $13.99

I live in Cox-fuck Maricopa County, so I already experience bullshit caps.

Fuck everything to do with abandoning net neutrality.

Fuck The Fed.

PS4 has Miserable Pile of Secrets tho…

They changed that.

Not the same?

Yeah a majority of america dont have access to reliable high speed broadband internet
And it’s a major failing of all the telecom companies out there and the government.

The Fight for better internet is so bad that major cable companies such as Comcast using legal muscle to keep Cities from forming their own ISPs or keepting services like Google Fiber out of areas.

In Baltimore city, we got this stupid archaic law that’s been on the books longer than the we been a country where you have Ground Rent. You can own the house it self but not the plot of land its on, well Comcast actually owns the land their cables are buried in so they can (try to) legally keep everyone else from burring their own lines, only people who actively fights and don’t give a fuck about Comcast is the Electrical Utility provider here BGE, BGE numerous times accuse Comcast of abusing their power and said fuck you to their property and did their own shit anyways.

There are these things called external hard drives that you can use to back up your games and straight up install the digital games to. Preserving them isn’t an issue.

It will be a piracy box just like any other consoles before it. Side load whatever you want to it and your golden.

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Lullaby of Woe from The Witcher 3 performed live

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The thing about digital store fronts with exclusive games closing down isn’t just about people being able to kept content they purchased, it’s also about people in the future who will potentially want to play said games. Say you have someone who becomes a fan of Castlevania. They will now have no way (legally anyways) to be able to play the wii shop exclusive Castlevania: The Rebirth. Then as for backing up purchases on hard drives, what happens if said hard drive happens to fail? You can’t go just legally download it or even buy it again. People will have to resort to rom sites by that point. Which Nintendo is also hell bent on taking down now.

Hell. We just saw WB pull all the Lego Lord of the Rings and Hobbits games from all digital platforms recently. Now physical is your only option for owning them if you even want them. Lol.
And I know everyone on SRK was pissed when Capcom pulled all the Marvel fighters off psn and xbl several years ago. Granted those examples have the luck of being available through other means.

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Ah yea i forgot you cant seem to play tue PS1 classic games on PS4? I always play Symphony on my Vita. I think it’s an infinitely better portable game.

It is a failing of Konami to not both English tracks and the Japanese vocal track as options in that collection, but then I guess par for the course with Konami these days.

I own SOTN and Rondo A couple of times already so think I’m gonna end up passing on the PS4 collection. If rather have a collection of the more obscure Castlevania games like Bloodlines, X68k CV, CVIV is still only playable on the SNES I believe. Rondo is my favorite, but it and Symphony are kinda turning into the RE4 of Castlevania games. Would like to see the others please, or how about giving CV a rest and give me a Gradius Collection, preferably on Switch, but ill take PS4 as well. Gradius 1-5 and Gaiden please.

And since someone mentioned it bring the ReBirth games over in I dunno a ReBirth collection maybe? Easy money.

Whatever, my lunch break is over.

Yeah. I live in a pretty rural area in the south and when I worked at GameStop here we’d constantly get people returning xbones, ps4s along with (opened) new copies of online only games like Destiny, Elderscrolls online and FFXV just to name a few due to them not having internet or them only having a hot spot on their phone. Sometimes even dial up.

At first I was somewhat sympathetic because the system or game was usually for their kid but after a while I was just had a “do your fucking research before you buy something” mentality and would come off as very abrasive.


I actually don’t find that too abrasive because there’s only but so many times you can make the same fucking mistake. Why would you buy anything that you are about to drop around 60 bucks for and NOT do the research on it?


I didn’t get a chance to watch that Katana Zero trailer but it caught my attention. Glad it didn’t disappoint. Probably will be buying that.

Who knew that saying Smash isn’t a fighting game got you verbally jumped on YouTube?