Video Game General 6.3: Sekiro has so many damn chickens man. Chickens Everywhere!

It saddens me that Konami never ported the Rebirth games to other consoles. I would love it if M2 can port them over to the Switch as a collection.


We were always told to push AAA titles since their studios always spent a fuck ton on advertising in GameStop stores. Especially Madden and Call of Duty. And it didn’t matter who the customer was or why they were there, we were told to push push push when it came to those games preorders. I hated it because I had no interest in those games or selling those kind of games.

Whenever it came to RPG’s and Fighters though I would light up like a Christmas tree and crush our preorder goals


I hate when Game Stop tried to force Pre-orders on me.
No I dont want the new Madden, CoD, or what ever else gets released on a yearly basis.
I sometimes have to get just as pushy to tell the sales clerk I don’t care what they have to offer.

It reminds me for new games I usually just go to Amazon or Best Buy now, I use use GS for accessories or used games. And I havent gotten shit from them in a while. Amazon is my go to for pre-orders ans Best Buy if I didn’t preorder. I Did best buy preorder once, fuck that its the one think GS does better.

I haven’t stepped foot in a GameStop since I quit over 2 years ago and I can count on one hand how many times I’ve used their online store.

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The last 3 things I can remember buying from them was Dead Cells on Switch because I was flying 2 days later and wanted the physical copy, and they were the only local place that had it. Then I bought Yoku’s Island Express when it was converted and was only $20, so I got a “used” copy that was the opened “new” copy they had just converted. And the other thing was a headset for PSVR because it as like 1/2 off and a good one (TB Stealth 350 VR). That’s probably in the past 2 years.

My Switch console was the last thing I brought from GameStop. I traded in my Wii U the day after the Bayonetta 3 announcement and Switch ports of the first two games.

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The last things I’ve bought at GameStop have been
Katamari Demacy: ReRolled (They had exclusivity for Physicals edition)
Diablo III Loot Goblin Amiibo (GameStop Exclusive)
Player 2 Cloud Amiibo (GameStop Exclusive)
BotW Zelda Amiibo (Best Buy sold out)

And that’s over the past 2+ years and all online.

Define push. I’ve never had a gamestop employee push a preorder me. They ask and when I say no they move on.

Honestly it varies from store to store (at least when I worked there it did.) but now that Circle of Life is the backbone of GameStop (google it, it’s a fucked up system) I’m sure it’s even worse.

But my original store we were pretty lax on preorders outside of the big ones like CoD, FIFA and Madden. Then we were suggested to be “aggressive sellers” and push the idea that buying the game was in the customers best interest and preordering it would be benifitial. If they decided to preorder it we would then push to preorder attachments along with it(any announced dlc/season pass, warranties, strategy guide, eCurrency, etc)

It always fucking bummed me out and gave me anxiety because I hated coming off as that kind of employee and hated GameStop being represented in that manner.

When I transferred stores Circle of Life was slowly being introduced to stores and I was told to be aggressive about preorders and attachments m regardless. Whether it was a game we were paid to promote (cod, fifa, Madden etc) or a game coming up we we think the customer would be interested in based on their purchase history (which we could look up if they were a rewards member)

Circle of Life is slowly killing GameStop as an employer because it makes the company even at an entry level unnecessarily cut throat for no reason except for to make people you’ll never meet more money.

Please let Keener be around…so I can put a bullet in his head.

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Fortnite made a ton of money last year

I remember when I traded in my X1 and PS4 for a PS4 Pro, as the guy was ringing me up, he asked me if I wanted to preorder like 3 games, which was kind of annoying but whatever, and then he was like “and you said you wanted to get the warranty for the system right?” and I was like “we didn’t even talk about that and no I don’t want it.” and he was like “are you sure? i thought we did” and I’m like “I’m positive we didn’t just ring me up for the console.” That pissed me off quite a bit but I mean what can you do. I was nearly done the transaction anyways.

Oh shit and that reminded me, while he was testing out all my consoles some guy came in to pick up his order of a brand new game. The employee was like 'well you can get the used GOTY copy for $5 less and it comes with the DLC" and this guy who was buying the game clearly had no clue what that meant. He kept telling the kid working there “just get me what I ordered” and the employee like kept trying to explain it to him, almost talking down to him like he was an idiot for spending more for less content. The guy was like “this is a gift for someone I’m getting him what I was told just give me the game and let me leave.”

I saw him try to do stuff like this 1 or 2 other times, but not quite to that extent, and he actually got one mom to buy a used copy instead of the new one she was coming in to buy. This kid was like the typical doucebag gamestop employee you picture when people shit on gamestop.

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Yeah. Unfortunately a lot of GameStops were like that. Even more so now with Circle of Life. Pre-orders and attachments = more hours for you. Fail to reach the daily goal or weekly goal? Less hours.

I remember I was filling in at another store and a employee there was attaching warranties to used games without telling the customer (along with not giving them the warranty sticker) and I called him out on it and he just shrugged. I talked to Store Manager about it and he was like “yeah, I told him to do that. It helps our attachment goals.”

I was floored. I told him I refused to work at his store again because of this. I ended up emailing our district and regional managers about what happened as well though I never followed up to see if anything happened.


We are trained to do this, unfortunately. And to be aggressive about it. Used game, systems and accessories for the longest time was the only way GameStop made any profit. This was before exclusivity deals, thinkgeek and other factors.

that said, the mentality to sell used is still there because it’s still GameStops highest profit item.

Same here, I had looked around and GS was my only way of getting a Switch right after launch.
And I had to deal with their god awful online store and services. The hoops I had to jump though to get a proper tracking info and make sure they have my address correct is retarded.

The lines the poor GS under paid, over worked and consonantly yelled at employees would pretty much using the following lines aggressively:
“Hey do you want to pre-order this, how bout this, how bout this this and this”.

Sub in what ever game title or program that is relevant at the time.

Honestly it was aggressive to the point I was just ready to leave the store. Use Car salesmen aren’t this pushy.
From their behavior and patterns it made it clear to me that the store employees was being hammered to be that way because of their management, like they already faced disciplinary action.

That would explain why the staff is so pushy.

It wasn’t always this way. Before Circle of Life was introduced I was getting 40 hours a week. When I transferred stores and circle of life was introduced I was getting less than 20 hours. They’d throw me another shift here and there if my attachment rates were good that month. After about 3 months of that store I quit cause it just wasn’t worth it anymore and I hated how I was being treated.

I know I keep harping about Circle of Life and how shitty it is but it is literal cancer.

I just read up on the COL thing. Man I would hate to have been an employee when that started getting pushed on me. I saw one where they said 33% was for warranties on consoles. I don’t know one person who has ever gotten a warranty on a console in my entire life, and I know a bunch of people who had to send in 360’s due to RRoD (but they were replaced for free). That seems like it would be hard as shit to sell a warranty to someone on 1/3 consoles.

While I used to go to Gamestop I hated when they tried so hard to get me to buy used. Like motherfucker give the new copy, that shit better be sealed and I don’t want a fucking warranty or to preorder shit.

I won’t miss em.


My former local one, in Southern Illinois, finally got good people there, whom I was on friendly terms with, and they never asked during my last two years there.

But way back in the day, the former employees sold me my preordered Final Fantasy VII as new… used.

The cocksuckers had tried to sell me the employee rent-out copy.

But I knew something was off with the way the plastic was sealed (they had a shrink wrap machine in the back, btw).

And the fucktards were too stupid to wipe off their fingerprints from those classic black backed disks.

To Hell with GameStop - they don’t even rank dying in a fire.

Gamestop can go die in obscurity.